Asymetrix Compel 1.0a

Category: Office
Year: 1993
Description:Asymetrix Compel is a multimedia presentation and charting program. It features clipart, a slide viewer, and speaker notes. Like other presentation programs it supports the creation of slides and overheads, but also supports multimedia content including Video for Windows, Autodesk Animator, WAV, MIDI, and Asymetrix Mediablitz files. The CD version contains additional multimedia samples and clipart.
Manufacturer: Asymetrix
Localization: EN
OS: Windows 3.x

Files to download

#24364Asymetrix Compel 1.0a (1993) (3.5-1.44mb).7z12.3 MB0xCEC8DB37
#24365Asymetrix Compel 1.0a (1993) (ISO).7z175.6 MB0xBF684600
#24366Asymetrix Compel 1.0a Manuals (1993).7z103.4 MB0xDD132E80

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