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On Friday May 17, 2019 paranoia said:
This is not FoxBase 2. It is FoxBase 2+. FoxBase 2 was a dBase II clone. FoxBase 2+ was a dBase III clone.
On Wednesday November 25, 2015 Robert Guastamachio said:
will fox + see and retreave foxpro for dos on a mac machine my files are on a back up flash drive? wil it print to a wireless all in one printer?
On Friday May 22, 2015 zzfox said:
Happy time when I was programming in Foxbase +. So really thank you for this great site!!
On Saturday February 7, 2015 N.Satya N.Babu said:
My learning experience with fox once again came to live.
On Monday January 26, 2015 ouhker said:
In your config.sys use the following syntax .. .. shell=c:\dos\ /E:nnnnn .. .. /e:nnnnn specifies the environment size, where nnnnn is the size in bytes. The value of nnnnn must be in the range of 160 through 32768. MS-DOS rounds this to multiple of 16 bytes. THE DEFAULT VALUE IS 256.
On Monday May 5, 2014 Juan B Salas said:
Why i canĀ“t download anyting
On Sunday April 13, 2014 wizman said:
Under XP, the problem is: In DOS, the environment variables string can be a max of 128 bytes. Period. That's it. Not enough room here to give complete answer. I'm posting "FoxBASE 2.00 beta" to Vetusware. Look for it - the complete instructions are included (it's actually fairly simple). This method cand be used will ALL Foxbase and ALL DOS software that gives same error. AppleSeed '96
On Monday March 31, 2014 said:
On Tuesday May 7, 2013 said:
some solution for error 2009???? thanks. have to restart in DOS?
On Wednesday March 20, 2013 said:
when running the foxplus.exe from dos it is showing the error :error 2009 :not enough space for environment
On Thursday February 2, 2012 gnanes said:
tyvm... u r the only one to give this for free...
On Thursday May 10, 2007 Morffi (guest) said:
i think that this is a very important site for dos programer Thank you for this site
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