Disk Technician 4.00

Category: Utility
Year: 1987
Description:Disk Technician is a hard disk testing and repair tool similar in nature to SpinRite. It works with MFM/RLL hard disks to refresh low-level formatting, detect "weak" sectors, and relocate data that may be in danger. Important: This software is copy protected. To make a usable disk, please use the Kryoflux image. Protection type: Duplicate sectors on track 23, head 1. Possibly intentionally bad sectors on track 35 and 39.
Manufacturer: Prime Solutions Inc.
Localization: EN

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#24342Disk Technician 4.00 (1987) (5.25-360k) (Kryoflux).7z4.4 MB0x16A734F6

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