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On Friday September 9, 2016 astrolab said:
That is: wordperfect-8.0-unpacked.tgz - ready to unpack wordperfect-8.0.tar.gz - original installer
The second archive contains already installed WP you need only to unpack into /usr/local. For example: su -c 'tar -C /usr/local -xvf wordperfect-8.0-unpacked.tgz' or sudo tar -C /usr/local -xvf wordperfect-8.0-unpacked.tgz I repeat: this software doesn't work on modern distros. But it should work on distros that had libc 5 compatibility packages in their repos from few years back like 32-bit Mandriva 2011. Of course, first install libc5 compatibility stuff. But ideally just try it on some distro from 1998. Mandrake recommended for those without much linux-fu. :) Have fun. :)
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