Windows 3.x / Multimedia / PG MUSIC INC.
1993 The Jazz Pianist 1.01 1.01
########################### W&V Legacy QualityWare: 01. Always functional tested and approved;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 02. Always complete without missing parts;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 03. Always look for install guide "Serial.txt" file;;;;;;;;;;;;; 04. Always all dependencies, if needed, included;;;;;;;;;; 05. Always virus free tested. You should retest;;; 06. Always (WHEN POSSIBLE) untouched copies;;; and 07. Always redundancy avoided (except dependencies) dated and fully organized! ENJOY THIS COLLECTION ITEM!
DOS / OS / n/a
2 Disk Xwin 1.5
Small two-floppy linux distribution including Xfree86.
DOS / Utility / 吴晓军
2.13L L
Windows 9x/ME / Multimedia / American Software, Inc.
20/20 2.1
Professional quality image editing tool with heaps of special effects filters. 20/20 is an image viewer, screen capture and annotation application. It is also capable of creating slide shows, generating thumbnails, and creating muted backgrounds for web pages and stationery.
Windows XP / Utility / Nir Sofer
2002 FileDate Changer 1.1 1.1
########################### W&V Legacy QualityWare: 01. Always functional tested and approved;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 02. Always complete without missing parts;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 03. Always look for install guide "Serial.txt" file;;;;;;;;;;;;; 04. Always all dependencies, if needed, included;;;;;;;;;; 05. Always virus free tested. You should retest;;; 06. Always (WHEN POSSIBLE) untouched copies;;; and 07. Always redundancy avoided (except dependencies) dated and fully organized! ENJOY THIS COLLECTION ITEM!
Windows XP / Multimedia / Cerious
2003 ThumbsPlus 6.0 6.0
########################### W&V Legacy QualityWare: 01. Always functional tested and approved;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 02. Always complete without missing parts;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 03. Always look for install guide "Serial.txt" file;;;;;;;;;;;;; 04. Always all dependencies, if needed, included;;;;;;;;;; 05. Always virus free tested. You should retest;;; 06. Always (WHEN POSSIBLE) untouched copies;;; and 07. Always redundancy avoided (except dependencies) dated and fully organized! ENJOY THIS COLLECTION ITEM!
Windows XP / Multimedia / iuLab
2004 iuVCR
########################### W&V Legacy QualityWare: 01. Always functional tested and approved;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 02. Always complete without missing parts;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 03. Always look for install guide "Serial.txt" file;;;;;;;;;;;;; 04. Always all dependencies, if needed, included;;;;;;;;;; 05. Always virus free tested. You should retest;;; 06. Always (WHEN POSSIBLE) untouched copies;;; and 07. Always redundancy avoided (except dependencies) dated and fully organized! ENJOY THIS COLLECTION ITEM!
Windows XP / Office / Foxit
2007 Foxit PDF Editor 2.0
########################### W&V Legacy QualityWare: 01. Always functional tested and approved;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 02. Always complete without missing parts;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 03. Always look for install guide "Serial.txt" file;;;;;;;;;;;;; 04. Always all dependencies, if needed, included;;;;;;;;;; 05. Always virus free tested. You should retest;;; 06. Always (WHEN POSSIBLE) untouched copies;;; and 07. Always redundancy avoided (except dependencies) dated and fully organized! ENJOY THIS COLLECTION ITEM!
Windows XP / Office / Pdfzilla
2008 PDF Zilla Pdf To Txt Converter 1.2.9
########################### W&V Legacy QualityWare: 01. Always functional tested and approved;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 02. Always complete without missing parts;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 03. Always look for install guide "Serial.txt" file;;;;;;;;;;;;; 04. Always all dependencies, if needed, included;;;;;;;;;; 05. Always virus free tested. You should retest;;; 06. Always (WHEN POSSIBLE) untouched copies;;; and 07. Always redundancy avoided (except dependencies) dated and fully organized! ENJOY THIS COLLECTION ITEM!
Windows XP / System / Soft4ever
2009 LooknStop Firewall 2.07
########################### W&V Legacy QualityWare: 01. Always functional tested and approved;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 02. Always complete without missing parts;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 03. Always look for install guide "Serial.txt" file;;;;;;;;;;;;; 04. Always all dependencies, if needed, included;;;;;;;;;; 05. Always virus free tested. You should retest;;; 06. Always (WHEN POSSIBLE) untouched copies;;; and 07. Always redundancy avoided (except dependencies) dated and fully organized! ENJOY THIS COLLECTION ITEM!
DOS / Utility / HP
200LX Connectivity Pack ??
These are the disk images for my HP 200LX connectivity pack.
Windows 9x/ME / Games / Expert Software
24 Arcade Games for Windows 95 1.0
A set of 24 arcade games for Windows 95. Unzip and run. Includes Bulldozer, Think Tank, MazeRace, Cryptograms, Cheesy Pursuit and more.
Windows 9x/ME / System / Microsoft
256015USA 1
256015USA5 and 256015USA8 for windows 98 and 95. More info on it can be found on microsoft archived site:;EN-US;Q256015 256015
DOS / System / Phar Lap
286 DOS-Extender 2.5 2.5
This is the retail version -- OS/2 conpatible NE.EXE, not a EXP (286) format.
DOS / System / Phar Lap
286 DOS-Extender Lite 2.5
This is a "Lite" version -- OS/2 conpatible NE.EXE, not a EXP (286) format.
DOS / System / Pharlap
286|DOS Extender 3.12
This is the 286 DOS Extender from Pharlap... Use this with Borland C++/C 2,3 or 4 to create protected mode exe's to run on 286 or greater machines.
286|DOS-Extender 3.1
this is a complete set of the Phar Lap 286|Dos-Extender SDK. This includes support for Microsoft C 6.0/6.0a, 7.0 and Visual C++ 1.0 (16bit). Borland C++ 2.0, 3.0/3.1 and 4.0/4.02. Added bonus is Microsoft Fortran 5.0 and 5.1.
DOS / Utility / Horst Schaeffer
2CALC - Pop-Up Calculator 1.3
2CALC is a four-function 12-digit floating point TSR calculator with "paper tape". It has up to 22 named registers, easy percent and rounding functions, and can push/export results into a foreground application. The hot key and colors are definable (the default combination is CTRL + NUM PLUS).
Windows XP / Games / Enterbrain
2D Fighter Maker 2002 1.02
A game creation program that lets you create your own arcade fighting games similar to Street Fighter.
Windows XP / Games / Enterbrain
2D Fighter Maker 2002 (Fullscreen Fix Win10) 1.02
A game creation program that lets you create your own arcade fighting games similar to Street Fighter. Fixes an issue when playing or testing a game in fullscreen mode at Windows 10.
Windows XP / Games / Enterbrain
2D Fighter Maker 2002 Final Update
The most updated version of the fighting game making tool. Fullscreen fix already included for modern windows. Uploaded for preservation. Warning: Due to the age of the software (20+ years)and it's status as a hacked English translated version, some modern antiviruses may flagged the program as infected but others didn't detect it. This is surely a false positive. Just letting you know.
Windows XP / Games / Enterbrain
2D Fighter Maker 2002 Final Update FIX!! 1.02.00
Update FIX: Replaced the EXE files with a stable version that has a working compile game function. The most updated version of the fighting game making tool. Fullscreen fix already included for modern windows. Uploaded for preservation. Warning: Due to the age of the software (20+ years)and it's status as a hacked English translated version, some modern antiviruses may flagged the program as infected but others didn't detect it. This is surely a false positive. Just letting you know.
Windows XP / Games / Enterbrain
2D Fighter Maker 2016 1.02.00
This is a different English translated version of the 2D Fighter Maker 2nd/Fighter Maker 2002 engine made by a different modder. Also it's fully updated so it is recommended to use this one than the old rough and dirty translated version out there.
Windows XP / Games / Enterbrain
2D Fighter Maker 2nd (CD-ROM Installer) 1.00
A highly rare CD-ROM installer of the 2D Fighter Maker 2nd game making tool in it's first release version 1.00. An update 1.02.00 official patch is also included in the ISO.
Windows XP / Games / Enterbrain
2D Fighter Maker 2nd (Japanese) 1.02.00
This is the original Japanese version of 2D Fighter Maker 2nd (AKA 2D Fighter Maker 2002 in the English fan translated versions)
Windows XP / Games / Enterbrain
2D Fighter Maker 2nd Retranslated 2022 1.02.00
The most recent re-translated English translation of the fighting game making engine in 2022.
DOS / System / Ciriaco Garc¡a de Celis
2M 3.0 3.0
DISKETTE DRIVE CONTROLLER FOR STV DISKETTE FORMAT TECHNOLOGY After being executed without options, the program becomes resident in memory to support 2M disks built by 2MF. 2M is a ®CARDWARE¯ package. The distribution is only authorized WITHOUT MODIFY. How to get the complete package and license information with 2M /L. 2M requires: - An AT or above computer with diskette drives correctly set on SETUP. - At least one high-density floppy drive (double ones are not drived). - 5168 bytes of upper memory or 5264 bytes of conventional memory instead. - DOS and/or WINDOWS 3.X system, another environs are not still supported. - 2MF utility program to format 2M diskettes. þ 2M gives you: - Support for diskettes from 902K (5¬-DD) up to 3772K (3«-ED) on A: and B:. - INT 13h code improves a new 2M format service for high-level applications.
DOS / System / Ciriaco Garc¡a de Celis
2M 3.0 - Source Code 3.0
After being executed without options, the program becomes resident in memory to support 2M disks built by 2MF. 2M is a ®CARDWARE¯ package. The distribution is only authorized WITHOUT MODIFY. How to get the complete package and license information with 2M /L. þ 2M requires: - An AT or above computer with diskette drives correctly set on SETUP. - At least one high-density floppy drive (double ones are not drived). - 5168 bytes of upper memory or 5264 bytes of conventional memory instead. - DOS and/or WINDOWS 3.X system, another environs are not still supported. - 2MF utility program to format 2M diskettes. þ 2M gives you: - Support for diskettes from 902K (5¬-DD) up to 3772K (3«-ED) on A: and B:. - INT 13h code improves a new 2M format service for high-level applications.
DOS / Utility / Ciriaco Garcia de Celis
2MFSHELL ver 1.1 1.1
2MFSHELL ver 1.1 is intended for use with Ciriaco Garcia de Celis's 2M and 2MF ver 3.0 diskette formatting utilities - it provides a simple graphical shell for using these programs. It doesn't replace 2M and 2MF; it just makes it easier to use them. 2M must be loaded into memory (memory-resident) before you can use either 2MF or 2MFSHELL.
DOS / Other / Knowledge Adventure
3-D Body Adventure
Anatomy encyclopedia. 3-D Virtual human body. 3-d models and animations show all major anatomy systems. Includes glossary index, an "Emergency" game and lots of info. Should be installed in "3DBODY" DIR, runs in Dosbox (works also from Win3.x).
DOS / Utility / Tony Minichillo
3-D Color Menu Utility 1.1 (or 2 ?)
This is a cool little app I found online. I use it with DOS 6.22 and it seems to work fine once you get past learning what keys do what as far as saving menus, etc. Included with it is a Word Document that shows you how to set up the Autoexec.bat file along with other info. I created a Floppy image of the files included minus that Word Doc and I load it onto my Virtual DOS 6.22 Machine - It has been fun to play with!