DOS / Games / Infocom
Infocomics 1
Infocomics were Infocom's brief experimental foray into interactive comic books. Included here are all four Infocomics: Lane Mastodon vs. the Blubbermen, Gamma Force in Pit of a Thousand Screams, ZorkQuest: Assault on Egreth Castle and ZorkQuest II: The Crystal of Doom.
DOS / DBMS / Stevenson Technical Services, Inc.
Infodex Multipurpose Database 2.21
Infodex is a versatile database manager used to keep track of names and addresses, equipment, computer software, books, and much more! Includes a FREE-FORM layout.
DOS / Utility / Andrew Rossmann
InfoPlus 1.58 alpha
A system description for DOS-based PC/XT/AT- and PS/2-class machines. INFOPLUS generates 18 screens of information about the host system and runs under DOS versions 3.0 and later.
Windows 3.x / System / SIEMENS NIXDORF
Infotainment Recovery Disk for SCENIC 486 4h 5h isa pci etc. Version 1.0 release 4.0
Infotainment Recovery Disk for SCENIC 486 4h 5h isa pci etc. Is present backup format MSBACKUP 6.20 please use first install disk dos 6.20 not 6.22 BACKUP DRIVERS MSWORKS 3.0 WINDOWS 3.11 WORKGROUP GAMES AND UTILITY AUDIO MULTILANGUAGE (EN-DE-ITA-NL)
DOS / System / IBM
INKDRV.COM Inkpad driver/activator for IBM PC110 1.0
The IBM PC110 Palmtop has an awkward tracepoint, as do most ThinkPads, and also has a strange pad above the keyboard which is a small resistive touch sensor/surface (like on a touchscreen that uses a stylus and pressure) on which to catch your signature (eg. sending a fax with the bundled Japanese software). This command is required to turn it on and calibrate it. I'm uploading separately (have to) third party software that allows you to use it as a rudimentary trackpad in Windows.
DOS / Utility / Mark Incley
Inkutils 1.53
The Inkutils are a suite of eleven DOS, 4DOS and Windows 9x/ME DOS utilities. The Inkutils are a suite of 11 DOS and Windows 95/98 DOS utilities. Run on any PC with DOS 3.30 (or later) or a Windows 95/98 DOS box and 256K of available DOS memory.
Windows NT/2000 / System / Cheyenne
InocuLAN 4 for Windows NT - DEC Alpha CPU 4
An enterprise virus scanner for Windows NT 4 servers. This version is for DEC Alpha CPUs only.
DOS / Office / American Programmers Guild LTD.
Inset 2.0C
Text and graphics integrator I use with Wordstar Version 5. An old good utility that allow you save snap shots from program in graphic mode an insert them in your text (graphics, drawings etc.)
Windows XP / System / Cygnus
Insight Debugger Win32 6.6?
Insight win32 debugger is a port from Linux for windows. I use it with Dev-Cpp. This is a graphical debugger. Hard to get for Windows.
BeOS / Office / Raycone
InSite Tag & Language Editor 1.0
The interface of both editors is purely functionalistic - functionality is most important here.
DOS / Office / FormalSoft
InstaCalc 2.5
InstaCalc is a full power memory resident spreadsheet which you can pop up through application programs and which can share data with those programs. Shareware.
InstaCalc 4.0
award winning powerful spreadsheet for DOS
Windows 3.x / Utility / p.i.c.s.
Installations Routine 1.21
Erstellt Installations-Routinen für Windows bzw. Windows für Workgroups 3.1x. Enthält Microsoft compress (compress.exe), das Gegenstück zu MS-DOS Expand. Die Installationen werden durch ein Skript gesteuert.
Windows XP / Utility / MindVision Software
Installer VISE 3.7
MindVision Installer VISE continues the tradition of Installer VISE for the Macintosh by providing easy-to-use graphical installation package editing and creation. Version 3.7 Includes support for Windows Vista and Server 2008 and minor bug fixes. This is a fan-made version of the Installer VISE installation routine. I was able to find a patched InstVise.exe (thus removing the activation and reliance in servers that don't exist). I've created this in such a way that it mimics the original Installer VISE installer. I've included a KeyGen for the Updater VISE Application, but you can use keys made by this tool to generate for Installer VISE (although it's not strictly necessary). If you choose to put your name and key in the about box, make sure you click cancel on both software activation prompts after entering the serial number. All Files tested and virus free as of 2023.06.26 NOTE: I've included my *.VCT file to allow anyone to edit it, improve it, or just audit it. I've also included all original data files (EXEs, PDFs, DLLs, etc.) as a RAR called "Files_To_Build_Installer.RAR". Although everything is virus-free every antivirus program likes to think the KeyGen is a virus even though it is not. The password for such file is in the main RAR. Just FYI: One really doesn't *need* the original files (In the RAR) as they're all included inside the VCT, but just in case you delete one or the VCT gets corrupted; there's a backup set in the RAR.
Windows 3.x / Utility / Stirling Technologies, Inc.
InstallSHIELD 2.0
Introduced in August 1993, this product quickly became the industry-standard installation system, winning the Computer Language Productivity Award and the Windows World Open Winner’s Choice Award.
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / InstallShield
Installshield 5.0 International East Edition
InstallShield 5 Professional creates setup programs for applications. The International East Edition contains additional language packs for creating installers in far-east languages, as well as English.
Installshield 5.0 Professional
Installshield 5 Professional creates setup programs for applications. It can create both 16- and 32-bit setup programs.
Windows NT/2000 / Utility / InstallShield
InstallShield 5.0 Professional (DEC Alpha Version) (5.00.225)
A version of Installshield for creating setup programs for Dec Alpha CPU based Windows NT. The program itself is x86-32.
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / InstallShield
Installshield EXE Builder 1.0
InstallShield EXE Builder creates "Installshield self-extracting EXE" packages for setup programs. While this tool requires a 32-bit platform, the resulting packages can be run on Windows 3.1.
Windows 9x/ME / Utility / InstallShield
Installshield Express 2.12
InstallShield Express makes creating installers easy. No scripting is required. IS Express 2.12 generates InstallShield 3.0-based installers.
Yet another 32-bit version for Windows 95 and Windows NT (Intel).