DOS / DBMS / ButtonWare
PC-File+ 1.0
PC-File is a simple database management program for DOS. PC-File, along with PC-Write, and PC-Talk were the first popular products sold under the "Shareware" concept. PC-File+ is a major rewrite from PC-File 3.0 and PC-File/R, that switches to native use of the dBase III file format.
DOS / Utility / Westlake Data
PC-Fullbak 2.60
PC-Fullbak was a small low-cost hard drive backup program that aggressively competed head-on against Fifth Generation Systems Fastback. It was comparatively speedy, and supported appending to existing backups.
DOS / OS / INTERACTIVE Systems Corp.
PC/IX (Personal Computer Interactive eXecutive) for the IBM PC and PC/XT. 19 x 360 KB DS/DD 5.25" images, get Dunfield ImageDisk from to write them back to floppy disks.
PC-IX 2.2
For 386 IBM PCs or x86 emu. Version 2.2 and 4.1 available here for download. .IMG format
DOS / OS / The Software Link
PC-MOS/386 5.01
PC-MOS/386 was a multi-user, multi-tasking operating system produced by The Software Link. It will run much MS-DOS software on the host machine or a terminal connected to it. Unlike MS-DOS, PC-MOS/386 is optimized for the Intel 80386 processor; however early versions will run on any x86 computer.
DOS / Utility / Tom Grubbe
PC-PILOT Programmer's Pop-Up 1.0
PC-PILOT Programmer's Pop-Up Released as Freeware by Tom Grubbe 1-12-89 ------------------------------------------ PC-PILOT is your basic TSR program for programmer's. It can be run as a resident program or as a normal non-resident program by adding "-x" at the command line: PCPILOT -x The program will run and exit normally without becoming memory resident. If run as a resident program, make sure it is the last TSR loaded on your system. You can uninstall PCPILOT from the main menu and this is why it must be loaded last. I decided to release this program as FREEware for several reasons: 1. Because I'm a nice guy 2. To share some C functions that I find useful 3. So you can modify it to suit your specific needs 4. So you can be sure of the integrity of this program Requirements: IBM PC/XT/AT or compatable 256kb RAM minimum DOS 3.0 or greater Color or Monochrome monitor Borland's Turbo C (c) 1.5 or greater (optional) MASM or TASM assemblers (optional) Files in this archive: README .1ST - This file ASCII .C - C code for the Ascii chart BASECVT .C - C code for the number base converter BOXCHR .C - C code for the box character function CLRCODES.C - C code for the color codes function KEYCODES.C - C code for the keyboard codes function PRTCODES.C - C code for the printer setup function RULER .C - C code for the ruler TSR .C - C code for the TSR engine PCPILOT .PRJ - Project file for PCPILOT.EXE PCPILOT .C - main() module for PCPILOT.EXE PCPILOT .EXE - Executible program KBD .H - Keyboard functions header file SCR .H - Screen functions header file SCR .LIB - Screen functions library SCR .TXT - listing of modules in SCR.LIB SCR .ZIP - Source code for modules in SCR.LIB SCR.ZIP contains all the source code contained in SCR.LIB. Most of the functions were taken from the book "Systems Programming In Turbo C" by Michael J. Young, Others from the book "Supercharging C With Assembly Language" by Chesley Waite. These library functions alone make this download worth your while. I use them in just about every program that I write and you should find them useful as well. PCPILOT was compiled in Turbo C v2.0. If you do not have Turbo C, you won't be able to compile TSR.C which uses the "interrupt" function type, which most other compilers don't support, in many of its local functions. Sorry. Also, If you are not a programmer, most of this stuff is probably of no use to you anyway. Disclaimer: There is no guarentee that PCPILOT will work correctly in all situations, and in no event will I, the author, be liable for any damages arising from the use or misuse of this program. PCPILOT is FREEware and may be distributed and copied by anyone, anywhere, at any time. Tom Grubbe 575 Curie Drive San Jose, CA 95123
PC-Pine 3.96
16-bit Windows graphical port of Unix email client "Pine". Also includes a graphical port of "Pico" text editor.
DOS / Games / Sanjay Kanade
PC-Sherlock 1.3
Game of logic & deduction Test your logic and deduction AGAINST your computer. Here, unlike other mastermind games, your computer actually competes with you to deduce the secret number. And, it plays like a pro! The Game is presented in graphics where you and your computer must determine each other's secret number using pure logic. Runs on IBM Compatibles with HGA, EGA, or, VGA graphics.
DOS / Office / PC-SIG
PC-SIG Disk 0855 FASTBUCKS version 3.18
FASTBUCKS is a home-financing program that is completely menu-driven, and easy to understand and operate. FASTBUCKS automatically creates files and updates them. FASTBUCKS supports up to 25 accounts each in checking, savings, and charge accounts, and one cash sheet. With each kind of account you can update, list, reconcile, balance, or edit a record.
DOS / Utility / PC-SIG
PC-SIG Disk 0906 0906 Misc Utilities
This disk contains about twenty different utilities for your PC or compatible computer. For example, the selective print screen utility will select the number of rows on the screen that you want to printout using the ``PrtSc'' option on your keyboard. An ``unprotect'' guide helps you run ``Managing Your Money'' from a hard disk without inserting the original disk in drive A. Also included are communication utilities for Qmodem and other utilities for Microsoft Word; DOS command utilities within windows; some C language utilities; how to unprotect Chessmaster 2000; a multi-level window in Turbo BASIC; and more. See File Descriptions for explanations of individual programs. Shareware
Windows 3.x / Utility / Central Point Software
PC-Tools for Windows 1.0
This is the first version of PC-Tools that is specifically for Microsoft Windows. It a disk optimizer, anti-virus protection, hard disk backup, and deletion protection. It also includes a powerful desktop shell that provides multiple desktops, desktop file icons, and integrated file management.
DOS / Office / ButtonWare
PC-Type 4 Evaluation
PC-Type is a bare bones, budget oriented, word processor. PC-Type, along with PC-File were among the first popular products sold under the "Shareware" concept. Archive includes four 5.25 360k floppy disk images.
PC-Type Version 4.0
This is a very fine DOS word processor, and also some very neat utilities.
DOS / Office / Quicksoft
PC-Write 2.4 2.4
PC-Write, written by Bob Wallace of Quicksoft, was an editor for the PC and one of the first widely distributed shareware programs. This archive contains one 320K (DSDD 8-sector) disk image in ImageDisk, Teledisk, CopyIIPC+Snatchit, and raw format. Note that this a DOS 1.x formatted disk, therefore utilities like WinImage will not open it.
Unix / OS / INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation / IBM Corp.
PC/IX Operating System Version 1.0 [IBM PC/XT] 1.0
IBM Personal Computer Interactive Executive 1.00, or PC/IX, is a single-user Unix port to the IBM PC XT based on System III Unix. PC/IX was created by Interactive Systems Corporation and sold through IBM. Installation instructions This software is designed to operate on an IBM PC XT model 5160. It requires a hard drive, and may require a 100% XT hardware compatible controller card. It also may not work with VGA.
DOS / Communication / FTP Software, Inc.
PC/TCP 2.03 pl3
PC/TCP version 2.05 patchlevel 3 and InterDrive. Three disk images: d1-4 contains "disks" 1-4, d5-8+ID contains "disks" 5-8 plus the InterDrive program. u1-3 contains the three "disks" of "unsupported" content, primarily Clarkson Packet Drivers.
OS/2 / Communication / FTP Software, Inc.
PC/TCP Network Software for OS/2 1.3.1
A very good, practical 16bit TCP/IP stack that works with OS/2 1.x, but also 2.x. Even contains support for the NFS sharing protocol. Of course no SSL support.
DOS / Communication / FTP Software, Inc.
PC/TCP Network Software version 4.1 for DOS PC/TCP Network Software version 4.1 for DOS
i am sure you all know what this is... its the complete FTP Software, Inc. PC/TCP Network Software version 4.1 for DOS
DOS / Other / NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
PC/X11e GrADS 1.7.Beta.9
This implementation of PC/X11e is based on GrADS Version 1.7Beta9 and can read binary IEEE, GRIB and NetCDF files, and it can write GRIB and NetCDF files using the LATS interface.