The complete list of software

DOS / OS / Novell, Inc.


Novell NetWare 5.1 SP7

Novel NetWare was an early and powerful network/file sharing operating system. It was first released in 1983 and supported DOS and CP/M clients and was initially unique in that it shared individual files rather than entire disk volumes. Initially servers ran on a proprietary Motorola 68000 system but quickly changed to IBM PC where it supported a very wide variety of third party hardware. It used a cooperative tasking server environment and had some advanced features usually only found in mainframe products. During the late 80s and early 90s, NetWare was very popular with large enterprise businesses. The first releases of DOOM used NetWare's IPX protocol for networking support. Later NetWare versions added TCP/IP support in addition to its native IPX protocol.


DOS / System / Novell Inc.


Novell Netware 12 12


DOS / OS / Novell Inc.


Novell Netware 2.15 Rev C 2.15 Rev C

Novell Netware 2.15 Rev C as a re-upload. The original upload had two corrupt floppy images. These files can be read by VirtualBox as 360k floppy disks. To install, boot to DOS 3.3 (as a virtual disk) then insert the NETGEN disk, and run NETGEN.EXE.


DOS / OS / Novell, Inc.


Novell Netware 2.15 Rev C complete installer 2.15 Rev C

This is a complete (Windows) 86Box Netware 2.15 installer. Check the provided Read Me.txt file for how to go about installing. Included in the .ZIP is an 86Box environment configured ready to go, a preconfigured 326Mb hard disk, and a bootable CD to make it all work. Be sure to install NPCAP-1.79.exe BEFORE running 86Box if you want your Netware 2.15 server to 'talk' IPX/SPX on your local LAN. Ensure the BootCD.ISO file is 'inserted' when the machine boots. When the CD boots (as a 1.44Mb floppy) the AUTOEXEC.BAT will do all the things necessary to make the machine ready for Netware 2.15 server installation. Once the Netware 2.15 installation is complete, "eject" the BootCD and hard reset the machine. It should boot to a Netware 2.15 Server console, and not crash! The cool thing is, the RAM drive with the Netware installation files will be erased when the machine restarts, leaving you with a clean Netware 2.15 server installation.


DOS / System / Novell, Inc.


Novell Netware 2.15c 2.15c

This ISO contains all the 360k floppy images needed to build a basic Netware 2.15 Rev C server, plus many more disks for bridges, print servers, and clients. The images were created using WinImage 9. Hopefully the LABEL of the floppies comes through, as the label of the floppy disk (like SHGEN-1) is critical to being able to use the floppies.


DOS / OS / Novell Inc.


Novell Netware 2.2 complete installer 2.2

This is a complete (Windows) 86Box Netware 2.2 installer. Check the provided Read Me.txt file for how to go about installing. Included in the .ZIP is an 86Box environment configured ready to go, a preconfigured 326Mb hard disk, and a bootable CD to make it all work. The Read Me I have provided gives steps for which Netware 2.2 setup options will 'just work'. Be sure to install NPCAP-1.79.exe BEFORE running 86Box if you want your Netware 2.2 server to 'talk' IPX/SPX on your local LAN. Ensure the BootCD.ISO file is 'inserted' when the machine boots. When the CD boots (as a 1.44Mb floppy) the AUTOEXEC.BAT will do all the things necessary to make the machine ready for Netware 2.2 server installation. Once you have completed the Netware 2.2 installation, "eject" the BootCD and hard reset the machine. It should boot to a Netware 2.2 Server console, and not crash! The cool thing is, the RAM drive with the Netware installation files will be erased when the machine restarts, leaving you with a clean Netware 2.2 server installation.


DOS / OS / novell netware


novell netware 6 6.0

netware 6.0 with two license files one is for 25 users the other file is for unlimited users enjoy shawn s


Windows NT/2000 / Other / Novell, Inc.


Novell Netware Documentation v4.1

Original Netware 4.1 documentation ISO. Uses DynaText (included). Supports Windows, MAC, Unix and Netware installation. Has English, German, Italian, French and Spanish manuals - 24 in each language. No automated installs - a drag and drop operation with some INI file settings to specify path names. Have tested it on Windows NT 4 server successfully.


Unix / Communication / Novell Inc.


Novell Netware Flex/IP v1.2c 1.2c

Flex/IP allows Netware IPX servers to support basic IP functions like FTP Host and IP printing, without the overhead of the full NFS product.


DOS / OS / Novell, Inc.


Novell Netware Licenses 20a-4.11

This is a set of all my Netware license files for versions 2.0a, 2.12, 2.15, 3.1, 3.11, 3.12 and 4.11(Intranetware). There are more than a dozen license disks included, each a compressed disk image file of the specific disk containing a serial number.


Windows 3.x / Office / Novell, Inc.


Novell Perfect Office for Windows 3.0

Novell Perfect Office 3.0 for Windows - Novell Corporation August 08, 1995 *** This package consists of: #1: 27 - 1.44 Meg diskettes in IMG format #2: A second archive, consisting of a folder with the contents of all the diskette images has been made; simply extract the folder to the root of the hard drive to install. #3: Several screen and product shots, related articles and this information file. A SERIAL/REGISTRATION CODE IS PROVIDED FOR THE APPLICATIONS IN THIS ARCHIVE. *** Novell PerFect Office Pro v3.0 for Windows: s/n: 1PP30XW0019293 *** *** Novell PerFect Office Std v3.0 for Windows: s/n: 1PO30XW0001011OZ *** Six Powerful Programs. One Powerfully Integrated Suite. Wordperfect 6.1, Quattro Pro 6.0, Presentations 3.0, InfoCentral 1.0a, Envoy, Groupwise. -AppleSeed 2017 -


Windows 3.x / Office / Novell, Inc.


Novell PerfectOffice Professional 3.0 for Windows 3.1 3.0

Novell PerfectOffice Professional 3.0 Includes: WordPerfect 6.1, Quattro Pro 6.0, Presentations 3.0, Paradox 5.0, and other utilities


DOS / System / Novell


Novell Personal NetWare

Novell Personal NetWare


DOS / Other / Novell, Inc.


Novell Software Connection Library Disc 1 (there are no other di

Contains various Novell utilities and add-ons. Contains a license generator utility.


DOS / OS / Novell Inc.


Novell Test Drive 5

Novell Test Drive 7 CDs Demo licenses is on CD1


DOS / OS / Novell Inc.


Novell Test Drive CD3 Reupload 5

Reupload CD3 Partie 2 Full:


Unix / OS / Novell


Novell Unixware 2.01

Unixware is a variant of Unix from Novell that incorporated its Netware features. It was later absorbed and merged with SCO Unix, which took on the Unixware name.


DOS / OS / Novell


NovellNetware312_docs 3.12

7 pdf docs, how to prepare, install, setup, admin, secure, diagnose novell netware 3.12


DOS / Multimedia / Etlp. Publishing


Nowspeak 2.00

English-speaking text-to-speech TSR for DOS. Reads the entire screen or part of it through internal PC speaker. Its voice strongly resembles that in the world-famous techno hit "Das Boat" by U96.


DOS / OS / np2


np2 0.8.6

This is PC-9800 9801 286 emulator


DOS / OS / Jack Strangio


NSE - North Star Horizon Emulator 0.40

An emulator for the North Star Horizon S100-bus Z80 Computer, which was manufactured by North Star Computers in late 1970s to early 1980s. It ran North Star DOS, UCSD Pascal and CP/M. Later on, it was hard-disk enabled. Floppy-disk images which contain Operating System and/or Application software are available from several websites.


DOS / Utility / Navrátil Software System Information


NSSI 0.60.45

System Info (CPU, Memory, OS info, etc.)


DOS / Utility / Navratil Software


NSSI v0.60 v0.60

NSSI is a powerful program which provides lots of information about computer's equipment - installed hardware and software.


Windows NT/2000 / System / Microsoft


NT 3.1 Service Pack 3 i386 ALPHA MIPS

Separate zips for each of the 3 processor types. AppleSeed 2024



NT 3.1 Service Pack 3 i386 ALPHA MIPS

Service pack 3 with separate zips for each processor type. AppleSeed 2024


Windows NT/2000 / System / unknown


NT Video Miniport driver

Supports all Windows NT x86 versions from original 3.1 up to 6.2 (Windows 7). Specially good for NT 3.x and 4.


Windows NT/2000 / OS / Microsoft


NT4 SP6a NT 4 SP6a

NT4 Service Pack 6a


DOS / System / Mark Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell



A ntfs driver for use in ms-dos or early windows. Supports drive compression and execution from autoexec.bat. Read readme.txt before use!


Windows 9x/ME / System / Paragon Software Corporation


NTFS for Win98 3

read and write NTFS on 9xME . full ver


Windows 9x/ME / System / Winternals


NTFS for Windows 98 2.0

read and write NTFS file system for 9xME. full version


DOS / Utility / Active Data Recovery Software


NTFS Reader for DOS 1.0.2

Access to NTFS partitions within the MS-DOS environment.


DOS / System / Datapol



Boot Disk Util to read/write NTFS partitions + Flash mem.




Private version with read & write capability.


DOS / System / Winternals



a whole commercial solution for handling read and write operations in NTFS from a DOS environment .full version.


Windows 9x/ME / System / NewTech Infosystems


NTI Backup NOW! 1.1.92


Windows NT/2000 / System / DLLsource


NTVDM64 v1.0a

The Windows NT Virtual Device Manager 64-bit .dll


DOS / Games / MECC


Number Munchers 1.1

Educational math game was installed in elementary school computers back in the day. This is the 3.5" disk contents.


DOS / Communication / FANUC


NumCom 3.0

FANUC CNC RS-232 Communication


Windows 9x/ME / Other / NuMega


NuMega Smartcheck November 97

This is the complete NuMega DevPartner Studio. It includes all of the following Tools: BoundsChecker, SoftICE, CodeReview, SmartCheck, TrueTime and FailSafe This is the original CD and serial number. Have fun.


Windows 9x/ME / Utility / Helix


Nuts & Bolts 1.01

A package of utilities that PREVENT CRASHES, OPTIMIZE your hard disk, ELIMINATE conflicts, REPAIR damage, SECURE files, SHRED, ALERT, RESCUE DIAGNOSE, FIX.



Nuts & Bolts 1.04

A suite of applications designed to optimize, tuneup, and maintain an old PC to perform in tip top shape.


DOS / Office / Leading edge software


Nutshell 1

flat field database


DOS / DBMS / Nashoba Systems Inc.


Nutshell 2.0

A database manager that includes reporting features and form letter generation. Nashoba Systems would go on to develop the FileMaker database.


DOS / DBMS / Nashoba Systems


Nutshell Plus 1.00

DOS flat file database.


BeOS / System / Rudolf Cornelissen


Nvidia graphics driver 0.10

Unified Nvidia TNT/GeForce graphics driver for (open)BeOS


Windows 9x/ME / System / nVidia


NVIDIA Windows 95/98/ME Display Drivers 77.72

This is the last version of the NVIDIA driver set for Windows 9x that does not crash on shutdown. Supports up to Geforce 6xxx cards. The driver works on 95, however the control panel requires 98.


Unix / System / nVidia


NVIDIA-Linux-x86 1.0

Nvidia Driver Packaging to create a Kmod RPM package for the nvidia legacy drivers and include available cards in SPEC file update.


DOS / System / Novell, Inc.


NW DOS 7.0


DOS / Other / JoJo


Nyan Cat v1.0

Nyan Cat v1.0 is a DOS app for the IBM PC and compatibles that displays the famous animated Pop-Tart Cat while playing the "Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!&q​uot; song through the PC Speaker. Requires IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible and CGA compatible video. For more information see:


DOS / Games / Proline Software


Nyet 3: The Revenge of the Mutant Stones 1.0

NYET III is a tetris-like game where you have to survive 126 levels and, if possible, master 21 special tasks as well. The game is divided into 7 blocks with 18 levels each. One block has to be completed before a new block can be started. The sequence of the levels in a block are, however, optional. The major aim is to solve all levels but, moreover, the player should earn as much money as possible to be able to buy as many tools as possible. These tools (called in the following as "arms") will enable you to master even the most difficult levels. This Test Version only consists of 36 levels and 6 special tasks. Distributed in USA by Pearl America Inc.


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