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On Wednesday May 18, 2016 richard said:
why is Turbo Basic in French ? , i want ENGLISH !!!!, Duh !
On Sunday January 4, 2015 ouhker said:
'COM2INC2.BAS 'corrected and modified on Jan 4, 2015 '1) There is some bug in the original COM2INC.BAS, e.g. "O" (oh) mixed with "0". '2) LASTBYTE is NOT read in, LASTBYTE -1 repeated. 'This program converts COM files to $INCLUDE files with the Turbo 'Basic $INLINE meta-command for easy insertion in Basic programs. DEFINT A-Z 'All variables will be integers F$=COMMAND$ 'Check to see if there's a command line WHILE F$="" PRINT"This program will convert COM files to $INCLUDE files" PRINT"for use with Turbo Basic. The default file type of" PRINT"the source file is COM. The default file type of the" PRINT"output file is INC. You may override either default" PRINT"by entering a specific file-type specification." PRINT"If you enter no name for the output file, it will be" PRINT"named the same as the input file, but will have a file" PRINT"type specification of INC." LINE INPUT"Enter the name of the file to convert: ";F$ WEND IF COMMAND$="" THEN LINE INPUT"Enter the name of the desired output file: ";O$ END IF IF INSTR(F$,".")=0 THEN F$=F$+".COM" 'fix input spec IF O$="" THEN O$=LEFT$(F$,INSTR(F$,"."))+"INC" 'fix output spec, ELSE IF INSTR(O$,".")=0 THEN O$=O$+".INC" 'both ways END IF OPEN"R",#1,F$,1 'input file will be read one byte FIELD #1,1 AS A$ 'at a time into A$ LASTBYTE&=LOF(1) 'end of file position OPEN"O",2, O$ 'output file is opened REM PRINT #2, ""; PRINT #2, "SUB INLINE " FOR I&=1 TO LASTBYTE& GET 1,I& X%=ASC(A$) IF ((I&-1) MOD 10=0) THEN PRINT #2,"":PRINT #2," $INLINE "; 'PRINT #2,"&H";HEX$(X%); IF LEN(HEX$(X%))= 1 THEN PRINT #2,"&H0";HEX$(X%); ELSE PRINT #2,"&H";HEX$(X%); IF I&=LASTBYTE& THEN PRINT #2,""; ELSE IF ((I&-1) MOD 109) THEN PRINT #2,","; NEXT I& PRINT #2, "" PRINT #2, "END SUB" PRINT"Conversion complete. ";LASTBYTE&;" bytes read." PRINT O$;" contains ";LOF(2);" bytes." CLOSE END
There is English version here. interrupt calling method are different from that of GWBASIC or BASICA Refer to User's Guide (PDF) that can be download somewhere.
On Thursday March 26, 2009 sabisystem said:
this is optimal software for basic programs
On Monday August 13, 2007 Joe (guest) said:
Turbo BASIC is yet another incarnation of the basic programming language, very simular to microsoft BASIC, with a few extra commands, but lacking interrupt access and inter-program communications functions.
On Friday October 20, 2006 Andy314 (guest) said:
Borland's Turbo Basic, version 1.1 This appears to be the French version as all menus etc are in French
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