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Multimedia / Autodesk
3D Studio R3
3D Studio R3 for DOS is a 3D modeling, animation, and rendering tool - installed and cracked version without samples.
3D Studio R3.5
3D Studio R3.5 for DOS is a 3D modeling, animation, and rendering tool - installed and cracked version without samples.
Multimedia / Autodesk
3d Studio DOS IPAS and addons collection
Massive collection of nearly all commercial and noncommercial IPAS plugins and other addons for 3d Studio DOS, including the Yost Group commercial IPAS plugins, the Rayman raytracing renderer, People For People 3ds, NURBS Modeller for 3ds, and many, many more. Most have not been tested in 3ds as I simply don't have the time or experience to do it, but all the archives have been confirmed good. This collection was extremely hard to find (it took over a month of research to find the name of a Southeast Asian software collection from the late 90s that it appeared on, locate a set of floppy images in an obsolete format from an abandoned anonymous FTP site via, and then decompile them using an ancient DOS program with no documentation that was the only one able to read the image format. Because of the rarity and obscurity of many of these I am uploading them as-is for preservation.
Multimedia / Autodesk
3D Studio R3 3.0
3D Studio R3 for DOS is a 3D modeling, animation, and rendering tool - installer and crack - version complete with samples
Multimedia / Autodesk
3D Studio R4.1C Installer with Crack 4.1C
Multimedia / Autodesk, Inc.
3D Studio v3.0 3.0
Autodesk 3ds Max, formerly 3D Studio, then 3D Studio Max is a professional 3D computer graphics program for making 3D animations, models, games and images. It is developed and produced by Autodesk Media and Entertainment. The original 3D Studio product was created for the DOS platform, by Gary Yost and the Yost Group, and published by Autodesk. After 3D Studio DOS Release 4, the product was rewritten for the Windows NT platform, and renamed "3D Studio MAX". Zip file contains 9 images (program disks 1-8 and a crack on disk 9). Install the software using DOSBOX - mount each image file as a floppy drive (copying the files to a USB stick and switching between disks using Ctrl + F4). After the 8 disks have been installed the crack needs to be installed as well (from disk image 9) - the copy protection was based on a dongle which had to be plugged in to the parallel port. 3DS3 also requires a virtual swap drive to work (you will need to mount an additional drive in DOSBOX that houses this virtual drive).
Multimedia / Schreiber Instruments
3D SURF is a surface modeling system for 3D Studio Release 2. 3DSURF can generate surfaces from a random data (ASCII file) or from a built-in terrain generator built inside 3D Studio!
Multimedia / Ad Lib, Inc.
Ad Lib Juke Box Demo 1.5
This bonus diskette contains version 1.5 of Juke Box. If you have other Ad Lib software which is previous to version 1.5, please read BANKMNG.TXT for information on compatibility considerations and update information.
Multimedia / Ad Lib, Inc.
Adlib Instrument Maker v1.51
Includes BANKMNG.EXE that converts from the new V1.5 series .BNK to the old pre-V1.5 .INS file formats and vice-versa.
Multimedia / Antoni Gual
Animated gif viewer ANIGIF99 9.9
Rich Geldreich made his pure QB GIF viewer back in 1993. Rich's program stopped halfway into the 89a spec, it displayed all frames of an animated gif in succesion without proper timing. It lacked also a transparent color, and looping. No one has gone further since then. So I decided to do my version: featuring SVGA and full animated GIFS, a step-by step mode, a frame saver in PUT format and a mouse file selector.
Multimedia / Ron Gray
Aquarium 1.045
A nice configurable aquarium screensaver. Choose the number of fish, seahorses, jellyfish, snails, plants etc.
Multimedia / Playback utility program
Artform 3D 1
Artform 3D is a sofware tool which may be used to create 3D animation. The user freindly environment contains a complete set of utilities for producing high quality presentations. Artform 3D is suitable for advertising, education or any number of other applications.
Multimedia / Sunset
ARTool 1.3
With ARTOOL you can create sophisticated graphic displays that you can use in your own applications. ARTOOL skips the tedious "edit, compile, and run" phase of writing most graphics applications, by allowing you to directly manipulate the graphics on the screen until it looks perfect. Then ARTOOL can produce 'C' code that you can embed directly into your own Borland code for the fastest graphics ever. Documentation and Help-File included
Multimedia / Autodesk
Autodesk Animator Pro 1.0
Utility to make 2D animation (FLI/FLC) with hability to make automatic transitions.
Multimedia / Autodesk
Autodesk Chaos 1.0
James Gleick's "Chaos: The Software", version 1.0, from Autodesk, fractal-drawing program - installed files
Multimedia / Autodesk
AutoSketch 3.0 for MS-DOS 3.0
German language 2D verctor drawing program for DOS. Four WinImages taken from the original 720KB diskettes. Installed application files and a SVGA DOS real mode ADI driver included.
Multimedia / Mindscape
Bank Street Music Writer
In 1986, Mindscape, Inc. publishes Bank Street Music Writer, a game for the DOS system. Offering educational genre, it is now an abandonware. Bank Street Music Writer is an excellent music composition program that not only teaches you the basic concepts of music, but also allows you to write and "play" music as well. Although it helps if you can already read musical notes, that isn't a prerequisite for the program: Mindscape includes a clear and concise 64-page documentation -- an introduction to music fundamentals that will teach the most tone-deaf neophyte such basics as notes, tempo, pitch and melody (I will try to scan this manual sometime soon ;)) Writing notes on the screen music "paper" is a very simple affair of positioning the cursor at the line corresponding to the note you want, and pressing a number key. Four is a quarter note, eight is an eighth note, and so on. If you make a mistake, the program's error protection alerts you and prevents the note from being entered. Notes already entered can be erased with a keystroke, and the music you have already notated can be heard at any time. Each of the four separate voices is highlighted in different colors as each note is played, like a follow-along bouncing ball. To demonstrate finished results, Music Writer has includes a dozen complete pieces of music you can read and edit. These range from a long excerpt from Tchaikovski's "Nutcracker Suite"' to Scott Joplin rags and "On Top of Old Smokey." This last song is used as the basis for the program's tutorial, which quickly teaches how to operate the keyboard commands and use them to start writing music. Another intriguing idea of the program is that it was shipped with the "Mindscape Music Board" intended for people who didn't have Tandy or PCjr. This is a 6 voice sound card which turned out to be a sine or square wave generator with simple attack, sustain, and delay parameters. It also allows you to print out real sheet music, and you could follow your voices on-screen as they played. A great piece of hardware that sure beats cheap plastic guitar picks that come with most modern music programs ;) Overall, Bank Street Music Writer is a revolutionary program that is still surprisingly playable today. It is not as intuitive or pretty to look at as EA's Music Construction Set, but it's got enough different features and user-friendly options to stand up to the best. Two thumbs up, way up! Review by HOTUD
Multimedia / NeoGeo
Blender 1.0
First version of the OpenSource 3d aplication, this is really for irix but there is no option XD
Multimedia / THE INMAR GROUP inc
BUICK DIMENSIONS.two disk set .featuring the range of buick motors from 1990 .copied of two original IBM DISCS ref no GAS-1371 FOR IBM .LOADS OF FEATURES .THE GREAT AMERICAN SHOWROOM .TECHNOLOGY IN MOTION. HIT THE ROAD.1990 BUICK CHALLENGE .SEE THE .RIVIERA.REATTA.LESABRE.REGAL.CENTURY.ELECTRAL PARK AVENUE.SKYLARK.STATION WAGGONS. VIEW THE PRICING LOTS TO SEE .copy to two floppies .then use disc 1 buick.exe to start .then take it from there . a classic .
Multimedia / Jupiter Software (Paul Brace)
CDPlayer version 3.6b Audio CD Player for both Windows and DOS. Provides all the functions associated with a normal CD player together with the ability to catalogue and search your CD collection. Features include Custom, single, shuffle, and repeat program play. Fit tracks to time, track skip, music search, replay track and pause. Plus browse through Disc catalog. From Jupiter Software.
CompuShow 3.0a
CompuServe Graphics System Version 3.0 for the IBM PC/XT/AT/PC-jr (and compatibles)
CompuShow 5.00a
CompuServe Graphics System Version 5.00 for the IBM PC, XT, AT, PCjr, PS/2 (and compatibles)