DOS / Multimedia / PictView
PictView 1.95
PictView is a mouse-driven viewer and converter of images. It runs on all EGA, VGA, SuperVGA and Extended-VGA video adapters. PictView is able to read images stored in approximately 40 graphics file formats and convert them into another format. All functions are extremely fast, up to 10 times faster than other programs.
DOS / Multimedia / PictView
PictView 1.70 1.70
Ultra-fast viewer and converter of gifs, jpgs, movie pictures, faxes, scanned images and over other 37 graphics formats, including BMP,BW, CDR,CDR,CMX, CPT,CUR,CUT,DCX,DIB,FLC,FLI,GIF,HAM,ICN, ICO,IFF,IMG,JFF,JIF,JMX,JPG,LBM,MAC,MSP, PAT,PBM,PC2,PCT,PCX,PGM,PIC,PNG,PNM,PPM, PSD,QFX,RAS,RGB,RLE,SAM,SCx,SEP,SGI,TGA, TIF,WPG,UDI,ZBR. Czech freeware in English version. version 1.70
DOS / Office / Orthodontic Computer Software, Inc
PIMS v9 1987 Orthodontic Computer Software v9.0 with UPDATE disk v9.0
Orthodontic Computer Software database software. Fixed the two update disks, and included them along with photos of the disks inside the rar package. Needs DOS 2.x or 3.x, so you'll need to use setver.exe DOS command to include something like "SETVER ISAM.EXE 3.30" to run the software.
DOS / Games / Bill Budge/Electronic Arts
Pinball Construction Set 1.0
Pinball Construction Set is a pinball game that lets you create your own custom game layouts. It was one of the earliest programs to popularize the use of drag-and-drop. Important: This software contains copy protection, and can not be copied with conventional disk tools. It also does not contain DOS readable files. This archive contains one nonstandard non-DOS single sided double density 5.25" in Transcopy, SuperCard Pro, and KryoFlux format. These can be used with the PCE emulator.
DOS / Games / D-Designs
Piranha is your run-of-the-mill Asteroids clone, but features a vast range of weapons and enemies across 100 levels of gameplay. With improved graphics and (well, some of it) music by Eric Streidell (Zodiak / Cascada) and Prism / EMF, this is one of the more recent additions to the huge list of Asteroids clone.
Windows 9x/ME / Other / ブロッコリー
Pita-Ten Desktop Accessory ぴたテン デスクトップアクセサリー
Pita-Ten themed desktop accessories: mascots, clock, calendar, calculator, notepad, minigame. Includes scans of physical extras
DOS / Games / Not specified
No relation to the Atari 2600 arcade game, you navigate your character as it falls down a virtually endless pit. You keep going and going, trying to avoid crashing into walls and happy faces.
Windows 3.x / Utility / Allen C. Kempe
Pix Folio Image Catalog System 2.0.79
PixFolio Image Catalog System V2.0; Windows 3.1 graphics utility. Reads BMP, CGM, FLI, PCX, GIF, MAC, IFF/LBM, IMG, JPEG,TIF, TGA, EPS, ICO, WMF & WPG formats. Maintain and print catalogs, search by keywords
PKLite 1.15
Executable File Compressor
DOS / Utility / PKWARE, Inc
pkpak-pkunpak 3.61
This is a set of tools to pack und unpack ARC-archives. V. 3.61 is the latest I know about
DOS / Utility /
pkxarc 3.5
pkxarc .an archive extract utility .this is an upgrade from versions . so major development .to reach what is a great utility .copy both files to a floppy .I have copied to a directory in doss 5 .copy your arc file on to a floppy then copy pkxarc to the floppy .in the dosshell put up a:drive highlight the arc file then drag it onto clean .com and extract .a fast and easy to use utility