Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Borland Inc.
Borland Turbo Assembler 5.3
Welcome to Borland's Turbo Assembler, a multi-pass assembler with forwardreference resolution, assembly speeds of up to 48,000 lines per minute (on an IBM PS/2 model 60), Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) compatibility, and an optional Ideal mode extended syntax.
DOS / System / Borland
Borland Turbo Pascal 1.00A for Macintosh 1.00A
Turbo Pascal for Macintosh was a short lived port of Borland's Pascal product to the Apple Macintosh. It featured a more advanced compiler than the DOS version at the time.
DOS / System / Borland
Borland Turbo Pascal 1.1 for Macintosh 1.1
Turbo Pascal for Macintosh was a short lived port of Borland's Pascal product to the Apple Macintosh. It featured a more advanced compiler than the DOS version at the time. Version 1.1, added support for the Macintosh II.
DOS / System / Borland International
Borland Turbo Pascal 7.0 7.0
Turbo Pascal 7.0 requires MS-DOS 3.0 or later. TURBO.EXE, the real-mode integrated development environment (IDE), requires at least 512 Kb of memory. TPX.EXE, the new, high-capacity IDE can use up to 16 Mb of extended memory.
DOS / Games / Lomax Software
Boulders 3 3
Leider gibt es Lomax Software nicht mehr. Diese genialen Games müssen für alle Ewigkeit erhalten bleiben. Geniales Puzzle Spiel mit Sound und jeder menge Action. Was zum Denken halt. Wir vermissen euch: LOMAX Software!
DOS / Utility / David Hamel
Boxer 7.5a
DOS text editor with support for Win 3.1/95 clipboards & Win95 long filenames, syntax highlighting, column blocks, undo & redo, global search & replace, macros, WP, keyboard reconfig, large screen support, 36 clipboards, brace matching, ASCII chart & much more.
DOS / Other / BPI Systems, Inc
BPI Inventory Control C.13
BPI Inventory Control is one of a number of accounting and business management programs produced by BPI Systems, Inc. PBI software was among the more popular management programs during the early 1980s. There were versions for the Apple II, CP/M, and the IBM PC. IBM sold an OEM version along side their IBM PC products under IBM part number 6024030.