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DOS / Trius, Inc.
As-Easy-As 3.01
o 2048 rows by 256 Columns- Uses Sparse Memory Matrix for efficient storage. o POPUP or PANEL menus - You decide which is best for you! o Powerful Graphics- Can create BAR, STACKED BAR,LINE, XY ,PIE, HILO SEMI-LOG and LOG-LOG graphs on your Epson compatible printer , All without every leaving the spreadsheet! o Intelligent Recalculation - Its blazing speed derives from the fact that it only calculates those cells it needs to calculate. o Over 50 {MACRO} programming commands.... o Over 43 @FUNCTIONS for Math, Statistics and Finance.... o 3D-SIMULATION, You can reallocate spreadsheet memory upto 100 planes. o NO INSTALLATION, On almost every IBM PC compatible it will run immediately with out time wasting hardware installation. ( Runs on CGA,MONO,MGA,EGA,AT&T .... video/graphics cards. ) o HELP screens , built right into the program , over 50 pages... o BUILT IN UTILITIES, text FIND/REPLACE, MACRO recording, AUDITING GOALSEEKING and more..... (Other spreadsheets sell these features as expensive ADD-INS) o Highly LOTUS/123 compatible (1-2-3 trademark of LOTUS Development Corp). Shareware.
DOS / Trius Inc.
As-Easy-As 5.7
AS-EASY-AS: The Extraordinary Spreadsheet! Latest version of the Shareware Industry Award Winner for "Best Application, 1992" Packed with dozens of new features! Linear Programming, Multivariate Regression; External user Functions; 3D Graphics... And Standard features like .WKS & WK1 file compatibility; Hundreds of Math, Financial, & Stat Functions, dBASE interface; Matrix operations; and more... Package includes a comprehensive manual and the free full licence provided by the Manufacturer.
Windows 9x/ME / Trius Inc.
As-Easy-As for Windows 1.6
A good Lotus123-like spreadsheet program with advanced analisys functions and manuals. You can install it under NT4/2K/XP/Win7 too, but not in a "LongName" directory, instead "C:\BIN\ASAWIN".
Windows XP / Trius Inc.
As-Easy-As for Windows 1.6ac
AS-EASY-AS spreadsheet program for Windows 95, NT/2000/Me/XP - Free! As of 10/1/2006, As-Easy-As for window was discontinued. FREE full licenses can be installed using the information in the zipped file.
Windows 3.x / Jonathan Mathews Software
Ascgen - ASCII Generator Public Beta 13 Beta 13
Morph pictures to ASCII text. This is a public beta release of the ASCII Generator or ASCGEN (pronounced A-S-C-Gen), and is therefore not guaranteed to work on your system (but it should). Please send me an email if you like the program, or can see anything that needs fixing/adding/etc. You are encouraged to mirror this zip file, and pass it around to your friends.
DOS / Trius Inc.
AsEasyAs 2.05
AsEasyAs is a POWERFUL spreadsheet (1024 rows x 256 cols) with a large set of menu command features. Graphics and Reports can be produced directly from information you input. Help menus describing math functions, macros, and special features may be accessed by pressing F1 from within the spreadsheet.
AsEasyAs 3.0
AsEasyAs is a powerful and large spreadsheet of 1024 rows x 256 columns. Create GRAPHS on screen or a printer, manipulate DATABASES, PRINT formatted reports, execute programmable MACROS or calculate sophisticated models with a generous selection of Finance, Statistic, Logic and Science functions.
DOS / Titus
AsEasyAs 4.00R
AsEasyAs is a powerful and large spreadsheet of 1024 rows x 256 columns. Create GRAPHS on screen or a printer, manipulate DATABASES, PRINT formatted reports, execute programmable MACROS or calculate sophisticated models with a generous selection of Finance, Statistic, Logic and Science functions. Version 4.00 of AS-EASY-AS supports the development and use of Add-In programs.
Windows 3.x / Ashlar Incorporated
Ashlar Vellum 1.01 for Windows
Ashlar Vellum is a CAD package for mechanical engineers and designers, that includes the ability to intelligently predict where the user wants to connect the next object. There were both "2D" and "3D" versions. This version is for Windows 3.0
DOS / Ashton-Tate
Ashton-Tate Framework III 1.0 and 1.1
Originally created by Forefront Corporation for Ashton-Tate and first released in 1984, Framework was an early integrated office suite for DOS. It has a built in word processor, spreadsheet, database, outliner, graphing, and telecommunications. Framework provides a text-based "gui", including windowing and menus. All of the different components behave in similar, consistent ways. The Framework office suite is historically distinguished as the first all-in-one office suite for IBM PC compatible computers. The spreadsheet component is also unique, as its design let it support "3D" spreadsheets. Released in 1988 by Ashton-Tate for DOS.
DOS / Ashton-Tate Corporation
Ashton-Tate Framework VIII, VII, or VI or V or IV 1.0
Originally created by Forefront Corporation for Ashton-Tate and first released in 1984, Framework was an early integrated office suite for DOS. It has a built in word processor, spreadsheet, database, outliner, graphing, and telecommunications.
Assistant Series 2.00
The IBM Assistant Series Version 2.00 includes 5 products: Filing Assistant, Reporting Assistant, Graphing Assistant, Writing Assistant and Planning Assistant.
Windows 9x/ME / Rising Sun Solutions
Atlantis Ocean Mind Word Processor v. (preview release) 0.7.0
Atlantis Ocean Mind Word Processor v. (preview release) Rising Sun Solutions May 05, 2000 - Read/write Microsoft Word(Doc) 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 and Read Microsoft Write (Wri) files. - 32bit program, Designed for Windows 95 and above. - So compact, it can be installed to a floppy. - Original site link: - Serial: 4973-1DCA-9D27-B0C6 AppleSeed 2024
Atlantis Ocean Mind Word Processor v. (preview release) 0.7.0
Atlantis Ocean Mind Word Processor v. (preview release) Rising Sun Solutions May 05, 2000 - Read/write Microsoft Word(Doc) 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 and Read Microsoft Write (Wri) files. - 32bit program, Designed for Windows 95 and above. - So compact, it can be installed to a floppy. - Original site link: - Serial: 4973-1DCA-9D27-B0C6 AppleSeed 2024
Atlantis Ocean Mind Word Processor v. (preview release) 0.7.0
Atlantis Ocean Mind Word Processor v. (preview release) Rising Sun Solutions May 05, 2000 - Read/write Microsoft Word(Doc) 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 and Read Microsoft Write (Wri) files. - 32bit program, Designed for Windows 95 and above. - So compact, it can be installed to a floppy. - Original site link: - Serial: 4973-1DCA-9D27-B0C6 AppleSeed 2024
Atlantis Ocean Mind Word Processor v. (preview release) 0.7.0
Atlantis Ocean Mind Word Processor v. (preview release) Rising Sun Solutions May 05, 2000 - Read/write Microsoft Word(Doc) 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 and Read Microsoft Write (Wri) files. - 32bit program, Designed for Windows 95 and above. - So compact, it can be installed to a floppy. - Original site link: - Serial: 4973-1DCA-9D27-B0C6 AppleSeed 2024
Atlantis Ocean Mind Word Processor v. (preview release) 0.7.0
Atlantis Ocean Mind Word Processor v. (preview release) Rising Sun Solutions May 05, 2000 - Read/write Microsoft Word(Doc) 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 and Read Microsoft Write (Wri) files. - 32bit program, Designed for Windows 95 and above. - So compact, it can be installed to a floppy. - Original site link: - Serial: 4973-1DCA-9D27-B0C6 AppleSeed 2024
Atlantis Ocean Mind Word Processor v. (preview release) 0.7.0
Atlantis Ocean Mind Word Processor v. (preview release) Rising Sun Solutions May 05, 2000 - Read/write Microsoft Word(Doc) 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 and Read Microsoft Write (Wri) files. - 32bit program, Designed for Windows 95 and above. - So compact, it can be installed to a floppy. - Original site link: - Serial: 4973-1DCA-9D27-B0C6 AppleSeed 2024
Atlantis Ocean Mind Word Processor v. (preview release) 0.7.0
Atlantis Ocean Mind Word Processor v. (preview release) Rising Sun Solutions May 05, 2000 - Read/write Microsoft Word(Doc) 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 and Read Microsoft Write (Wri) files. - 32bit program, Designed for Windows 95 and above. - So compact, it can be installed to a floppy. - Original site link: - Serial: 4973-1DCA-9D27-B0C6 AppleSeed 2024
Atlantis Ocean Mind Word Processor v. (preview release) 0.7.0
Atlantis Ocean Mind Word Processor v. (preview release) Rising Sun Solutions May 05, 2000 English, Russian, Ukrainian - Read/write Microsoft Word(Doc) 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 and Read Microsoft Write (Wri) files. - 32bit program, Designed for Windows 95 and above. - So compact, it can be installed to a floppy. - Original site link: - Serial: 4973-1DCA-9D27-B0C6 AppleSeed 2024
DOS / Jeff Wunderlich
Aurora Editor for DOS32 3.0
T editor v2.20b by Tim Balwin, IBM 1987, 1988 IBM UK Labs, refer to "README" by developer
Unix / Autodesk
AutoCAD r10 for Xenix
Autodesk AutoCAD for Xenix, 1989, 1.2mb floppy disk images. (These are Xenix disks, not DOS disks and will not open in WinImage).
DOS / Autodesk
Autocad 2.5 2.5
Autodesk Autocad 2.5 for DOS. I don´t know if it is a full version or not. So please test and comment.
DOS / Autodesk
Autocad 9 Release 9 DOS
Directory image, delete/rename ACAD.CFG file then configure Autocad
Windows 3.x / Autodesk
AutoCad R13 for Windows 3.1 R13
First of Windows version of AutoCad. It works perfect. All 2D/3D commands is ok. A little bit hard installing it in Windows3.1 with Dosbox. But you can easly install it Windows 3.1 with Virtual PC. Beacuse It can simulate share.exe or vshare.386 system. But Dosbox not ! My opinion, first instal it in Virtual PC Windows 3.1, then copy All Win31 folders and Autocad folders to DosBox. It works perfect with Dosbox and Dosbox Turbo !. Your android can have AutoCad R13.
DOS / Autodesk
Autodesk AutoCAD 11_c1 for Apple Macintosh
This is an M68k native port of AutoCAD for the Apple Macintosh. It was one of only three versions released for early Macintosh computers. The Macintosh platform port was plagued with problems and lagged behind the DOS and Unix versions. Version 11 for Macintosh features speed improvements, better UI integration, compatible with System 7.0 and Apple Quadra Macintoshes This version requires at least an 68881 FPU. To run on a 68k Macintosh without an FPU, obtain and install the product "Software FPU". To try running on a PPC Macintosh obtain and install the product "PowerFPU". This application has poor compatibility. If it freezes up while starting at the configuration window, try disabling extensions. Was able to run it under MacOS 7.1. May not run properly on MacOS 8 or later. Not copy protected. No serial key needed. Includes 11 3.5" 800k floppy disk images.
Autodesk AutoCAD 12_c3 for Apple Macintosh
This is an M68k native port of AutoCAD for the Apple Macintosh. It was one of only three versions released for early Macintosh computers. The Macintosh platform port was plagued with problems and lagged behind the DOS and Unix versions. Version 12 for Macintosh features vastly improved UI integration and more speed increases. Release 12 was the last version for early Macintosh computers. AutoCAD was not revived on the Macintosh platform until Apple started using Intel CPUs and Mac OS X. This version requires at least an 68881 FPU. To run on a 68k Macintosh without an FPU, obtain and install the product "Software FPU". To try running on a PPC Macintosh obtain and install the product "PowerFPU". Not copy protected. No serial key needed. Includes seven 3.5" 1.44mb Macintosh formatted floppy disk images.
Autodesk AutoCAD r10_c5 for Macintosh
This is an M68k native port of AutoCAD for the Apple Macintosh. It was one of only three versions released for early Macintosh computers. The Macintosh platform port was plagued with problems and lagged behind the DOS and Unix versions. Version 10 for Macintosh was the initial release. It features a user interface identical to the DOS version, including its command line usage. It was slower than the DOS version on comparable hardware. Requires a minimum of Mac II, IIx, or IIcx with 4 megabytes of RAM, hard disk with 40 megabytes free, monochrome or color monitor, and Macintosh System 6.0.2 or later. This version does not require an FPU. Not copy protected. No serial key needed. Includes a hard disk volume that may be mounted in an emulator.
Windows XP / Avery Zweckform
Avery Zweckform Assistent für Microsoft Word 5.0
Avery Zweckform Assistent für Microsoft Word - enthält zahlreiche Vorlagen für alle Avery Zweckform Produkte - Funktioniert mit folgenden Word/Office Versionen: 2003 bis 2010 - Funktioniert nicht mit Office 365
DOS / Armin Winkler
AW-Faktura/Kassenbuchprogramm 2.0
Das AW-Faktura/Kassenbuchprogramm ist ein hochwertiges und leistungsstarkes Software-Produkt, mit dem Sie die laufend anfallenden Buchungen tätigen und auswerten können. Die Installation und Programmbedienung wurden so einfach wie möglich gehalten, um auch dem EDV-Laien oder Gelegenheitsanwender die Möglichkeit zu eröffnen, die Vorteile seines Computers zu nutzen. Das AW-Faktura/Kassenbuchprogramm ist auf allen IBM-kompatiblen Personal Computern mit mindestens 512 KB Hauptspeicher unter den Betriebssystemen MS-DOS/PC-DOS ab den Versionen 2.11 lauffähig. Wegen des großen Programmumfangs ist ein Einsatz nur in Verbindung mit einer Festplatte sinnvoll.
DOS / Baudville, Inc
Award Maker Plus
An app just for printing "awards" to a printer. Choose from number of a pre-defined layouts and borders.
Unix / Axene
Axene Office (source code) 2.0.1
AXENE Office was a commercial office suite for Linux. When it was discontinued the source code was released under GNU GPL. This is the source (no bins sorry). It's not known if this is still compileable on modern Linuces. Rarely mentioned. You won't find much info on Google.
DOS / Korenthal Associates, Inc.
Babble! 2.0
Babble! is a creativity tool for writers. Babble! analyzes samples of text for style and content, and then mixes them together to generate a steady stream of nonsensical prose. Mix Shakespeare with Harold Robbins, or Firesign Theatre with Dick and Jane! Add special effects like Stutter and Subliminal! You can even import your own writings! All text is controlled on-the-fly using Babble!'s unique "text-mixing studio", and changes appear instantly!
DOS / Broderbund
Bank Street Writer Plus 1.1
Bank Street Writer is an easy to use word processor intended for beginners and educational use. This version is for the IBM PC/PC XT/PC AT/PCjr running DOS.