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Communication / OzEmail
Internet Starter Kit 1.0
INTERNET STARTER KIT, This disk contains all the software you need for simple point and click access to the Internet Plus an Internet Tutorial For Windows 3.1 Select Run from the File Menu To install type a:setup
Office / Eastern Digital Resources
INVOICE - IT 2.06 2.06
INVOICE - IT is designed for creating and printing invoices for those who need only the invoicing function, without all the other accounting functions of Inventory Control, Accounts Receivable, Sales Analysis, and General Ledger.
System / Iomega
Iomega Tools for Windows 3.1 5.4
Iomega Tools for Win 3.1 contain utilities for Zip drives including drive letter assignment , diagnostics and disk management . Suitable for parallel port , ide drives and aspi supported adapters .
iPhoto Plus 1.2
English version of IPhoto Plus. Installation files in a RAR archive.
iPhoto Plus 1.2
Programm f?r Fotoretusche und Manipulation von Bitmapgrafiken. WINE-kompatibel.
Multimedia / Irfan Skiljan
IrfanView 2.05
Small image viewing and processing tool. Runs on Windows 3.1 (requires Win32s, the extensions for Windows 3.1x)
OS / Microsoft
Italian Language Pack for Win32s
Italian language pack for win32s (win32s required). You have to change these files with yours.
OS / Microsoft
Japanese Win32s-J Far East Version 1.30c
The Japanese Win32s-J Far East 1.30c Version. Untested but appears to be an Official Install Archive from Japan.
OS / Microsoft
Japanese Win32s-J Version 1.25 Files 1.25
Missing Japanese Win32s-J Version 1.25 Files from Microsoft.
Other / IBM
Java ADK for Win 3.1 Beta3 1.02b3
Java ADK from IBM (Java 1.0.2). Requires Win32s. Minimum requirements: 386 8mb ram. Recommended: 486 12 mb ram. Requires TCP/IP for viewing remote applets.
Office / Jetform Corporation
JetForm FormFlow Filler 2.15
FormFlow is a comprehensive business form and workflow automation tool. It is designed to interface with many different kinds of databases and many different e-mail, network, and fax sources.
Office / Compaq
John Bolton Compaq Recovery Software Win3x and Tabworks
Bundle of software to recover Compaq Computers such as Deskpro, Presario which is Windows 3.1 with Tabworks workbook...
Utility / Sierra On-line
Johnny Castaway Screen Antics 1991
This is a screensaver published by Sierra Online. A man, Johnny Castaway, is stranded on a tiny island and struggles to survive every time the screen saver kicks on. The script is randomized each time and is fairly entertaining to watch. ZIP file contains the contents of the installation disk.
System / IBM
Joystick driver
Joystick driver for Windows 3.x from IBM - works with all joysticks & gamepads with gameport-connector - you can move the mouse cursor with the joystick or gamepad - After Installation you have an new applet called joystick in the control panel
Multimedia / unknown
Jukebox 2.3 for Windows 3.1 2.3
Juke Box 2.3 is a shell for WinPlay3 mp3 player. It will help you organize your playlist and explore folders. It is far more advanced than WinPlay3 itself. Although it is not a stand alone mp3 player but only a shell - you need WinPlay3 to play your mp3's. In order to run Jukebox 2.3 you need to have Win32s subsystem installed.
Games / Mercer Mayer
Just Me and My Dad 1.0
Very cute 16-bit game for small children. Based on Mercer Mayer's book, "Just Me and My Dad". Requires QuickTime. To install, just UnRAR all files in the same directory and run DAD.EXE
Multimedia / MetaCreations
Kai's Power Tools 2.0
Set of API plugins created by Kai Krause that were designed for use with Adobe Systems Photoshop and Corel Photo-Paint
Kai's Power Tools 3
et of API plugins created by Kai Krause that were designed for use with Adobe Systems Photoshop and Corel Photo-Paint
Multimedia / Calligraphy Software
Kelk 2000
The four calligraphy fonts, Naskh, Nastaliq, Thuluth and Shikasta in their current forms, have a history of over 700 years. During past centuries, the masters of calligraphy have perfected these fonts, and have created artworks that are pleasing to the eye. The rules of the combination ligatures in calligraphy are so complicated that it takes years of training and practice for someone to become a master in one of the Islamic calligraphy fonts. The famous calligraphers have a lifetime dedication to this art.Calligraphy
Other / Softkey
Key CAD Pro 1.6
Plans & Dessins Pour pouvoir l'installer, il faut décompresser le fichier ZIP directement dans la racine du disque dur sans créer un nouveau dossier. Après avoir installé, vous pouvez supprimer des dossiers ce que vous avez décompressé depuis le fichier ZIP.
Other / Not specified
KeyCad Complete for Windows 1.0
An orphaned but serviceable CAD application that actually runs in Windows!
Other / Pulsedata
Keynote Gold Multimedia 1.1
This is the Keynote Gold Multimedia 15 minute demo made by pulsedata. It will run in windows 3.1 windows95 and windows98. It is a 15 minute demo. I would be greatful if someone could please remove the demo limitations.
Other / Pulsedata
Keysoft Gold 1.1
This is the Keysoft Gold talking information management system. It works with the Keynote Gold Multimedia Demo. If someone could please remove the demo limitations and re-upload and do the same thing with keynote gold multimedia I would appreciate it, thanks.
Kid CAD 1.1C
It teaches children spacial, mathematical, and design skills while giving them a basic computer-aided design (CAD) environment within which to work
Multimedia / Broderbund Software
Kid Pix 1
Bitmap drawing program aimed at children, with sound, color, the mixer tool, more stamps and bilingual menus in English and Spanish Originally created by Craig Hickman, published in 1991 by Broderbund. This product and all of the intellectual property, trademarks and copyrights associated with it are owned by Riverdeep Inc., LLC which bought all of the assets of Br?derbund and The Learning Company in 2003. Work on Xp!!!
Other / APS
Kidware 1.0
Kidware is a collection of 6 educational activities that helps children 9 to 14 years practise skills learned in the classroom. Includes: 1) a word recognition game that lets you guess a jumbled word. Edit the words or add your own words; 2) a math program to practise adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing; 3) a typing tutor; 4) a charting program that lets you understand percentages; 5) a game of logic that helps you develop mathematical reasonng skills; and 6) a logic puzzle game. (Requires Windows 3.1)
OS / Microsoft
klick and play runtimes n.a.
Klik&Play Runtimes Two DLLs (KNPG.DLL, KNPS.DLL) needed for games created with Klik&Play. Put them into the system folder within your Windows directory.
Games / Not specified
Klik and Play 1.2o
Klik & Play is a software application that allows its users to create video games using GUI tools. No programming experience is needed. This version includes several enhancements not found in the "Klik and Play for Schools" version.
Games / Wolfgang Strobl
Klotz 2.11a
Klotz is a Tetris-like game for Windows 2. (A resource converted version is included for Windows 3.x and later) Klotz is freeware.
Multimedia / Kodak
Kodak Photo CD Player for Windows 3.0 and 3.1 2.0.3
This is the last known version of Kodak's Photo CD Player for Microsoft Windows. The application date is June 1994 with a file date of November 1996. It plays all versions of Photo CD discs including Portfolio CDs with sound. This works with all 16bit and 32bit versions of Windows from Windows 3.0 (you read that right!) up to and including Windows XP. I haven't tried it on later OS but if they are 32bit they should work.
OS / Amateur OS
KolibriOS v0.7.7.0
KolibriOS — amateur operating system for the PC, fully writed on assembly language, spread by the GPL conditions. __________ ___ KolibriOS — любительская операционная система для PC, полностью написанная на языке ассемблер, распространяемая на условиях GPL. Создана на основе MenuetOS. Система расчитана на использование ассемблера для написания приложений, но есть и программы, написанные на языках Ada, Си, C++, Free Pascal, Forth. Система использует собственные стандарты и не основана на POSIX и UNIX. На данный момент преимущественное большинство разработчиков живут на территории стран СНГ.
Office / Avery/©Thuridion
LabelPro 1.0b
Install from diskette (2x1.44) and/or from HD LabelPro combines your list database with simple templates for all your favorite Avery products to print labels, index dividers, inserts, business cards, etc. The program also features a built-in List Manager to create, sort, and select lists of any size and up to 15 fields; rotatable text; free clip art, borders, and office messages; the ability to import your logo or custom graphics or use any scaleable Windows fonts; and print preview.
Office / Avery
LabelPro for Windows 3.0 3.0
Works great with WFW3.11, W98se, XP. From six floppies. Just extract and run setup (no serial needed), no need to put back on floppies. For W98se and XP, create a shortcut from lpwin32.exe for your desktop.