Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Not specified
Acrobat 4
Adobe Acrobat lets you convert any document--including entire Web sites--into an Adobe PDF file, keeping the document's original appearance preserved, then distribute the document for viewing and printing on any system. In addition, powerful markup tools make electronic review easy, allowing you to collaborate quickly and efficiently. "Overall, Acrobat 4.0 merits a standing ovation." --Luis Camus, PC World,May 1999. Adobe has heralded Acrobat and PDF as the wave of the future ever since their original release, but a major revision has been slow coming. To date, PDFs have been used mainly for passing documents on the Web and presenting user manuals in software packages in lieu of printed copies. But PDF has also gained ground in the digital prepress environment. With the advent of Adobe Acrobat 4.0 and its increased development and capacity in prepress handling functions, PDF has become a workhorse in the digital print production flow. Version 4.0 comes packed with improvements and enhanced capabilities, as Adobe is determined to solidify PDF as the solution in prepress environments. Acrobat 4.0 simplifies PDF creation, expands annotation tools, and adds color management and new font-handling capabilities. Also, you now have the ability to make changes directly to both images and text in your PDF documents. To simplify PDF creation, Adobe Acrobat 4.0 allows drag-and-drop or print-from-file functions and comes with three levels of optimization. Screen Optimization is for any document intended for onscreen viewing, especially on the Web. It downsamples all of your images to 72 dpi and converts them to RGB, resulting in more-compact and faster-loading files. The Print Optimized choice is for producing PDF files to output to laser or inkjet printers and digital copiers. The Press Optimi-zation feature creates files for your service bureau or prepress facility - files that end up as professionally printed documents.
Windows 3.x / Office / Adobe Corporation
Acrobat Distiller 1.0
Acrobat Distiller 1.0 - Adobe Corporation June 10, 1993 Includes Adobe Type Manager 2.6 June 10, 1993 Archive consists of 4 - 1.44 meg diskette images. Serial: DEE100R3001172-010-496 Creates a PDF from PostScript. (no printer driver at this early stage). Adobe Acrobat Distiller made its first appearance in Adobe Acrobat 1.0, released in 1993 for Macintosh, and then later for Windows 3.1 and DOS. At that time, no printer driver was included, so all PDFs were created using Distiller. Acrobat Distiller 1.0 /.;;.l/support of PostScript Level 2. The Distiller printer driver appeared with Version 3.0 in 1996, and was renamed to Adobe PDF Writer with Version 6.0 in 2003. When PDF files are created from software applications, such as from Excel or Word, the file gets converted first to PostScript and then to PDF by Distiller. NOTE: The included Adobe Acrobat brochure was produced with Distiller 1.0. Requires: Windows 3.1 4Mb hard disk space - AppleSeed 2017 -
Windows 3.x / Office / Adobe Corporation
Acrobat Distiller 1.0 1.0
Fixed version! Now "" is obsolete. Acrobat Distiller 1.0 - Adobe Corporation June 10, 1993 Includes Adobe Type Manager 2.6 June 10, 1993 Archive consists of 4 - 1.44 meg diskette images. Serial: DEE100R3001172-010-496 Creates a PDF from PostScript. (no printer driver at this early stage). Adobe Acrobat Distiller made its first appearance in Adobe Acrobat 1.0, released in 1993 for Macintosh, and then later for Windows 3.1 and DOS. At that time, no printer driver was included, so all PDFs were created using Distiller. Acrobat Distiller 1.0 /.;;.l/support of PostScript Level 2. The Distiller printer driver appeared with Version 3.0 in 1996, and was renamed to Adobe PDF Writer with Version 6.0 in 2003. When PDF files are created from software applications, such as from Excel or Word, the file gets converted first to PostScript and then to PDF by Distiller. NOTE: The included Adobe Acrobat brochure was produced with Distiller 1.0. Requires: Windows 3.1 4Mb hard disk space - AppleSeed 2017 -
Windows 3.x / Utility / Adobe
Acrobat Reader 2.1
Adobe(tm) Acrobat(tm) software gives you instant access to documents in their original form, independent of computer platform. With the Acrobat Reader, you can view, navigate, print and present any Portable Document Format (PDF) file. Acrobat Reader 2.1 now runs under Windows NT 3.5 (or later), Windows 3.1, and Windows 95, as well as OS/2 2.11 or later in Windows compatibility mode.
Acrobat Reader 4.0
PDF Files Viewer.
Acrobat Reader 4.05
PDF Files Viewer.
Windows 3.x / Office / Adobe System Incorporated
Acrobat Reader 16-bit 3.01
Acrobat Reader 3.01 is the last version of Adobe Acrobat available in 16-bit to support Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11. The Acrobat Reader 3.01 installer is offered here in two formats for you to choose from, with and without the Acrobat Search & AutoIndx plug-ins. Either version will install the full version of Acrobat Reader 3.01 and the Search plug-ins are not required for the software to work, but they do add the ability to search within PDF documents on the local hard disk, CD-ROMs, and local area network. If you install the Acrobat Reader with Search version, see the "HELP" folder in the installation folder (Default is C:\ACROBAT3\READ16) for the Acrobat Search Online Guide.
Windows 3.x / Utility / Adobe
Acrobat Reader 2 2.0
This is the german version of Acrobat Reader 2.0 for Windows 3.1. It works also on Windows 9x.
Windows 3.x / Utility / Adobe
Acrobat Reader 3.01 3.01
The Adobe Acrobat Reader allows you to browse portable document format (PDF) files that have been created by Adobe Acrobat. It also enables you to fill in visually rich, interactive PDF forms. This version of Acrobat Reader 3.01 automatically installs a plug-in that allows it to work with Netscape Navigator, and an ActiveX control that allows it to work with Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0.
Acrobat Reader for Linux 7.0.9
Windows 3.x / Office / Adobe Systems
Acrobat Reader(PDF Writer) 2.0
Adobe Acrobat 2.0 for Windows - Standard Edition September, 1994 Adobe Corporation Windows 3.1 and 4MB of RAM Retail: $195 SRP AppleSeed '96
DOS / Games / GEMsoft
Acrobatic Flight Simulator
preview version of the simulator game by a russian programmer team. There was never a full release
DOS / DBMS / Symantecomputing/Symantec
Act! 2.11 for DOS 2.11
Symantec Act! 2.11 for DOS. Legendary CRM software. Disk images created with CopyQM, a respected DOS-based disk imager that works well under DOS and Win9x but a little finicky under WinXP.
Windows NT/2000 / Other / Alsys
ActiveAda 5.5.2 (Windows NT and 9x) 5.5.2
Full Ada 83 compiler, with an IDE, library manager, and GUI builder. From the Release Notes: "This is the second Alsys Ada compiler implementation for Windows NT and the first for Windows 95."