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Office / Dac Software
Dac-Easy Word 2 or II
Selecting a word processing program that is easy to install and even easier to use is a "dream come true." Finding such simplicity should never be taken for granted. Dac-Easy Word II is powerful and yet extremely compact! It fits on one 720k diskette. Therefore, it can travel with you anywhere you go, but a modern USB jump drive is certainly the better way to keep it in storage. Dac-Easy Word II uses its own file format, and even though it does not export to WordStar or to Microsoft Word, it can still save to the vanilla-plain standard text configuration, and so your data will not be lost. Of course, it would mean not maintaining enhancements such as bold and underline. However, there are times when those additions simply are "icing on the cake," which you may decide not to have, anyway. For anyone who may already have Dac-Easy Word I, importing those older files into Dac-Easy Word II is simple. It can also accept text files, using both the ASCII and the paragraph delimited formats. This means that you can interface with Dac-Easy Light. Imagine what a powerful accounting and reporting system the two can be. Surprisingly, no Widows version ever came under development for either of these two impressive products.
Office / DacEasy
DacEasy Instant Accounting 1.0 1.0
DacEasy Instant Accounting 1.0 DOS/Windows, Summer, 1992 This was rescued from a warez CD, so it is not possible to provide floppy disk images. First time I've seen it in the wild, so think its worthwhile, even in a plain dump file. - Scrounged up what info I could find quickly and included it in separate zip. - Just install and use. - Somewhere I read it requires DOS 3.1 and 512K ram, or Windows 3.0 and 1MB ram.
Utility / DSP Corporation
DADiSP 1.04 1.04
One of the very first issues of DADiSP, a powerful graphical spreadsheet for scientific calculations...many adbanced data handling functions like FFT. Handles extremely long data files blinding fast
Other / Daniel H. Hudgins
Dancad 3D 2.0
Dancad 3d is a simple CAD program for DOS systems with CGA and EGA graphics. Zip has two 360K disk images.
Multimedia / Interstellar Research
Daqarta 1.15
DAQARTA is Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis program which turns any real-mode DOS PC into a real-time waveform / FFT spectrum / color spectrogram analyzer system. Daqarta includes signal averaging, complex signal generation, advanced triggering options, and many other features.
Games / Silicon Beach
Dark Castle and Beyond Dark Castle 1.1
This is a single disk image that contains Dark Castle and Beyond Dark Castle for the Mac. The disk has been tested and runs fine with Mini vMac and System 6.0.5
Games / John Carmack / SoftDisk, Inc.
Dark Designs 1
Dark Designs is a dungeon crawler RPG with multi-character party, and first-person perspective that shifts to top-down view in combat. Developed by the now famous John Carmack.
Games / John Carmack / SoftDisk, Inc.
Dark Designs II 2
Dark Designs is a dungeon crawler RPG with multi-character party, and first-person perspective that shifts to top-down view in combat. Developed by the now famous John Carmack.
Games / Lucasarts
Dark Forces
Darkforces, LucasArts's answer to DOOM. Be sure to copy the file 'CD.ID' to the root of whatever disk you are using.
Games / Cyberdreams
Dark Seed - CD Version 1.5
+++THIS IS THE CD VERSION WITH SPEECH ACTING. PACKED/BUNDLED WITH DOSBOX AND READY TO PLAY ON ANY SYSTEM. VERY EASY: JUST UNPACK IT AND CLICK ON "RUN". NO FURTHER CONFIG NEEDED! ENJOY! TESTED ON WINDOWS 8 and 10!+++ Nothing gives you an unnerving sense of unease quite like a piece of art by H.R. Giger. He's one of the reasons (if not the reason) why the Alien franchise has scared generations, as well as elevating Species from a schlocky b-movie to a nightmare-inducing guilty pleasure. In 1992 Cyberdreams took his large portfolio of art, gave it a story and used it as the driving force to create their first sci-fi horror adventure game; Dark Seed.
Games / Cyberdreams, Inc
Darkseed.繁体中文.TraditionalChinese v1.0
黑暗之蛊是Cyberdreams于1992年推出的一款恐怖冒险PC游戏,大名鼎鼎H. R. Giger为这个游戏设计图象,同时游戏剧情也以主角在噩梦中被异形往大脑里植入胚胎开头,剧情接下来让主角在黑暗世界和现实世界交替解密。虽然现在看来游戏画面实在简陋,但在20多年前达到10M也算是个不小的容量,除了视觉冲击,游戏的心理恐怖至今让人难忘。
Games / Artech Studios
Das Boot
This is an U-Boat simulation from 1990. Most of you will know the movie Das Boot. You will know the atmosphere of the movie, the panic and the claustrophobic environment, and the chances are that you liked it. This is the game Das Boot, and the first thing I’ll say to you is not to expect a reproduction of the movie. Although some of the missions bear some resemblance to the movie, they are not identical. I noticed little of the environment known from the movie. Besides that, this is a simulator: sometimes many activities need to be performed in order to complete your mission successfully. You are the captain of a German U-boat during WW2. There are certain missions available, and it’s up to you to complete them, keeping your ship and crew safe while doing so. You’ll be facing fighter raids, depth charges and cannon fire so you’ve got your work cut out. +++RUNS IN WINDOWS XP AND DETECTS THE MOUSE AUTOMATICALLY. BUT HAS NO SOUND IN XP. +++ IN WITHIN DOSBOX IT's BEST (BECAUSE THERE THE SOUND IS PRESENT)+++ ALL KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS INCLUDED (check out the .TXT file inside the folder). YOU WILL NEED THEM TO PLAY THE GAME+++HAVE FUN.
Games / attic Entertainment Software GmbH
Das schwarze Auge - Die Schicksalsklinge
Klassisches Rollenspiel. An der Westküste von Aventurien, in der Region um Thorwal, rotten sich die Orks zusammen. Der Spieler bekommt den Auftrag, mit einer Gruppe Abenteurern das legendäre Schwert Grimring (die Schicksalsklinge) zu finden, um den Eroberungsplan der Orks zu unterbinden.
System / BJR
DASD Vision x86 3G
Interactive file-manager; command-line with some GUI elements. Freeware.
DBMS / Robert K. Summers
Data Master 3.1
This is the best non-commercial DBMS program for DOS that I have found so far. It was original a shareware program that charged $39 to register. Not bad for a program that is remarkably similar in many aspects to R:Base 3.1 and 4.0 which I know back "in the days" cost $500.00 or more. Comes with limited documentation due to its unregistered status, but I think it is pretty straightforward enough to figure out. Comes with 1 sample DB called "Congress" which lists all of our Congressman from back in the mid 90's. Also, since using it, I see no limitations due to its being unregistered.
Other / Cadkey
DataCAD 5
DataCAD 5 is a full-featured 2D and 3D Architectural/Engineering and Civil design and visualization package. Professionals and amateurs use DataCad 5 to create complete architectural designs, from 2D annotated production drawings to 3D photorealistic rendering. It also includes over 1600 2D and 3D symbols. more information
DBMS / Sapphire Inc
DataEase 4.5 4.5
DataEase is a rapid application development tool for developing relationally-organized, data-intensive software applications for personal computers. DataEase was created in the early 1980s by software developers Arun Gupta[1] and Joseph Busch. The first version of the software was released in 1981 by Software Solutions Inc. The principals sold the company to Sapphire International Corporation of the United Kingdom in 1991.
OS / Datalight
Datalight ROM-DOS v7.10 (Revision 4.20.1594SU) v7.10 (Revision 4.20.1594SU)
Datalight ROM-DOS v7.10 (Revision 4.20.1594SU) Files: rom-dos_7.1[4.20.1594SU]_ru+xgcdrom+ctmouse+vc.img - Boot Disk - Single User Version - Most Current Version - Single User Network Add-on - Most Current Version
Office / WordPerfect Corp
DataPerfect 2.0
DataPerfect is a simple database environment sold as an interoperable companion to WordPerfect. It is easy enough that one person can implement a database themselves, and features a built in form builder. But it is not incredibly friendly, as the user interface is designed to appeal to mainly to existing WordPerfect users. Archive includes two 5.25" 360k floppy disk images and one 3.5" 720k floppy disk image.
DBMS / Novell Inc.
Dataperfect 2.3 2.3
Mega-fast relational database works in Dos and fine in modern (WinXP/7) machines. I have a file with nearly two million records and it takes less than 1/10th second to find the one you want!
Utility / Giovanni Iacobelli
Datario 1.2
Caratteristiche principali: 1. un'intuitiva interfaccia utente (in semigrafica); 2. un potente Diario Editor; 3. un'utilissima Vista Mese; 4. la memorizzazione dell'archivio in modo RANDOM; 5. richiede circa 120 Kbytes di Ram e computer con processore 286; 6. pieno supporto mouse; 7. una rubrica telefonica che pu• gestire fino a 255 nominativi;
DBMS / Micropro
DataStar 1.4
DataStar 1.4 is a desktop database for early IBM PCs and compatibles. This archive contains one 160k disk image in raw IMG, ImageDisk, Teledisk, and CopyIIPC+Snatchit format. There appears to be no copy protection. Note that this disk is formatted for DOS 1.1x, which WinImage does not support.