Windows 3.x / Multimedia / creative labs
Sound Blaster 16 Drivers complete
Complete Sound Blaster Drivers for Windows/WfW 3.1x It includes the Media Rack with Wave player/recorder, MIDI player, CD player and Volume mixer.
DOS / Multimedia / Creative Technology Ltd
Sound Blaster 16 Drivers, applications, text-to-speech and acces ZC/38/94, APL/39-94
These are perfect images of original Soundblaster 16 floppy disks. I've written them to disk images using GNU ddrescue, which completed with no errors for all four images. I've searched the site for these files, but they don't seem to be available. I found a later set for Windows 3.1 dated 1997. The sha1sums of the four floppies are as follows: $ sha1sum SOUND_BLASTER_*.img 125c3c6bcd85d9fc1765a2737b8b9073c1baef8f SOUND_BLASTER_16_ACCESSORIES_DISK_1994_4_OF_4.img b5d0a1ffbc7da631bbc5bfe0a5f564931e408aa6 SOUND_BLASTER_16_APPLICATIONS_DISK_1994_3_OF_4.img 54bd30113860ef7c860ca24422324aaa719a841f SOUND_BLASTER_16_INSTALLATION_DISK_1994_1_OF_4.img b14333c6174d596152203375efcb8e31304eeaa3 SOUND_BLASTER_16_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_1994_2_OF_4.img I've spent the last few weeks transferring my digital archive of twenty-year old software to my NAS. I've discovered other gems along the way, like Paint Shop Pro (version 3, I think), Polyray the ray tracer (I had hours of fun with that) and other goodies I haven't yet explored. I'd love to share this stuff with you if you don't already have it. I'm a huge fan of open culture so I'm delighted to see abandonware sites like this continuing to survive and record our shared digital history.
DOS / System / Creative Technology
Sound Blaster CD-ROM Installation Disk Revision 1
Contains the following : CD-ROM Drive Setup 1.21, CD-ROM Drive Test Program 1.03, CD-ROM Drive Lock Utility 1.00, CD-ROM Drive Unlock Utility 1.00, QuickCD 2.03.
DOS / Multimedia / Creative Labs, Inc.
Sound Blaster Developer Kit 2.00
Sound Blaster Developer Kit is a set of libraries used to develop programs that support the Creative Labs Sound Blaster sound card. It provides libraries for assembly language, Microsoft C version 5.0, 6.0, Turbo C version 2.0, Microsoft QuickBasic version 4.5, Microsoft Basic PDS version 7.0, and Turbo Pascal version 6.0.
DOS / System / creative labs
Sound Blaster Pro MCV CT5330 Driver Diskette 1
This disk contains all drivers and utilities for DOS for the Sound Blaster Pro MCV (microchannel/MCA). It also contains Windows 3.1 drivers.
Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / Sonic Foundry
Sound Forge 4.0c 4.0c
Sound Forge is a digital audio editing program which is aimed at the professional and semi-professional markets. This version is fully functional. It was tested on a system with the following configuration: Pentium II 300, 128MB Ram, Sound blaster 32 PnP; Windows 98 SE.
BeOS / System / Musclesoft
Soundblaster compatible audio device driver for BeOS 1.1
this driver is thought as a »last option« if you have a soundblaster or compatible and can’t get it to run with any of the available drivers. it has been optimized neither for efficiency nor for sound quality, but for maximum compatility.
DOS / Other / Paolo Pancheri
Soundblaster Programming
Sound Blaster progamming/detecting, CD-ROM progammming, Interrupt Handling, demo progams incl.
SoundPlay 4.9.3
SoundPlay was originally meant to be a replacement for Be's PlaySound (the predecessor to MediaPlayer).
Unix / Multimedia / Michael Krause
Soundtracker 0.6.7
Music tracking tool for Unix/X11 similar to FastTracker and ProTracker. Samples can be lined up on tracks and patterns which are then arranged to a song. Supported module formats are XM and MOD.
Soundtracker 0.6.8
Sources to compile on Linux and (probably) other systems ---
DOS / Communication / Galacticomm
Source Code for MajorBBS 6.25
This is some of the source code that I found for MajorBBS 6.25. This includes the Entertainment Addon, and the full version of PharLap 286 3.1
Sourcer 3.07
Powerful disassembler.
Sourcer 5.04
Reverse engineering tool. Takes an executable (com/exe/sys ...), thoroughly analyzes it, then produces assembler listing of it in several formats with some automatic commenting
DOS / Utility / V Communications Inc
Sourcer 8.01 8.01
Advanced Commenting Disassembler for DOS Instruction set support 8088, V20/V30, 80186, 80286, 80287, 80386, 80387, 80486, Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium III (except SIMD).
Windows NT/2000 / OS / Citrix
South Beach 101
This is the South Beach Citrix beta, build 101. This is based around a beta version of Windows NT 3.5. Included in this version is support for async terminals, and text mode connections. The built in CD-ROM driver has issues with large transfers and will most likely fail to install. The best solution is to use the MS-DOS 'winnt /b' setup option.
BeOS / Multimedia / Ove Peter
SoX 12.17.8
SoX, the Sound eXchanger, is a command-line utility which converts between a huge number of audio formats. You can add effects and a lot of other useful processes to the audiodata.