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Haec sententia nil esse. - Juliano Vetus, site founder
MS-DOS books — buy link here
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On Thursday January 11, 2018 William Martin said:
There is a bat file to make a boot disk but there is no image file for the bat file to access.
On Saturday October 25, 2014 NGAK said:
DR-DOS ist equal good how the MS-DOS.The mistake was , that they came near the same Time on the Market. MS was the better one.
On Friday February 14, 2014 Highwinder said:
Microsoft did not use DR-DOS to create Microsoft DOS. Nor did they try to kill DR-DOS. Microsoft bought DOS from a little company in Seattle. Honestly, the crap people will make up about Microsoft sickens me.
On Thursday May 2, 2013 Rui Gonçalves said:
There are no distribution disks in the .ZIP archive. It's just a bunch of files packed in a .ZIP. There is no way to boot this, or create a boot floppy.
On Tuesday January 29, 2008 guest (guest) said:
Это какая-то левая сборка! Точно неофицальная версия. Последний DR-DOS - это 8.0 Просто сравните файлы из 8.0 и 8.1 (можно просмотреть через WinHex) Например видно что утилита взята из FreeDOS
On Wednesday November 7, 2007 guest (guest) said:
It's one disk of set...probably of 3 This disk zip lacks the memory management and command files..
On Thursday November 30, 2006 Wateau (guest) said:
This is an alternative to MS-DOS developed by Digital Research, the company that developed CP/M which Microsoft actually copied to produce MS-DOS. Microsoft then used all sorts of tricks to kill. They were later sued by Novell, the new owner of Digital Research and had to settle by paying Novell nearly $200,000,000.
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