The complete list of software

Windows 3.x / System / Not specified


DC21X4 NDIS 2 MAC Driver v2.60

A 10/100Mb Driver that works on Microsoft virtual PC in Windows 3.11 FWG


DOS / DBMS / n/a


dCLIP 2.05 and 2.5

***The Decompiler for Clipper Summer 87 and 5.0***. ( dCLIP 2.05e is for use with Clipper Summer '87 ONLY and will not work with any other version of Clipper. dCLIP 2.50e is for use with Clipper 5.0 (Version 5.01) ONLY and will not work with any other version of Clipper, including the first release of Clipper 5.0 )


DOS / DBMS / Donnay Software Designs


dClip 4.1 4.1

dClip is essentially a Clipper application program, threrefore it complies with the same specifications as applications that are created by the Clipper.


DOS / System / DAC Micro Systems


DCom 4.01

Directory Commander - the best DOS shell ever - without nag screen!


DOS / System / DAC Micro Systems


dCOM 4.0 User's Manual 4.0

dCOM File Handling Utilities User's Manual


DOS / OS / Robotron


DCP 3.20

DCP Operating System Version 3.20 For Robotron EC1834 (TeleDisk Image)



DCP 3.30

DCP Operating System Version 3.30 For Robotron EC1834 (TeleDisk Image)


DOS / OS / Robotron


DCP 1700 (DCP-DOS) for Robotron A7150 3.20

DCP 1700 is DCP-DOS version 3.20-1 for Robotron A7150 computer. 360KB floppy bootable image.


DOS / Utility / PC Magazine



It works like the "DIR" command, but using two columns. Requires a real PC (doesn't work with DosBox). Manufacturer and date taken from the copyright string. Added a file named "0" to the ZIP to allow upload it, as Vetusware says the file is "too small"


Windows XP / Utility / Other


DD for Windows



Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / SoftLab-NSK Ltd.


DDClip Pro 3.5 3.5

DDClip 3.51 is a professional, non-linear, non-destructive, multitrack, real-time, audio and video editor for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP. It allows you to process and mix up to 32 high-quality audio tracks (up to 32 bits per sample at any sample rate) with real-time audio effects on your PC with any Windows-compatible sound card.


Windows 3.x / System / Microsoft


DDKs for Windows 3.1, Direct X 5, English, Japanese, Hungarian,

This ISO was ripped from an original MSDN CD (Part No. 99496, Jan. 1997). It contains: DDK for Windows 3.1 DirectX 5 Windows 95 InfraRed DDK This CD ships english versions of these packages as well as language-addons. md5sum of ISO: edeaa0bd2aa2d7b7499f19fd076d7939


DOS / System / P.Frost


DDL / DDU / LDD 1.03

Load / unload / list device drivers without reboot.


DOS / Utility / id Software


De-ICE v1.2 - v1.4

Installation program used by id Software.


DOS / Games / Infocom



The coroner ruled it suicide, and all the evidence agrees. Still, there's something nagging at you about the case, an un- uneasiness bred of long years of police detection work, and you didn't get to be Chief of Detectives by not trusting your instincts. You soon discover that many people wanted the victim dead. Now all you have to do is discover which one did it. And why.


DOS / Games / Remedy Entertainment


Death Rally 1.1


DOS / Games / Apogee Software Ltd, Remedy Entertainment Ltd.


Death Rally 1.1

This is Death Rally v1.1 Registered CD Version with a Manual in PDF. It is in a Nero CD-image file (.nrg) so to run it you will have to mount it.


DOS / Games / Activision


Death Track


DOS / Games / Dynamix, Inc.


Death Track 1.0

This is racing game in future USA. Here each racer can not only outrun competitors but also kill them all. You can select fast, powerful or armored car at the start, then you will upgrade it for money. And money, of course, come for winnings. Poligonal graphics, DOSBox recommended.


DOS / Games / Activision Publishing



DeathTrack was a first person futuristic driving computer game produced for the PC by Dynamix and published by Activision in 1989. It was created by Tom Collie, Mark Brenneman, Darek Lukaszuk and Bryce


DOS / Games / Activision Publishing


deathtrack unknowm

In the future, races are held across America where the drivers race for money, and their lives. You are the rookie. Welcome to Deathtrack. Starting off the game with a meager sum, you can choose from three cars (either speedy, plenty of firepower or heavily-armored) and begin practicing for your races against the other drivers. Your opponents have all been captured in 16-colour digital photo splendour. Featuring 3D polygonal cars racing against each other, they try their best to remove you from the race, permanently. Your winnings can be used to upgrade your car's armor, weapons and parts to make you car impervious to harm, a juggernaut of firepower, hurtling down the 10 available tracks.


Unix / OS / Debian


Debian 1.1 1.1.4

Debian 1.1.4


Windows 3.x / Office / Financial Independence Network Limited


DebtFree Pro for Windows 3.1b

This software will help you to become completely debt free, in a matter of a few short years. Very powerful given its size. During install, it will ask for your name, and an SPCC code. You can enter any four digit number for the code, and it will continue installing.


DOS / System / MultiScope


Debugger 1.00


Unix / OS / Digital Equipment Corporation


DEC OSF/1 version 1.30 1.30

This is the DEC OSF/1 (AXP) installation CDROM for OSF/1 on Alphastations 300/500 etc.. (also known as DEC 3000 mod.300, mod.600 ....). Bootable disk to be installed from boot prompt: >>>boot dka400 , where dka400 is the device name given by >>>show device


Unix / OS / Digital Equipment Corporation


DEC OSF/1 version 1.3A 1.3A

This is the DEC OSF/1 release for the AXP based computers, like the Alphastation 300/600 etc. (also known as DEC 3000 mod.300, mod. 600. Boot to install form boot prompt: >>> boot dka400 (where dka400 is the device name of the CDROM drive found by >>> show device. OSF = Open Software Foundation.


Unix / OS / Digital Equipment Corporation


DEC OSF/1 version 2.1 1.21

This is the OSF/1 AXP version 2.1 installation CDROM for the Alphastations 300/600 etc. (also known as DEC 3000 model 300/600...) Bootable CDROM to be installed from the monitor prompt: >>>boot dka400 wher dka400 is the device name found by >>>show device


Unix / OS / Digital Equipment Corporation


DEC OSF/1 version 2.1 Complementary Products_Sep1994 1.21

CDROM with complementary products fro DEC OSF/1, september 1994


Windows 3.x / Communication / DEC Corp.



Very rare version of Mosaic ''distribution'' web browser. It's not useful today because many stuffs. It's just for historical archival purposes.


DOS / OS / Digital Research, Inc.


DEC VT180 CP/M 2.2 v.1.0 SYSTEM 2.2 v. 1.0

bootable CP/M 2.2 v.1.0 system disk image for the RX180 floppy drive of the VT180 computer. Format 5.25", SSDD, 40 track, 9 sectors/track, 512 bytes/sect Image by Imageddisk (D.Dunfield), Interleave = 1 THIS IS NOT A MSDOS DISK!


DOS / System / Asante Technologies Inc.


DECchip 21140

For DOS, Netware, NT 3.41 & 4.0, NT Alpha, WFW and Win95.


DOS / System / Apple Computer, Inc.


December 2001 Mac OS X Developer Tools December 2001

The December 2001 Mac OS X Developer Tools include everything you need to begin developing applications for Mac OS X. Project Builder 1.1.1, Interface Builder 2.2, AppleScript Studio, updated documentation, and source code examples are all included in the Developer Tools.


DOS / DBMS / Kirill Kutejnikov AKA KrK


Declipp 1.2

Hackers Declipper v1.3


DOS / OS / Microsoft/DEC


DECpc MS-DOS 5.0 5.0

DEC OEM MS-DOS 5.0 for DECpc computers.


DOS / Other / David Chandler Co.


Deep Space 3D 2.0

Deep Space 3D v2.0 astronomical software.


Windows 9x/ME / Other / Steven S. Tuma & Dean Williams


DeepSky99 1.1.9

This astronomy software allows the user to plan a productive observing session and record what was observed quickly and easily.


DOS / Games / Williams


Defender Unknown

This is the original coin operated arcade game from the 1980's. Keyboard can be custom configured to match whatever you want to assign.


DOS / Games / Mindscape


Defender of the Crown

Strategy game


BeOS / Games / New Breed Software


Defendguin 0.0.2b

A certain monopoly-owning bad guy has been cloned hundreds of times by an unknown alien race. They are now attacking earth, kidnapping little penguinoids and converting them into Wind^H^H^H^H mutants. Helping them on their way are some other nasty alien ships, of which there are plenty ...


Windows XP / Utility / Winternals (now Sysinternals-Microsoft)


Defrag Commander 4 Bootable CD 4

Use with caution! I did use it on multiple Windows Versions up to Windows XP &server2003! As with Windows Vista, the NTFS version did not change, but some features where added, I would be careful to use it on Vista or newer versions. Do not use it on SSD drives or other technology than mechanical hard disk drives! The content in the License.txt file contains 2003 as the year, but the dates of the files are from November 2006. More info about NTFS on the wikipedia page and on the MS-Sysinternals page.


Windows XP / Utility / Piriform



Defraggler (Freeware) Most defraging tools only let you defrag the whole drive. Defraggler gives you the power to select individual files and folders to defrag. So you can get the job done in seconds, rather than waiting for the whole drive to complete. Of course if you want to defrag the whole drive Defraggler will let you do that too. This tool I personally have tested and found it to be the best (in my opinion) defraging tool. It defragmented files that I couldn't get 4 other tools to do. My computer runs faster and smoother now.


Windows XP / Multimedia / Peter Kunath, Florian Vorberger


DeliPlayer 2.5 beta 1

Some of DeliPlayer's features: supports Windows® 98, Millennium, NT 4.0, 2000, XP MP3 OGG Vorbis MusePack MP3 information (ID3) editor ProTracker (MOD files) FastTrackerII (XM files) ScreamTracker (S3M files) ImpulseTracker (IT files) C64-SID support plays DeliTracker Amiga custom modules plays all Tracker formats and derivatives with high quality plays 230 formats extremely powerful playlist archive support (ZIP/RAR/LHA/LZX) Player & Plug-ins high quality MP3 decoding powerful disk recorder 214+ music formats supported MP3 ID3 editor module information evaluation available mixer algorithms: scaling oversampling linear interpolating quadratic interpolating studio quality click removal and dithering 10 band equalizer reverb wide stereo and stereo join effects visualization of the audio output frequency domain local domain volume pressure domain frequency/time domain supported packers: Imploder PowerPacker XPK: NONE NUKE DUKE SQSH RDCN SHSC SASC Pack-Ice MMCMP scaling, oversampling and interpolating mixer routines 10 band equalizer click removal dithering reverb wide stereo and stereo join highly configurable Userinterface efficient handling of small to very large lists (easily handles lists with more than 50.000 entries) inplace field editing user-definable fields predefined fields can be renamed drag & drop adding of entries drag & drop entry-sorting very fast, hierarchical sorting allows to easily distribute fields to other entries statistical analysis regular expression searching archive support (ZIP,RAR,ACE,LHA,LZX) imports other playlist files: AML M3U PLT PPP YPL highly configurable individual background picture colors configurable fonts configurable window are font-sensitive and sizable CUE-sheet loading subsong splitting skinned and system layouts available


DOS / OS / Dell Corporation



This version of DOS was popular among IBM-XT users.


Unix / OS / Dell Computer Corporation


DELL Unix System V Release 4.0 Issue 2.2

Dell Unix, first introduced in 1989, was an adaptation of AT&T Unix intended for Dell hardware. Although Dell Unix received much praise, Dell found they could not reasonably support it on non-Dell hardware, as many customers wanted, and in 1993 discontinued it.


DOS / System / Microsoft Corporation


Delpart 1.00

Partition Deleter


Windows 3.x / DBMS / Borlad


Delphi 1

Lenguaje de Programacion Basado en Objetos.


Windows 3.x / System / Borlad


Delphi 1.0

Borland Delphi 1.0 english US. 15 install disks, InstallShield 3.0, ReportSmith 2.5.2, BDE and Documentation.


Windows 3.x / Other / Borland


Delphi 1.0

Borland Delphi 1.0 - Object Oriented Programming Language based on Object Pascal - this version (version 1.0) is for Windows 3.1 / 3.11 (for workgroups) - ISO Image


Windows 3.x / System / Borland Inc.



Issued 29 Sept 1994 Delphi 1 Client/Server Beta 3.25 field test in 14 .img format 1.4MB disks. See the README.TXT file for details how to install this release of the Client/Server edition. Installs into a separate default directory structure allowing it to coexist in parallel with other installed Borland products.


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