Category: Utility
Year: 1988
Description:FoxGraph Version 1.0 December 1988 (c) 1988 by Three D Graphics ***RUSSIFIED*** Foxgraph was an application originally sold by Fox Software in the days before they were taken over by Microsoft. It was a business graph system which was callable from within Foxplus or Foxpro. System requirements: *Computer:IBM XT,AT or eq., Toshiba 3100, AT&T 6300, 512K min, DOS 2.0 min. *Graphics card for IBM or eq.:CGA, EGA,"Super" EGA, VGA, Herc. Mono, or eq. *Disk: Hard disk with approximately 1.3Mb available. 1. Must use teledisk 2.11 - any other version wouldn't handle these images. 2. Converted those to standard IMG format. 3. Unpacked the files to a DIR off root like so: C:\FSRC, then ran install from there. Didn't work! 4. Created a virtual floppy drive and installed - SUCCESS! There's a English README.DOC which gives some excellent info, but the program has been russified (somewhat). The russifying is done in messages.3ds keytext.3ds help.3ds CONENTS: There are the original Teledisk images, another set converted to standard IMG, yet one more of a 1.2meg floppy with all files (which is what I eventually used to perform an installation under XP), and finally, a RARed archive of the completed installation that you can unpack and run directly. See the text files included in the archive; they contain additional information to get this running on your hardware. AppleSeed '96 ***RUSSIFIED***
Manufacturer: Three D Graphics
Localization: EN

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#13610FoxGraph_v1.0.rar3 MB0x71794CC1

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