FileMaker Pro 2.1Fv3

Category: DBMS
Year: 1994
Description:FileMaker Pro is a cross-platform relational database application from FileMaker Inc., formerly Claris, a subsidiary of Apple Inc.. It integrates a database engine with a GUI-based interface, allowing users to modify the database by dragging new elements into layouts, screens, or forms.
Manufacturer: Claris Corporation
Localization: FR
OS: Windows 3.x

Files to download

#9032fmpro21fr.rar2.3 MB0x6BAB506F

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On Monday April 22, 2019 hakanhami said:

I love FM Pro 2.1 and I use it still.
No problem on win 7 32 bit.
I keep my daily expenses

On Friday August 1, 2014 Fletcher James said:

Someone had asked a similar question but there is no response yet.
I use Win 7 (Home, Pro & Ultimate). Using the "Troubleshoot compatibility" is not helping. How do I get it to install and run please?

On Tuesday April 30, 2013  said:

Please advice how can I install the file maker pro 2.1 into my windows 7 laptop?

On Saturday January 28, 2012 renard1 said:

Great, does not crash on Windows 7, contrarily to 2.0 (which worked in XP if we remove manz fonts=