The complete list of software

DOS / OS / Bogdan Valentin Ontanu


Solar OS v0.1.114.00

Small x64 operating system, fits on one floppy disk


Windows 3.x / Games / Silicon Commander Games


Solar Vengeance 2.1

Solar Vengeance is a turn-based strategy game of interstellar conflict and conquest for 1 to 6 players (human or AI). Each player takes on the role of an interstellar empire, seeking domination in a cluster of stars. The objective of Solar Vengeance is to eliminate enemy empires. An enemy is eliminated when its capital star system is conquered.


DOS / Games / Epic MegaGames


Solar Winds 1 + 2

A top-down adventure Space game. You are Jake Stone, a bounty hunter/mercenary, who in the process of completing missions, discovers a conspiracy afoot in the galaxy.


DOS / OS / Sun microsystems


Solaris 1.1.2 1.1.2

SunOS/Solaris is the operating system used on early Sun Sparc equipment. Solaris 1.1.2 is also branded as SunOS 4.1.4. This archive contains a CD ISO of Sun Solaris 1.1.2.


DOS / OS / Sun


Solaris 2.5 Source Code 2.5

Has support for the sun4, sun4c sun4d sun4e sun4m sun4u hardware platforms.


DOS / Games / Sun


Solaris PPC 2.5.1


DOS / OS / Sun


Solaris Source Code 2.6

Source code for Solaris 2.6. Platforms include the sun4c sun4d sun4m sun4u



Solaris Source Code 2.7

Source code to SUN Solaris 2.7. Hardware platforms include the x86 pc.



Solaris Source Code 5.8

Solaris 5.8 source code. Platforms include the x86 pc, sun4d, sun4m and sun4u.


DOS / Utility / Solid Oak Software


Solid Oak Software's DOS Tool Box

"76 utils for batch file enhancement, command line operations, pc and network administration, process automation, etc." (fully functional Shareware)


Windows 3.x / Other / unknownn)


SolidCAD 3D 1.0


Windows NT/2000 / Other / Dassault Systems


Solidworks 2000 2000

SolidWorks 2000 Installation Instructions --- 1) Run the SolidWorks Installation by double-clicking the setup.exe file in the directory you extracted the files. 2) Follow the steps to install SolidWorks, after completion please note the following: - If you installed PhotoWorks: - if you performed a "New installation" in step 1) copy the "data\lworks" folder from your SolidWorks 99 folder to your new SolidWorks 2000 folder. - download the pw[lang].zip file (where [lang] is your OS language) and unzip it into the SAME folder where you have just installed SolidWorks 2000. Serials included.


Windows 9x/ME / Games / Interplay Productions


Solitaire Deluxe

Solitaire Deluxe is a greatly updated version of Solitaire Royale. Designed for Windows 95 and above, this solitaire collection contains 24 different games, ranging from popular games such as Golf and Klondike, to lesser-known games such as Calculation, Forty Thieves, Four Corners, Draw, and Upside-Down Pyramid. Released on CD-ROM, the game offers excellent bells & whistles, including 24 different decks and backgrounds. In addition, the game boasts a high degree of customizability: you can change rules of most games to your liking, and even install add-on modules (none released, unfortunately) to add in more games and graphics


Windows 9x/ME / Games / David Bernazzani


Solitude Solitaire For Windows 1.52

This contains 91 solitaire games that you can play. The main website is no longer up and its very hard to find.


BeOS / Communication / unknown


SoloFTP 0.600

Solo is a multi-user FTP server with a graphical interface and integration with many of Be's features. You can also spy on what users are doing and kick them at will.


DOS / Other / A. Combs



Astronomy - Solar System - planets positions (Right Ascension, Declination, Azimuth, etc.)


DOS / OS / SomBRA softwares


SomBRA 0.3.5a

SomBRA um sistema operacional brasileiro


DOS / Utility / Unknown/generic


Some old utilities

ATS.EXE - по первым 3 цифрам телефона тип АТС; FIX200.EXE - фиксит RTE200; LOZA.EXE - востанавливалка битых дискет; METRO.EXE - карта Moscow Metro + cчитает путь; OSR2FIX.EXE - все для работы MsDos 7.xx; SCODES.EXE - сканирует штрих-код; SP-TEST.EXE - для издевательств над PC-speaker'ом; VMODE.EXE - менялка режимов в Dos; WING32.DLL - нужная Dll'ка для прог под Win 3.xx; KEYLOCK.COM - классный блокиратор клавы; MGA2CGA.COM - converter; UNFORMAT.COM - после формат'а диска


DOS / Games / Unknown/generic


Some old utilities

Драйвер для мышки, руссификатор, замедлитель, поддержка звуковухи а также взломщик для множества старых игр


Windows XP / Games / Sega


Sonic & Knuckles Collection 1

No CD version: Run Editor.EXE , select Debug, and disable CD Check.


Windows 9x/ME / Games / Sega


Sonic 3D Blast Demo DEMO

Sonic 3D Blast Demo.


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Not specified


Sonic Foundry Vegas Pro 1.0 1.0 (build 134)


DOS / Games / Virtualdreams


Sonic the Hedgehog

This is an unofficial clone of the 1991 Sonic from Sega. For MSDOS. There is no sound or I could not get it to work.


Windows XP / Multimedia / Sony Corporation


SonicStage Mastering Studio 2.2

Part of the SonicStage multimedia suite. SonicStage Mastering Studio (SSMS) provides users with the ability to transfer vinyl records and tapes to 5.1 Audio files.


Windows XP / Multimedia / Sony Corporation


SonicStage Mastering Studio 1.4

Older version of SonicStage Mastering Studio. Fits better with its counterpart, SonicStage 1.5.


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Lycos


Sonique 1.50



Sonique 1.95

Sonique is the Web's hottest media and MP3 player. It features support for all the latest audio formats, a superb user interface, customizable skins and visuals and built-in access to music resources on the Web.


DOS / Utility / Philippe Leon


Sonolect Editeur Vocal DOS 7.11

"Sonolect est un logiciel qui permet aux nonvoyant et aux malvoyants d'utiliser des applications sous système d’exploitation DOS. Il permet de lire les informations affichés à l’écran, Par caractères, mot, ligne, phrase, attribut couleur, et bien d'autres modes. Il prend en charge automatiquement la lecture des menus, des boîtes de dialogues au standard Microsoft, les fenêtres et la ligne d'état des applications. Sonolect est un programme résident qui se lance au démarrage du MS-DOS. Il fonctionne avec un ou plusieurs synthétiseurs de parole, en série ou en parallèle ou en carte interne." Cette version est sans protection par la clé.


Windows XP / Multimedia / Sony Corporation


Sony Handycam Software 1.8.1

It was extracted from the actual Handycam software CD. In my case, I extracted it from the software CD of the DCR-DVD755 camera. I think it will probably be compatible with the DCR-DVD105/205/305/605/705/755 series.


Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Sony Corporation


Sony Vaio PCGA-CD51 PCMCIA External CD-ROM Driver

Driver for the Sony Vaio PCGA-CD51 PCMCIA external CD-ROM drive


Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Sony Corporation


Sony VideoPress Player Lite (VideoCD Player) 1.20

An autorun VideoCD Player, especially for legitimate VideoCD Releases. You can use it IF you burn the VCD (as well as you locate this software files) properly.


DOS / Other / Alternative Software


Sooty Paint 1995

Sooty Paint is a DOS based children-oriented paint box program featuring Sooty and all of his pals. Color pre-defined pictures or free-form drawing, supports printing, and can be used to create banners or birthday cards.


DOS / Games / Infocom


Sorcerer Release 15

SORCERER, the second of a spellbinding fantasy series in the tradition of ZORK, takes you on a magical tour through the darker side of Zorkian enchantment. Your journey begins with a cryptic diary - the last trace of the now-vanished Belboz the Necromancer, grand and powerful leader of the Guild of Enchanters. It is feared that Belboz is in thrall to evil sorcery. If so, the very existence of the Circle of Enchanters could be forfeit. To rescue the kingdom and locate your mentor in the treacherous mists of time, you must gain the power and cunning of a true Sorcerer.


DOS / Games / Sierra On-Line, Inc.



An English localization and port of Sorcerian to DOS by Sierra On-Line, Inc.


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Microsoft


Sound Bits Hanna Barbera

Sound Scheme for Microsoft Windows 3.x


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Microsoft


Sound Bits Hollywood Movies

Sound Schema for Windows 3.x


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Microsoft


Sound Bits Musical Sounds

Sound Schema for Windows 3.x


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Creative Technology


Sound Blaster 16 Driver 1.01


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Creative Technology


Sound Blaster 16 Drivers


Windows 3.x / System / Creative


Sound Blaster 16 Drivers 1.0

Driver for Sound Blaster 16 for Windows 3.1 and WFWG 3.11.


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / creative labs


Sound Blaster 16 Drivers complete

Complete Sound Blaster Drivers for Windows/WfW 3.1x It includes the Media Rack with Wave player/recorder, MIDI player, CD player and Volume mixer.


Windows 3.x / Multimedia / Creative Labs, Inc.


Sound Blaster 16 Drivers Floppy images 2.0

Sound Blaster 16 Drivers for DOS and Windows 3.0. 4 disk sets.


DOS / Multimedia / Creative Technology Ltd


Sound Blaster 16 Drivers, applications, text-to-speech and acces ZC/38/94, APL/39-94

These are perfect images of original Soundblaster 16 floppy disks. I've written them to disk images using GNU ddrescue, which completed with no errors for all four images. I've searched the site for these files, but they don't seem to be available. I found a later set for Windows 3.1 dated 1997. The sha1sums of the four floppies are as follows: $ sha1sum SOUND_BLASTER_*.img 125c3c6bcd85d9fc1765a2737b8b9073c1baef8f SOUND_BLASTER_16_ACCESSORIES_DISK_1994_4_OF_4.img b5d0a1ffbc7da631bbc5bfe0a5f564931e408aa6 SOUND_BLASTER_16_APPLICATIONS_DISK_1994_3_OF_4.img 54bd30113860ef7c860ca24422324aaa719a841f SOUND_BLASTER_16_INSTALLATION_DISK_1994_1_OF_4.img b14333c6174d596152203375efcb8e31304eeaa3 SOUND_BLASTER_16_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_1994_2_OF_4.img I've spent the last few weeks transferring my digital archive of twenty-year old software to my NAS. I've discovered other gems along the way, like Paint Shop Pro (version 3, I think), Polyray the ray tracer (I had hours of fun with that) and other goodies I haven't yet explored. I'd love to share this stuff with you if you don't already have it. I'm a huge fan of open culture so I'm delighted to see abandonware sites like this continuing to survive and record our shared digital history.


DOS / Other / Creative Technology


Sound Blaster 2.0 installation disks 2.0

Sound Blaster 2.0 installation disks. 4 disk in total


DOS / System / Creative Technology


Sound Blaster CD-ROM Installation Disk Revision 1

Contains the following : CD-ROM Drive Setup 1.21, CD-ROM Drive Test Program 1.03, CD-ROM Drive Lock Utility 1.00, CD-ROM Drive Unlock Utility 1.00, QuickCD 2.03.


DOS / Multimedia / Creative Labs, Inc.


Sound Blaster Developer Kit 2.00

Sound Blaster Developer Kit is a set of libraries used to develop programs that support the Creative Labs Sound Blaster sound card. It provides libraries for assembly language, Microsoft C version 5.0, 6.0, Turbo C version 2.0, Microsoft QuickBasic version 4.5, Microsoft Basic PDS version 7.0, and Turbo Pascal version 6.0.


BeOS / System / Joseph Wang


Sound Blaster Pro Driver 0.4a

released for 4.5


Windows 3.x / System / Creative


Sound Blaster Pro II Driver

Sound Blaster Pro II river for use with DOS/Windows 3.11


DOS / System / creative labs


Sound Blaster Pro MCV CT5330 Driver Diskette 1

This disk contains all drivers and utilities for DOS for the Sound Blaster Pro MCV (microchannel/MCA). It also contains Windows 3.1 drivers.


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