BeOS / Games / Cian Duffy
OpenTTD 0.3.0
Also this, like the following PKGs, will need additionally the '' to be able to run.
OpenTTD 0.3.3
multilingual; needs BONE for network gaming
OpenTTD 0.3.6
contains 3 scenarios
OpenVMS E9.2-1
x86_64 VMS for virtual systems. Needs UEFI & SATA
Windows 3.x / Other / Opera Software
Opera Web Browser 3.0
This is a .rar file containing the executable for Opera Web Browser 3.0 Opera began as a Research project in 1994, in 1995 it branched out into it's own separate company Opera Software ASA. This copy is copyright 1997.
DOS / OS / n/a
Operating System -collection-
Windows 95 chicago / Windows 3.1 / Windows NT Advanced Server / Windows for Workgroups / IBM_DOS / PC DOS / PTS-DOS / CP/M / ParaWIN / / +more
DOS / OS / Wendin Inc
Operating System Toolbox 1.08
Wendin Operating System Toolbox v1.08 (05/31/1986) - Source code for a multi-tasking kernel that runs on top of DOS based on the Digital Equipment Corp.'s VMS OS. Compile with Microsoft C v3.0 or v4.0 and MASM 5.0 or using Visual C++ v1.52c and MASM 6.11 with minor modifications. Runs on top of MS-DOS 3.x
DOS / OS / Wendin Inc
Operating System Toolbox (OST) 1.08
Wendin Operating System Toolbox v1.08 (05/31/1986) - Source code for a multi-tasking kernel that runs on top of DOS based on the Digital Equipment Corp.'s VMS OS. Compile with Microsoft C v3.0 or v4.0 and MASM 5.0 or using Visual C++ v1.52c and MASM 6.11 with minor modifications. Runs on top of MS-DOS 3.x
DOS / Games / The Learning Company
Operation Neptune
From Wikipedia: Operation Neptune is an educational computer game produced in 1991 by The Learning Company. The goal of the game is to guide a small submarine through a variety of undersea caverns, collecting pieces of a ruined space capsule. Like other games by The Learning Company, Operation Neptune is educational and was intended for players age nine to fourteen. It was released as part of the Super Solvers series for a time.
DOS / Games / Taito Corporation
Operation Wof
"The player takes the role of Special Forces Operative Roy Adams. The object of the game is to rescue the five hostages in the concentration camp."
Windows 3.x / Games / Software Dynamics
Operation: Inner Space 1.09.13
CD-ROM ISO (4H PROFI ROM MULTIMEDIA Germany) includes full game (german and english versions). Bonus: SCREEN SAVERS Inner Space works as a configurable screen saver so that a changing game demonstration can be your screen saving display. SHIP FACTORY With the Ship Factory, you can compare the characteristics of all the ships in the game and also make custom ships for use in Inner Space!
Operation: Inner Space 1.29.08
Inner Space is the first Windows game with true AI. You fly around inside your computer, collecting icons or destroying them, and once all icons are dealt with, you are allowed to leave Inner Space. Imagine doing that at 36 frames per second, even on your 486? That's Inner Space. Includes: This includes the full game and "The Works!" package which includes a ship builder and a sound and voice effects package. This game totally rules my childhood. The guy is _still_ selling copies of this game, which was made at least 100 years ago. This version is prepackaged with DOSBox running a copy of Win 3.1 to make it run on Windows Vista/7/8 x64. Extract and run "innerspace.bat" News: Sound has been installed to work with DoSBox!
Operation: Inner Space 1.49.00
(Use SHIPDISK to install the game and then update with THEWORKS.) The premise of the game is that your computer has been invaded by evil forces and all the icons set loose to wreak havoc! Only you can set things right by entering your computer's Inner Space and capturing or destroying all icons. Inner Space is an addictive, fun and easy to learn game. Acclaimed by reviewers, it delivers hot strategic action play on any computer with any Windows version from Windows 3.1 to Windows XP. Visit the Features page for details. Inner Space is the oldest game still sold, supported & played in its original version. It works unmodified on all Windows versions from Windows 3.1 to Windows XP.
Windows 9x/ME / System /
oppcom for Windows ME 2.1 beta
Oppcom for Windows ME Gives You The Power To Remove, Media Player 6 - Media Player 7 Microsoft Agent - Microsoft OOBE Windows System Info - Microsoft Movie Maker Microsoft Web Folders - Windows Scripting Host Windows Update / Auto Update Web Based Computer Management "webm" Microsoft Pc Health/System Restore/System File Protection Windows Task Monitor New In 1.9 Windows Task Scheduler New In 1.9 Macromedia, Director, Flash, Shockwave New In 2.0 Wmiexe.exe, Rpcss, and a bunch of other Junk
DOS / Utility / SLR Systems
OPTASM macro assembler OPTASM Copyright (C) SLR Systems 1988-90 Release 1.65
OPTASM Copyright (C) SLR Systems 1988-90 Release 1.65 Wikipedia SLR Systems page some links about OPTASM x86 assembler: 1. MS-DOS Assemblers Compared - By Michael Schmit, January 01, 1989 2. Hands on - by Barry Simon archive taken from
DOS / Multimedia / OPTi
OPTi 929 ISA Soundcard driver 1.01
New made soundcard driver with some useful tools for OPTi 929 ISA soundcards.
DOS / Utility / Viewsonic Corporation
OPTI-GREEN For DOS, & Windows 3.1x Monitor & energy saving software Designed for Microsoft Windows 95 Windows 95 Installation File
DOS / Utility / Gazelle Systems
OPTune 1.4
OPTune is a disk optimizer, file system repair tool, and disk tester. It also includes a tool that can change the low-level format sector interleave on MFM/RLL drives, similar to Spinrite.
Windows NT/2000 / DBMS / Oracle
Oracle Designer/2000 Release 1.3.2 Production
Oracle Designer/2000 Windows 95 and Windows NT Release 1.3.2 Production January 1997
DOS / DBMS / Oracle
Oracle for DOS and Netware 6.0
This disk set contains the Oracle 6 installer, SQL*Forms, Menu tool, Utils, and RDBMS products for DOS and Novell NetWare. This archive contains 42 floppy disks in standard raw 1.44mb disk image format. Use WinImage or Rawwrite to write these to floppy disks, or mount them in an emulator. Note that the installer must be run from floppy.
Windows 9x/ME / DBMS / Oracle
Oracle Forms and Reports 6i
Oracle Forms and Reports 6i is a 32-bit Visual Basic-like form builder and runtime for Windows 9x/NT that heavily integrates with Oracle databases. This was the last version of the Win32 based runtime. Newer versions are completely web based and lose much of the speed and functionality of the Win32 version. This version includes, and runs on top of the Oracle 8.0.x client. Note that this requires an Oracle database server to fully operate.
Windows 9x/ME / DBMS / Oracle
Oracle Forms and Reports 6i Patchset 17
This is a service pack update to Oracle Forms and Reports 6i. Forms and Reports 6i must already be installed.
Windows NT/2000 / Office / Oracle
Oracle InterOffice Composer Version
Oracle InterOffice Composer is a Java personal productivity application that combines word processing and presentation graphics. Run SETUP.EXE in D:\Win95 or D:\WinNT directory.