Stacker for DOS and Windows 4.0

Category: System
Year: 1994
Description:Stacker 4.00 Version Fran‡aise. Stac Electronics, Carlsbad C.A. Logiciel de compression pour disques durs Copiez le contenu de DISK1 sur une 1ere disquette et DISK2 sur une seconde. Pour la licence d'utilisation entrez vos Nom et Pr‚nom (ou autres...) The files are virgin - meaning that registration info has never been written into the STACKER.COM file. You can personalize them with your name/company. I just recently absconded these from another oldies site. Props to viva la France!
Manufacturer: Stac Electronics
Localization: FR
OS: Windows 3.x

Files to download

#13525stk40.zip2 MB0x1EB1C64E

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