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Games / Accolade
The SuperCars for Test Drive II
This is a set of additional vehicles for the game Test Drive II. Requires the Test Drive II Game Disk.
Games / Bethesda Softworks
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 486/DX2 66Mhz 8MB of memory 20MB of hard disk space Mouse or joystick VGA graphics
Games / Artech Studios
The Train: Escape to Normandy
As desperate train engineer trying to escape nazi germany in stolen train. Main part of the game is driving the train and evading nazies, but there are shootouts on your way to freedom...
DBMS / Premiere
The Ultimate 7.0
The Ultimate video store software! It's a POS system for tracking video store rentals. You can read more about them from their defunct website:
Utility / The FreeSoft Company
The Ultra Utilities 4.00
Consists of three utilities U-ZAP.EXE, U-FORMAT.EXE and U-FILE.EXE U-Zap Display/Modify Disk Sectors. U-Format Format standard track, Re-format A Standard Track Without Erasing Old Data, Format A Non-standard (Copy-Protected) Track U-File Displays File directory information, attributes, change attribute, and build files from scratch (restoring erased file). Also contains a PDF copy of the original manual (also included) because printer could not keep the original pagination when printed. Thus the PDF copy.
Office / Systems Compatibility Corporation
The Writer's Toolkit for DOS Version 1 "WTW 312418"
This is a spell checker, grammar checker, and thesaurus program. It can be made memory resident and will work with many DOS word processors.
Games / Three-sixty Pacific Inc
Theatre Of War 1.0
Theatre of War is similar to the classic game of chess, but in real time with projectiles. It includes 3EA of 3.5" 1.44MB Floppy Disk Image.
Multimedia / TheSoft Programming Services
TheDraw 5.0
TheDraw is a powerful screen image generator/editor for color and monochrome video users. What does that mean? Literally, TheDraw makes designing and figuring out a video screen display child's play.
Other / Computer Assist
The_Sky 3.00
"Graphics Astronomy Program", from the company later renamed "Software Bisque". This is a old version, very limited compared with later editions of this title. After install, one must use ENTER (local circumstancies configuration), SPACEBAR to plot the sky, "A" - arrow (cursor/pointer, no mouse support), "I" -Info on object under pointer, "C" - constellations lines, etc. Just a curiosity to my fellow stargazers/amateur astronomers.
Utility / Not specified
Thinkpad 701 Battery Reset
Resets IBM Thinkpad 701 battery gauge if it is stuck on "full" but the battery is really "empty".
Games / Avalon - Hill games
Third Reich PC 1.0
Avalon Hill's computerized version of their board game titled Rise and Decline of the Third Reich. A faithful reproduction of the original board game, though with a limited AI.
Utility / Central Point Software Inc
This disk contains the TransCopy program used in conjunction wit 4.0
This disk contains the TransCopy program used in conjunction with the Central Point Option board. This archive contains a 180k raw/winimage floppy disk image. (Version is 4.0 / 1987)
System / Thomson
Thomson TO16 Disquettes Systemes FR 3.21
Set des 4 disquettes systèmes THOMSON TO16 en FR
Games / MVP Software Production
Three Point Basketball 1
THREE POINT BASKETBALL An MVP Software Production By Dan Hilton THREE POINT BASKETBALL is an exciting simulation of the popular three point shooting contest seen each year during basketball season. To beat the all-stars, you'll need concentration, stamina, and coordination. Good Luck.
System / Norman/ESaSS
ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus 8.08b
ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus (TBAV) is a comprehensive tool kit designed to protect against, and recover from, computer viruses. This antivirus uses integrity files (ANTI-VIR.DAT), heuristics, disassembler and code analyzer to detect unknown viruses.
Games / subLOGIC
ThunderChopper 1.0
Thunderchopper puts you in a Hughes 530 MG Defender helicopter, and offers several modes of play. First is training, intended to simulate the movement and physics of the real chopper. Next are rescue and combat missions, which test your perception, precision, and reflexes. For further challenges, there are finally sea rescue and armed escort missions. Each mode has three levels of difficulty. You have a limited selection of guns and missiles for combat, and an onboard computer guides you through missions. If you get bored with the game scenery, you can load scenery disks from subLOGIC's Flight Simulator series.
OS / Microsoft/Texas Instruments
TI Business-Pro MS-DOS 3.2
TI OEM MS-DOS intended for the Business-Pro. The Business-Pro was an AT compatible. It had a dual video card system for TI and CGA video. You could reboot the machine into either a TIPC compatible mode or an AT compatible mode. This MS-DOS version does NOT work on a TIPC.
Games / HPS Simulations
Tigers On the Prowl v2.01
Evan Brooks' words, Tigers on The Prowl is: "...a detailed simulation of World War II's Eastern Front, this program has growth potential. Initially bug-ridden, its designer has labored in a Herculean fashion to make the program into THE simulation of armored warfare. Following this up with Panthers in The Shadow [which is still sold directly from HPS site, he will continue to refine the system and develop new editions. Recommended for the grognard only." The game has been superseded by Tigers on The Prowl II, which features even more realistic weather conditions, artillery capabilities, fortification features, and much more. As it stands, though, Tigers on The Prowl is undoubtedly one of the most realistic simulation of tank warfare ever created, and is a must-play for all hardcore wargamers. Just be sure to download the latest patch from HPS.
Other / Symantec Corporation
Time Line 5.0
Project management software. The contains the four (4) original disks/zip files. TL5 is a comprehensive application but has a nice context sensitive help system to walk you through i.e., Gantt, PERT, CPM, WBS, etc. Have fun!
Office / GST Software
TIMEWORKS two discs .desktop publishing 1.12
TIMEWORKS .DESKTOP PUBLISHING SOFTWARE two discs disk 1 with install file
Utility / Tom Kihlken
Tiny EDitor 1.0 1.0
A small, full-screen editor for line-oriented files of up to 64K in length that supports scrolling, cut, copy, paste, and printing operations, and permits entry of all members of the IBM character set.
Utility / Unknow
Blowfish encryption. Based on TINYIDEA, by Fauzan Mirza. Optimization by Dutra de Lacerda.
Utility / Tranzoa, Co
Tinyprog 3.0
EXE Packer and scrambler with predifned password you set, to make it impossible to view ,decompile or debugging for crackers. and it is good to hide passwords and texts inside your EXE. Versions Known for Tinyprog 1.0, 3.0, 3.3, 3.6, 3.8 and 3.9 Similar to: EXEPACK PKLITE LZEXE DIET ENCRYPT CORRUPT
Utility / OMS Development/Eric Bohlman
Tinytalk Screen Reader for DOS 1.67
Quite good screen reader, a kind of tool essential for a blind or visually impaired person. It supports 17 speech synthesizers/synthesizer groups! You can use it in an emulator that enables physical port access (e.g. DOSBOX), if you have one of the supported external synthesizers, otherwise use the version for Sound Blaster, everything is included for that in the package. Full documentation is there too and demo limitations are lifted.
Utility / Titus Software Corporation
Titus - Eric Zmiro Uncrunchers Pack
Collection of uncrunchers both cracked & uncracked for unpacking (.SQZ) executables. * Fire & Forget II * Dick Tracy (ERIC ZMIRO CODE LOADER & DECRUNCHER - November, 1990) * The Blues Brothers/CC III/LAC (Eric ZMIRO Uncruncher III - Aug, 1991) * 10 Great Games & Quik (Eric ZMIRO Uncruncher IV - Sept, 1994) * 10 Awesome Games & Quik (Eric ZMIRO Uncruncher IV - Sept, 1994)
Games / Titus Interactive
Titus the Fox: To Marrakech and Back
Titus the Fox: To Marrakech and Back it's a side-scrolling platform game, where you have to save Suzy through 15 different levels. ATTENTION: To play this game, you should type A:\start.bat or else game won't open! Tested under MS-DOS 6.22. Archive contains one 1.44 floppy image.
Other / UTSs
Tk Problem Solver for dos TK Solver Plus(R) 1.1
Solves very many complex equations at the same time. Algebra Calculus Trig Applied Mathematics
OS / JZD Slušovice
TNS-DOS for TNS HC-08 2.23
Turbo-DOS derivative Hardware