DOS / Utility / Tulip Computers
Tulip Info (tlpinf) 1
Dit gecomprimeerde bestand bevat het pogramma TLPINF.EXE, dit hebt u nodig om het level van TC44-moederborden te achterhalen voor het vinden van de juiste flash-BIOS-versie
DOS / Utility / Tulip Computers
Tulip SysID (tsysid) 1
Dit gecomprimeerde bestand bevat het pogramma TSYSID, waarmee de moederbord-code van uw computer op het scherm wordt weergeven
Windows 9x/ME / System / Tulip Computers
Tulip TC48 - Alliance AT24 1
Videodriver voor het TC48-moederbord van Pentium 1-machines. Deze Alliance AT24 videokaart wordt niet standaard door Windows herkend, vandaar dat de driver apart geïnstalleerd moet worden. Dit ingepakte bestand bevat een programma waarmee de benodigde bestanden op een diskette geplaatst kunnen worden.
Windows 9x/ME / System / Tune Up
Tune Up Utilities 97
System management tool for Win9x, it cleans up, repairs wrong registry settings and has many other features. Language is german. Tune Up 97 ist das Werkzeug für Win9x zum sauber halten, überprüfen und Fehler korrigieren. Dies und noch viele weitere nützliche Funktionen enthalten.
DOS / Games / California Dreams
Tunnels of Armageddon DOS
A game guiding a prob through tunnels to disable bomb before count down completes. Controls for vertical and horizontal movement and a fire button to open doors and take out buttons.
DOS / System / Borland International, Inc.
Turbo Basic VFD disks (720k 3.5") plus PDF Owners Handbook 1.1
The VFD files work with Virtual PC. These can probably be converted to 5.25 360k to match the original diskettes, but I don't see the point in that. These VFD files with probably work with other VM systems as floppies. The manual (PDF) is the original Borland Users Handbook.
DOS / Utility / Borland Software
Turbo C 2.01
Turbo C 2.01 provided everything you needed, all of the tools, included in one environment. Turbo C 2.01 provided tight integration between the editor, compiler, linker, and debugger.
DOS / System / Borland International
Turbo C 2.0 FR + TC Runtime LIB 2.0
Turbo C 2.0 version FR en 3 répertoires disk1,2 & 3 complètement installable Turbo C Runtime Library Source Code : 1 répertoire pour 1 disk
DOS / System / Borland Inc.
Turbo C 1.0 1.0
The very first Borland Turbo C (July 1987) Contents of the four 360K disks in separated directories
DOS / System / Borland Inc.
Turbo C 2.0 Reference Guide
This is the second volume of documentation in the Turbo C package. This volume, the Turbo C Reference Guide, contains definitions of all the Turbo C library routines, common variables, and common defined types, along with example program code to illustrate how to use many of these routines, variables, and types. If you are new to C programming, you should first read the other book in your Turbo C package-the Turbo C User's Guide. In that book you'll find instructions on how to install Turbo C on your system, an overview of Turbo C's window and menu system, and tutorial-style chapters designed to get you started programming in Turbo C. The user's guide also summarizes Turbo C's implementation of the C language and discusses some advanced programming techniques. For those of you who are Turbo Pascal and Turbo Prolog programmers, the user's guide provides information to help you integrate your understanding of those languages with your new knowledge of C. You should refer to the UIntroduction" in the User's Guide for information on the Turbo C implementation, a summary of the contents of Volume I, and a short bibliography.
DOS / System / Blaise Computing Inc.
Turbo C Tools 6.04 6.04
Blaise Computing Inc. Turbo C Tools Build 5010059.604 Believed to be last version sold. Images created from original 5.25" 360k Disks and converted to 3.5" 1.44m Floppies.
DOS / Utility / Borland Software
Turbo C Tools C++ Compiler 1.0
This is the complete install directory for Turbo C++ Version 1.0. The install program does not copy the unzip program properly. The program likes to install in the \tc directory, and the unzip program needs to be copied to the \tc\bin directory for the install program to work properly.
DOS / Other / Borland Software
Turbo C version 2.01 Version 2.01
Turbo C 2.01 provided everything you needed, all of the tools, included in one environment. Turbo C 2.01 provided tight integration between the editor, compiler, linker, and debugger. This was the first version of Turbo C to include the integrated debugger. The professional version also included the standalong versions of Turbo Assembler and Turbo Debugger.
DOS / Utility / Borland Software
Turbo c++ 1.01
Turbo C++ version 1 was our first compiler that supported the C++ language. The C++ compiler conformed to AT&T's 2.0 specification for the C++ language. The development environment and command line tools ran under DOS. Turbo C++ v1 came in two forms: Turbo C++ and Turbo C++ Professional. The Professional version included Turbo Assembler, Turbo Debugger, and Turbo Profile. Version 1.01 was a maintenance release of the original Turbo C++ version 1 software.
DOS / System / Borland Software
Turbo C++ 3.0
Turbo C++ compiler and IDE, from the 3.5" distribution disks. Includes zipped copies of all five 720k floppies and .img files for use under virtual machines.