8086 Forth 83 2.1.0

Category: System
Year: 1984
Manufacturer: Open Source
Localization: EN

Files to download

#4160[DOS Application] Open Source - 8086 Forth 83 2.1.0 - Distribution Disks.zip179.5 KB0x398F1DC9

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On Thursday January 1, 2009 Stephen Lund said:

Forth...especially early versions teach programming like nothing else I've ever seen....makes you relate to the machine.

On Sunday June 15, 2008 guest (guest) said:

This is an early implementation of the Forth-83 standard for DOS. It uses the16-bit 64k address space available on the 8086. It will run in a DOS window on current computers. It is too limited to be of much current interest.

On Sunday June 15, 2008 guest (guest) said:

This is an early implementation of the Forth-83 standard for DOS. It uses the16-bit 64k address space available on the 8086. It will run in a DOS window on current computers. It is too limited to be of much current interest.

On Sunday October 14, 2007 guest (guest) said:

>We have no idea what this software is about. Do you?
Forth is a programming language, notable primarily for its adoption of reverse polish notation. These days I think most would agree that forth has become rather obscure, but there is extensive information about it on Wikipedia for those wishing to know more.