Mathematica 6.0 6.0.0

Category: Other
Year: 2007
Manufacturer: Wolfram Research Inc.
Localization: EN
OS: Windows XP

Files to download

#23643zip.zip454.4 MB0x566D2783
#242790x0409.zip1.8 KB0x43E5A64D

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On Thursday January 9, 2025 gary hinshaw said:

Also, there is a known trojan within the keygen verified by online scan. Use an alternate keygen.

On Thursday January 9, 2025 gary hinshaw said:

The error 1158 is caused because the setup folder is missing 1 small file. If you have a copy of version 5 you can copy the file 0x0409 which is a 5KB configuration settings file in the setup folder over to the version 6 setup folder and it will install.

On Friday November 3, 2023 Simon Kaplan said:

How to install this? I get error 1158 when I run setup.exe