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Other / WordPerfect Corporation
Grab v1.03 Grab v1.03
Screen capture utility for graphics. Output is an *WPG file that you can insert into WordPerfect 5.0 (and higher) documents
Multimedia / Not specified
Graftool 3,3
A comprehensive graphics computer program for scientific and business applications. Graftool graphical analysis program features a built-in spreadsheet that allows the manipulation of existing data files. It is also capable of presenting the generated data in different graphical forms, such as x-y plots, surface and trajectory plots and pie charts.
Multimedia / GUILLAUME DORME (Robinson), KARL MARITAUD (X-Man)
GrafX2 2.00 Beta 96.5%
This program is designed for drawing 256-color pictures in a huge range of resolutions (actually, there are 60 with some coming from the Amiga world). No one can contest that most of the beautiful GFX of the Scene were drawn on Amiga. But these GFX are in video resolutions that aren't the common PC modes. So we wanted to make the first paint program on PC that could visualize those pictures, and that could allow you, of course, to draw yours in the video mode that you want. This program was first shown at the Wired'96 where it met a big success (bigger than all our expects) so we hope you'll like it too. It's made up of many drawing tools, effects and menus. All the effects will work with any drawing tool. This software has been created for YOU, PC users who envy Amiga owners for their fantastic paint programs. This software doesn't pretend to replace the best programs on Amiga, but it modestly tries to fill the gap between PC and Amiga in the field of bitmap drawing. If you dream about a very useful option we haven't thought of yet, do not hesitate to tell us. If we also think it can be useful, and above all if it is possible to include it in the program :), then we'll implement it as soon as possible.
Office / Reference Software, Inc
Grammatik II 1.22
Grammatik is a standalone grammar checker, and was possibly the first grammar checker for personal computers. Later versions were built in to Word Perfect. It competed against RightWriter.
Grammatik IV Version 1.0
This is revision 1 of Grammatik IV for DOS. Grammatik is a DOS based grammar checking program.
Games / DMA Design
Grand Theft Auto 1 1
GTA 1 in deutscher Ausgabe - Installation mit K.EXE - Spielen mit GTA8.EXE oder GTA24.EXE - getestet mit DOSBox 0.74
Office / Norton Computing
Grandview 2.0 2.0
Grandview 2.0 Outlining and Information Management software. Zip file contains images of the original disks (.ima).
Multimedia / PHOTODEX
Like CSHOW & VPIC, but far better! Shows, CATALOGS, converts, flips, rotates,crops, scales, dithers, GIF,JPG,PCX,TIF,IFF,LBM, HAM,BMP,RLE,TGA,MAC,WPG,CUT,ANSI & TXT. Supports nearly all SVGAs. QUICK, EASY & MOUSE DRIVEN, complete hypertext help and prints 98 page manual
Multimedia / Alchemy Mindworks Inc.
Graphic Workshop
Graphic Workshop is a program for working with bitmapped graphic files. It will handle most of the popular formats.- View them. - Convert between any two formats (with a few restrictions). - Print them to any LaserJet Plus compatible or PostScript laser and most dot matrix printers. Graphic Workshop can print colour pictures to colour PostScript and inkjet printers. - Dither and threshold the colour ones to black and white. - Reverse them. - Rotate and flip them. - Scale them. - Reduce the number of colours in them and do colour dithering. - Sharpen, soften and otherwise wreak special effects on them. - Crop them down to smaller files - Create catalogs of a collection of images. - Adjust the brightness, contrast and colour balance of the colour ones. - Capture your screen to a PCX file in most of the popular VGA and super VGA text and graphic modes.
Graphic Workshop 7.0f
Well-known grafix viewer/converter for DOS
Utility / Vadim Dubinin
Graver 2.21
Diskette verification utility with graphical display (VGA mode), shows where the errors are located on physical media.
Other / Educational Testing Services
GRE Test Preparation 2.1
GRE Test Preparation is a software program that aids one in practicing taking the GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) general test. This software is notable because it is written for Windows 2.1, and bundles a Windows 2.11 runtime. This archive contains eight 720k disk images.
Utility / Nigel Salt
GREPFV 7 of 23 February 1994
GREPFV is a text string searching utility with a difference. It searches for regular expressions in text files, archived files, and executable files. The syntax for grepfv is grepfv "regexp" filepattern[+] tempdir
GRiD DOS 3.3
Microsoft Compatible DOS for GRiD 1500 series
Utility / Micro Consulting Associates
GSETUP is a generic SETUP program for the IBM-PC/AT Personal Computer and all TRUE compatibles. The program is designed to allow you to set/modify CMOS ram values to tell the system what the time, date, type and number of floppy disk drives and hard disks, monitor type, etc., are for your personal computer. Author: Juan Jimenez
DBMS / Micro Data Base Systems, Inc.
Guru 1.00 Demo
Guru is an "Artificial Intelligence" system used to build expert system databases. This interactive demo provides a limited functionality version of the software, and sample applications that you can try.
Utility / Johan Zwiekhorst
GUS "General Unpack Shell" 1.95
GUS v1.95 handles 15 archive types and their self-extractors (ARC ARC+ ARJ DWC HA HAP HPK HYP LZH PAK RAR SQZ UC2 ZIP ZOO & SFXs)
GUS "General Unpack Shell" Version 1.7
Program shell for unpacking different types of archived files.