Software made by Peter Norton Computing Inc

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El comandante Norton 2.0

El Comandante Norton (versión en español de Norton Commander) traducido por Anaya Multimedia.




Norton Guides - Clipper 1.0

CLIPPER* ON-LINE REFERENCE LIBRARY FOR NORTON GUIDES** Copyright 1988 Greg Lief BACKGROUND Greetings, Clipper programmer! Are you as tired as I am of digging out the Clipper manual every time you need to verify the syntax of a particular command or function? It gets old, doesn't it? But lo and behold, the Norton Guides burst onto the scene, providing programmers with a wonderful on-line reference tool so that a simple syntax question would no longer derail our train of thought. In keeping with the Norton philosophy of providing expandable products, the Norton Guides provided a means for the user to create their own reference database. And so I have. This database (CLIPPER.NG) covers all commands and functions through Clipper's Summer '87 release. I have also included reference materials covering run-time errors and the Extend system. USAGE To use the Clipper On-Line Reference Library, copy the file CLIPPER.NG to the subdirectory where your other Norton Guides files are located. Then just fire up the Guides by typing "NG". Press Shift-F1 to activate the Guides, then press "O" for Options and "D" for Database to select the Clipper database. Dive in! SHAREWARE NOTICE The Clipper On-Line Reference Library is a shareware product. You are encouraged to freely distribute copies of same. Obviously, it will be of no value to you unless you own the Norton Guides. If you find this product to be of value to you in your programming endeavors, please send $10 registration fee to: Greg Lief P.O. Box 17761 Salem, OR 97305 This will ensure that you will be notified whenever updates are available. *The Norton Guides is a registered trademark of Peter Norton Computing, Inc. **Clipper is a registered trademark of Nantucket Corporation.


DOS / Utility


Programmers Norton Guides 1

Stay resident help program for visualize informational databases that you can create and compile from text or reverse into text for printing or editing. Tools, some databases and samples to create them.


DOS / Utility


The Norton Utilities Version 5.0 5.0

Complete Disk Images
