DOS / Other / ANDRoute
ANDRoute '95e Nederland voor MS-DOS[Dutch_NL] 95 and 95e
ANDRoute '95e Nederland voor MS-DOS[Dutch_NL] 2 versions route for the Dutch
Windows XP / Utility / Anbryziber
Angry IP Scanner 2.21
Angry IP Scanner (or simply ipscan) is an open-source and cross-platform network scanner designed to be fast and simple to use. It scans IP addresses and ports as well as has many other features.
DOS / Games / Microtime
Animal is a product tie-in to Unilever brand Peperami, a spicy pork salami sausage. The 'Peperami Animal' was launched in 1993 advertising with the slogan 'It's a bit of an animal'. This surreal adventure takes place in the town of Snackopolis, where tension between cookies, vegetables and other snack-creatures is on the rise. Just before the mayoral election, the current mayor and top candidate Dr. Pepereinstein is kidnapped while he is cloning Peperami. In addition, the cloning device was tampered with, with horrible results. As Peperami, a walking and talking sausage, you investigate and seek to rescue the mayor and to clean up the mess left from the cloning. You explore over 130 hand painted locations around the city, talk to other snacks to find clues, solve puzzles, and fight the bad guys. The game is a traditional point and click adventure with the exception of two DOOM-style first-person shooter sections at the end of the game.
DOS / Multimedia / Antoni Gual
Animated gif viewer ANIGIF99 9.9
Rich Geldreich made his pure QB GIF viewer back in 1993. Rich's program stopped halfway into the 89a spec, it displayed all frames of an animated gif in succesion without proper timing. It lacked also a transparent color, and looping. No one has gone further since then. So I decided to do my version: featuring SVGA and full animated GIFS, a step-by step mode, a frame saver in PUT format and a mouse file selector.
DOS / Games / Personal Companion Software
Animated Math 1.0
Animated Math teaches counting, addition and subtraction to children from pre-school through the first grade. Animated rewards are given every step of the way. Not just a drill, but a tutorial that gives graphic help as needed. Dinosaur connect-the-dot games and a build your own rocket game are provided as additional incentive.
BeOS / Multimedia / Jonathan Villemure
Animator 1.0
Animator is a small animation tool. Using Animator is really easy. Example : Drop file1.bmp. Drop file2.bmp. Drop file3.bmp. Set delay to "0.5 sec" and loop to "10 times". Then choose Animate. You'll see Animator looping between the 3 images 10 times with a 0.5 sec delay between each frame.
Animator Studio 1.1 1.1
Animator Studio 1.1 for Win 3.1/95
DOS / System / Kristofer Sweger
AnsiPlus 4.02 4.02
See details here: Release 4.02 Was released 3/1995 I had this in my collection and saw it was a version you didn't have. It cannot be downloaded from author's website, which is still up and running 12/2016 with most current released version of 4.06 from 3/2007.
DOS / Utility / Not specified
ANSIPLUS 4.04: Great console driver 4.04
ANSIPLUS 4.04: Great console driver for SVGA/VGA/EGA under MS-DOS, Windows 95, Windows 3.x, OS/2 or DESQview
DOS / Utility / Kristofer Sweger
ANSIPlus 4.06 (Freeware version) 4.06
ANSI Plus console device driver, v. 4.06. This is the final, freeware, release. Registration is no longer required, and it includes the TSR-capable version of the ANSIPLUS driver, ANSIPLUS.exe, which formerly was only available for the registered version.
DOS / Games / ED Davis
Old classic shooter game. The player have the mission to protect six cities from fire.