RegSnap 3.3.793 (portable)
Program for making Windows Registry "snapshots".
RegSnap 5.8.1920 (Install ENG & portable RUS)
Program for making Windows Registry "snapshots". Two versions in archive - original multilingual installation (without russian language support) and portable russian version without other languages support (Russian only). Classical popular version of this software.
BeOS / Utility / pinc Software
reindex 2.0.0
A small tool to add your older files to a newly created index, or to create indices from other volumes.
DOS / Games / Auswärtiges Amt, GLAMUS Bonn
Reise durch Europa 5.5
A game about the European Union, Multiplayer, Multilanguage (every player may select his/her own language). Supports VGA/EGA/CGA/Hercules and PC speaker.
DOS / Communication / RELAY Communications
Relay Gold 3.0
Relay/PC Gold is a powerful telecommunications program targeted at corporate users. It supports multiple communications sessions, scripting, file transfers, IBM 3270 connectivity, DEC Terminal emulation, and TCP/IP connectivity.
Windows NT/2000 / DBMS / BMC
Remedy Action Request System 4.5 4.5
BMC Remedy Action Request (AR) System. Tested using flatfile database option on Win XP, should also work on NT. Even works on Win 7 but hogs CPU. Provides 3 Admin licenses, limited to 1000 records. Very old version, but is great intro to Active Link and Filter development. Installer says is free to use without purchase.
DOS / Communication / RemoteAccess Central
Remote Access 2.60
RemoteAccess Version 2.60 This is the long awaited y2k upgrade to RemoteAccess. In addition to the Year 2000 fix (which uses the full four digit year) there are some additional features. Bruce Morse RemoteAccess Central
DOS / Communication / SergeCpp
Remote IPX monitoring for DOS 1
Remote screen watching and simple signaling and controlling of remote DOS-PCs. Works via IPX network protocol. Works also in DOS-boxes of Win 9x/ME. Assembly source texts included.
Windows 3.x / Communication / Stampede Technologies
Remote Office Gold 3.0
Remote Office Gold 3.0 provides remote LAN access over TCP/IP or NetWare's IPX protocol. It works through a client and host module, and the connection can be established between two modems or a modem and a multiplexing serial card like Digi International's DigiBoard. A serial card is not necessary if you have a free serial port, but the number of connections is limited by the number of available serial ports. This includes the original install diskettes in vfd (Winimage, or Virtual Diskette) format.
Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Pixar
Renderman for Windows 1.2
Pixar RenderMan is proprietary photo-realistic 3D rendering software produced by Pixar Animation Studios. Pixar uses RenderMan to render their in-house 3D animated movie productions and it is also available as a commercial product licensed to third parties. Serial Number: 2920699891
DOS / DBMS / Micropro
ReportStar 1.01
ReportStar is a report generator for DOS used in conjunction with DataStar. This archive contains three 160k disk images in raw IMG, ImageDisk, Teledisk, and CopyIIPC+Snatchit format. There appears to be no copy protection. Note that these disks are formatted for DOS 1.1x, which WinImage does not support.
DOS / DBMS / APTware Limited
Rescu5 and Secure5 deCompiler for Clipper 5
Decompiler EXE for Clipper (The King of database development for DOS).
Windows 9x/ME / Games / Europress Software
Rescue on Mars 1.1
Rescue on Mars is an action game pitting your spacecraft verses gravity. Keep your ship under control and you will succeed. Fly fast - die fast. Objective: Rescue all of the "Yellow Guys" from all of the "Blue Guys" before the mothership picks you up. Land your ship softly to pick up the Yellow Guys, and hover just above the ground to flame the Blue Guys.
DOS / System / Microsoft Corp
just does what is says...boots your system....place it in your c:\DOS folder ...useful for batch files etc.
DOS / Office / Pellagian Software
Restaurant DOS POS 5.4
Restaurant VAT Billing software has developed for beer bar, fast food corner, restaurant, sweet corners, ice-cream parlor and hotels, Cafeteria, Pizza-Hut, Pizzeria, Home Delivery Counter, Corporate Catering on customized concept of KOT ( Kitchen Order Token ) system. Software allows to make bill without KOT system. This software provide total item sale summary and daily sales summary without any burden.
Windows 9x/ME / Games / 3DO Interactive
Return Fire
Return Fire is a PC port of the 3DO game of the same title. Defend your underground bunker and attack the enemy's bunker using tanks, mobile missile platforms and attack helicopters in this free-roaming top-down 3D shoot-em up! Alternatively, go against another player in a capture-the-flag match! WARNING: Requires 265-color video mode.
Windows 9x/ME / Games / Microsoft
Return Of Arcade n/a
The first follow up to Microsoft Arcade was Microsoft Return of Arcade, released in 1995 and containing Galaxian, Pac-Man, Pole Position and Dig Dug. Contents are the original 3 floppy disks. Won't run in Windows 3.1 (even with WinG) as it was created to help the promotion of Windows 95 at that time. Installs fine though even on Windows XP.
DOS / Games / Infocom
Return to Zork 1.0
This is the floppy diskette version of Return to Zork. Not as multimedia rich, compared to the CD-ROM version, but still impressive. Remember to not kill the bonding plant in the start of the game or you cannot win!
DOS / Games / Infocom
Return to Zork CD v1.0 1.0
This is the CD version of Return to Zork. It has much better multimedia experience than the floppy-based version. Because the RTZ CD was mixed-mode, this is a BIN/CUE image, rather than an ISO. The image was tested in DOSBox 0.74, and works without issue. Detailed instructions on how to use it with DOSBox are included in the readme.txt. This archive also contains the patch to upgrade to v1.2. "Want some rye? 'Course ya do!"
DOS / System / Reveal
Reveal sc 400 Rev.4 Drivers (I38-MMSN830) 4
These are the Rev.4 drivers for the Reveal SC 400 video card with CD ROM drivers. Both for DOS/Win 3.1 and WIN 95. You might find it under this Reveal card is rebranded from Vibra. You might also find something along the lines of I38-MMSN830. I spent a few weeks digging to find them. It produces really good sound and is compatible with Sound blaster 16 & Sound Blaster Pro for Games.
DOS / System / Evergreen Technologies
Revto486 installer 1.1
The install disk for the RevTo486 cpu upgrade to take a 386 sx 16-25 MHz to a 486 32 - 50 MHz. Lha 2.55 used to archive the files
Rex Nebular 8.44
This is 3.5" floppy disk image.
DOS / DBMS / The Software Loft
RExL 2.11
RExL is a fourth generation language product for PC-compatible computers. RExL contains a dBase compatible database module with full indexing capabilities, a comprehensive screen and forms designer, a folding text editor and a debugger and runtime module. It is aimed at people who want to create powerful applications, with a consistent user interface, easily and simply. RExL has its own internal language (with over 180 functions), similar to BASIC, which is linked in a unique way with the concept of rules and logic to make programming more intuitive. The full screen debugger is based upon industry standard products and features step, trace, watch, evaluate, animate, breakpoints and many more useful commands.
BeOS / Utility / Will Kardel
RGB 1 1.0
A Tool, in order to determine RGB colors. The color value is copied as an RGB triple or hex value directly to the clipboard.
DOS / Games / Core Design
Rick Dangerous 1 + 2
Rick Dangerous v1 (1989) + v2 (1990) in one pack. Oldschool platformer fun. Key assignments are a bit weird though, but playable when you get used to it.