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On Tuesday May 23, 2023 cukpok said:
Working great on Windows Vista starter sp1 x86, using the NEW crack. Wont work on NT 4.0, graphical issues on XP,and windows 2000. Hardware used. Pentium 4 northwood 3.0 ghz. 478 socket. Motherboard gigabyte 8ig1000. 512 ram ddr Intel extreme graphics 2
On Monday December 13, 2021 Tina Lockyer said:
i cant get it working on windows NT 4.0, once i have installed it, i open the program and the command prompt - Soft3D opens, then i just get an error sound, and then the mouse changes into a loading symbol and nothing works, except task manager where I can close the application. Can anyone help?
On Saturday April 3, 2021 rushteten said:
2020 go back to my skill in expert SI#D aplication.. Thanks YOU!!!! again&again..
On Monday July 29, 2019 gamerzlog said:
Hey Wendall could you make a video on how to fix Softimage 3D?
On Saturday July 13, 2019 wendell said:
Post-Script:Problem fixed! If you're in the same situation as I was a few moments ago, what you need to do is, remove all secondary components from the pack installation without uninstall it, then open the software; if it works, close it ( normally ) and add again the components. Enjoy ;)
On Sunday July 7, 2019 wendell said:
I've got a windows XP SP3, though, Softimage won't work at all, it appears " Resolution not suported (...) ",and other times the issue is the "official license", I don't know how to solve, actually I didn't even know how to install that (;;to start off ), since the manual is rather poor of explanation. Can someone help me with that? I'm trying everything I can and open this god damn engine is everything to me right now - thks for listenning me.
On Sunday October 8, 2017 yoyo said:
Can someone help? I would like to run softimage 3D v3.8 on Pentium HP 7900 running Xp Pro sp 3.1 with 4gb ram and graphic card Nvidia quadro Fx 580 512mb ram but it is not working, or better to say is working but not how has to be. Cannot move easy in any window, selection is slow, cannot manipulate the 1 simple object rtc. Is there some tricks to make it works?
On Saturday September 9, 2017 FP63 said:
Setup won't start on Win95/98/Me (piii 550 + tnt2) On VMware 12 + winxp sp2 installs fine but works very unstable
On Wednesday July 26, 2017 zenwalk said:
A minimum required Windows version is Windows NT 3.51+SP4. It does not install on Windows 95.
On Saturday July 9, 2016 john ocke said:
Thank you
On Saturday June 4, 2016 timtam said:
Working on xp sp3 for me also. Thankyou heaps, have wanted this for years. =D
On Sunday February 7, 2016 noh_mercy said:
nevermind i got it. i just needed to initiate 2 downoads at same time to get the other half
Unable to download half of the file. I don't know if the file is corrupt or something can someone help me download this?
On Saturday November 7, 2015 Juan Ignacio Riesco said:
i have problems i need help to install because when i cliclk softimage the my computer dont work i dont know the problem is Flexlm can help me to install well the software
On Sunday October 18, 2015 kyp2003 said:
Thanks YOU!!!! Work on WinXP SP3
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