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Multitasking hurts!
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On Saturday May 20, 2017 Conor McCarthy said:
I found this while searching for information about Crystal. I also worked with it in the late 80s. I think I must have worked with version 3 or later, because this one seems very basic. I would love to get hold of version 3 and I am curious to know how this version 2 ended up here.
On Wednesday April 30, 2008 shirley (guest) said:
please one of maual CRYSTAL
On Friday February 1, 2008 mcnfbwhp crvbpf (guest) said:
djgrpu mipfn pfja prikja kzcyguwen xoyezf gdcmswybr
On Friday November 2, 2007 D Cooper (guest) said:
i worked with crystal in the early 90's. between the era of prolog and lisp and the current era of jboss rules (formerly drools) there was expert system shell where you can define and run forward chaining rules based on string matching. Not bad in DOS days.
On Saturday September 22, 2007 Mal (guest) said:
I used this software at university in the early 90s. I still have the user manual! Crystal is an expert system builder. A set of programs that allow you to create rules, parameters and knowledge that a series of questions can use to elicit a decision. It can be a very powerful tool, despite it's appearance! I only have a paper copy of the manual, otherwise I'd email anyone who wanted it 8-(
On Tuesday September 4, 2007 guest (guest) said:
I think Expert Systems are useful for designing "AI" programs like chatbots and such.
On Tuesday May 22, 2007 i80386 (guest) said:
I DLed this and played with it, but I can't figure out what it's for! It seems to be some kind of programming language.
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