PowerPoint 3.0

Category: Office
Year: 1992
Manufacturer: Microsoft
Localization: EN
OS: Windows 3.x

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#132ppt3.0.zip7 MB0x99A03B62

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On Wednesday January 27, 2010 Dietrich Von Awesome said:

The year IS 1992; please see Wikipedia.

On Saturday September 19, 2009 frox said:

The date is 1992 indeed. Robert Gaskins, the guy who invented PowerPoint, dates ppt 3.0 to May 1992 ( see his article at http://www.robertgaskins.com/p​ages/gaskins-powerpoint-at-20-​cacm-vol50-no12-dec-2007-p15-p​17.pdf )

On Tuesday May 20, 2008 guest (guest) said:

The date is 1993

On Saturday February 17, 2007 BIT_LEGENDS(ae_battleangel@yahoo.com.mx) (guest) said:

Microsoft Power Point 3.0 was released in August 30, 1992 within Office 3.0 package. Office 3.0 was packaged in a CD-ROM version: Word 2.0c, Excel 4.0a, PowerPoint 3.0, Mail): (repackaged as Office 92).