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OS/2 / Lotus
Lotus SmartSuite for OS/2 Value Pack
The SmartSuite value pack is an add on to Lotus SmartSuite 1.1 for OS/2 that adds many extras including the SmartCenter toolbar.
Windows 9x/ME / Lotus
Lotus SmartSuite Millenium Edition 9.5
Approach (v.9); 1-2-3 (v.9); Organizer (v.4.1); Word Pro (v.9); Freelance (v.9); ScreenCam (Win95/WinNT); SmartCenter (v.9); FastSite (v.2.0)
Windows 3.x / Lotus Development Corporation, ThaiSoft Co., Ltd.
Lotus SmartSuite Release 3.0 3.0
Thai version of Lotus SmartSuite Release 3.0 3.5" floppy disk image, included disk and box art scan. The box art say it's an upgrade version, but this is full version sell as an upgrade for older version of Lotus SmartSuite or other vender office suite. Included - Ami Pro Release 3.1 for Windows - Lotus 1-2-3 Release 5.0 for Windows - Freelance Graphics Release 2.1 for Windows - Organizer Release 1.12/Thai for Windows - Approach Release 3.0/Thai for Windows - ThaiSoft Dictionary 1.1 - Thai System Manager 3.0 for Windows
DOS / Lotus Development Corporation
Lotus Symphony 1.00
Symphony is a an integrated software program that combines five tools: spreadsheet - word processing, graphics, database management, and data communications - in one package. This archive contains six symphony 360k disk images plus one courseware disk image in raw, CopyIIPC+Snatchit, and Transcopy format. Important: These images contain copy protection. To write functional disks, you must use the CopyIIPC or Transcopy images. These two sets will also work unmodified in the PCE emulator. For your convenience, the unprotect has been included with the files in the Files folder. Run Runme.bat in the program folder. Note: To install to a hard drive, use the DOS copy command to copy all files from all disks to a folder on a hard drive. You may run symphony.exe from the hard drive, but the program disk (the protected key disk) must be in the floppy drive, unless you applied the unprotect.
Lotus Symphony 1.1
Lotus Symphony 1.1 German language edition. This version already has an unprotect applied.
Lotus Symphony 2.00
Lotus symphony 2.00 is an integrated office suite that features Word processing, Business graphics, Database management, and Communications. Archive contains nine 360k disks. Raw 360k disk format. There does not appear to be any copy protection, although unserialized disks may have protection. To install, copy all files from the disk to a folder. Then run Install.exe to configure your hardware. On standard hardware and emulators this program supports up to 640*350*16 EGA graphics.
DOS / PCSG, Inc./DacEasy, Inc.
Lucid-3D Version 2
Lucid 3D, created by PCSG, Inc. and sold by DacEasy, Inc., is a spreadsheet program for MS-DOS. The feature that sets it apart from others is that it is memory-resident, so you can bring it up on top of other DOS programs and exchange data with them. Unlike simple TSRs, however, Ludid 3D is a full featured spreadsheet. It features linking, macros, windowing, intelligent recalculation, background recalculation, and user-definable functions. This software is not copy protected. Includes one 360K 5.25" floppy disk image.
Unix / Free Software Foundation, Inc.
LyX 1.1.3
LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of your documents (WYSIWYM) and not simply their appearance (WYSIWYG). LyX combines the power and flexibility of TeX/LaTeX with the ease of use of a graphical interface.
Windows 3.x / Macromedia
Macromedia Action! 2.5 SE
Action! is a presentation program for Windows 3.x by Macromedia. Version 2.5 incorporates video and multimedia support.
DOS / Meca Software
Manage Your Money Version 11 11
This was meant to be the only software you'd ever need. It paid your bills, estimated your taxes, managed your portfolio, helped with your life insurance -- it even had a word processor built in.
Managing Money with IBM PC 1.0
PC-SIG Disk No 613: Written by A. Glazer, an economics professor at the University of California, this disk contains all the BASIC programs contained in his book Managing Money With Your IBM PC (Prentice-Hall, 1985). Among other things, the programs can determine the after-tax cost of a loan, demonstrate the advantages of an Individual Retirement Account, compare loans which have different interest rates and different origination fees, and calculate the amount of monthly savings necessary to finance a college education. Each short program is independent and menu driven for ease of use. This archive contains one 360k disk image in raw and ImageDisk formats.
DOS / MECA Software LLC
managing Your Money 10.0
Managing Your Money 10.0 - by Meca software LLC. October 07, 1993 Serial: T 037842 System Requirements: DOS 3.0, 512K Ram, IBM PC/XT/AT, PS/1, PS/2, IBM Compatibles, and a hard disk. Meca's products include Managing Your Money, TaxCut and Home Lawyer Home banking with builtin word processor Andrew Tobias' Managing Your Money® takes care of everything. With it, you'll pay bills, balance your checkbook, track your investments, keep all your records, perform financial calculations. MANAGING YOUR MONEY - March 09, 2017 "This was meant to be the only software you’d ever need. It paid your bills, estimated your taxes, managed your portfolio, helped with your life insurance — it even had a word processor built in. I still use the final DOS version — Version 12 — even though the world has long since passed DOS by. I feel like one of those people on a remote island who still get by with the old customs, the old language, as the bulldozers creep ever closer." - AppleSeed 2017 -
DOS / MECA Software LLC
Managing Your Money 11.0
Managing Your Money 11.0 - by MECA software LLC. August 25, 1994 Serial: N/A System Requirements: DOS 3.0, 512K Ram, IBM PC/XT/AT, PS/1, PS/2, IBM Compatibles, and a hard disk. Meca's products include Managing Your Money, TaxCut and Home Lawyer Home banking with builtin word processor Andrew Tobias' Managing Your Money® takes care of everything. With it, you'll pay bills, balance your checkbook, track your investments, keep all your records, perform financial calculations. MANAGING YOUR MONEY - March 09, 2017 "This was meant to be the only software you’d ever need. It paid your bills, estimated your taxes, managed your portfolio, helped with your life insurance — it even had a word processor built in. I still use the final DOS version — Version 12 — even though the world has long since passed DOS by. I feel like one of those people on a remote island who still get by with the old customs, the old language, as the bulldozers creep ever closer." - AppleSeed 2017 -
Managing Your Money 12.0
Managing Your Money 12.0 - by Meca software LLC. NOTE: This is the last DOS version. November 07, 1995 Serial: N/A System Requirements: DOS 3.0, 512K Ram, IBM PC/XT/AT, PS/1, PS/2, IBM Compatibles, and a hard disk. Meca's products include Managing Your Money, TaxCut and Home Lawyer Home banking with builtin word processor Andrew Tobias' Managing Your Money® takes care of everything. With it, you'll pay bills, balance your checkbook, track your investments, keep all your records, perform financial calculations. MANAGING YOUR MONEY - March 09, 2017 "This was meant to be the only software you’d ever need. It paid your bills, estimated your taxes, managed your portfolio, helped with your life insurance — it even had a word processor built in. I still use the final DOS version — Version 12 — even though the world has long since passed DOS by. I feel like one of those people on a remote island who still get by with the old customs, the old language, as the bulldozers creep ever closer." - AppleSeed 2017 -
DOS / MECA Software LLC
managing Your Money 7.0
Andrew Tobias' Managing Your Money 7.0 - MECA Software LLC. February 01, 1991 Serial: HCOO35734 System Requirements: DOS 3.0, 512K Ram, IBM PC/XT/AT, PS/1, PS/2, IBM Compatibles, and a hard disk. Meca's products include Managing Your Money, TaxCut and Home Lawyer Home banking with builtin word processor Andrew Tobias' Managing Your Money® takes care of everything. With it, you'll pay bills, balance your checkbook, track your investments, keep all your records, perform financial calculations. MANAGING YOUR MONEY - March 09, 2017 "This was meant to be the only software you’d ever need. It paid your bills, estimated your taxes, managed your portfolio, helped with your life insurance — it even had a word processor built in. I still use the final DOS version — Version 12 — even though the world has long since passed DOS by. I feel like one of those people on a remote island who still get by with the old customs, the old language, as the bulldozers creep ever closer." - AppleSeed 2017 -
DOS / MECA Software LLC
Managing Your Money 8.0
Managing Your Money 8.0 - by Meca software LLC. November 21, 1991 Serial: HCOO35734 System Requirements: DOS 3.0, 512K Ram, IBM PC/XT/AT, PS/1, PS/2, IBM Compatibles, and a hard disk. Meca's products include Managing Your Money, TaxCut and Home Lawyer Home banking with builtin word processor Andrew Tobias' Managing Your Money® takes care of everything. With it, you'll pay bills, balance your checkbook, track your investments, keep all your records, perform financial calculations. MANAGING YOUR MONEY - March 09, 2017 "This was meant to be the only software you’d ever need. It paid your bills, estimated your taxes, managed your portfolio, helped with your life insurance — it even had a word processor built in. I still use the final DOS version — Version 12 — even though the world has long since passed DOS by. I feel like one of those people on a remote island who still get by with the old customs, the old language, as the bulldozers creep ever closer." - AppleSeed -
DOS / MECA Software LLC
managing Your Money 9.0
Managing Your Money 9.0 - by Meca software LLC. September 01, 1992 Serial: MD3 214496 System Requirements: DOS 3.0, 512K Ram, IBM PC/XT/AT, PS/1, PS/2, IBM Compatibles, and a hard disk. Meca's products include Managing Your Money, TaxCut and Home Lawyer Home banking with builtin word processor Andrew Tobias' Managing Your Money® takes care of everything. With it, you'll pay bills, balance your checkbook, track your investments, keep all your records, perform financial calculations. MANAGING YOUR MONEY - March 09, 2017 "This was meant to be the only software you’d ever need. It paid your bills, estimated your taxes, managed your portfolio, helped with your life insurance — it even had a word processor built in. I still use the final DOS version — Version 12 — even though the world has long since passed DOS by. I feel like one of those people on a remote island who still get by with the old customs, the old language, as the bulldozers creep ever closer." - AppleSeed 2017 -
Manuscript 2.0
UK English, American spell and thesaurus files in zip, just copy to dir
DOS / Mapmaster
Mapmaster 5 disc set data of usa population in 1986 and procedin version 6
Mapmaster 1985 version of usa population. used xcopy b:\ a:\ /s /e to copy to discs
DOS / Campbell Systems
Masterfile PC ?
Masterfile PC is a relational database for DOS. Although I haven't used it for more than 30 years I've always kept a copy of it so I am happy it may "survive" by adding it to Vetusware :) There are three files, unpack the archive in any directory and run mfpc.exe, that's it.
Mastering Symphony Fourth Edition
This is a PDF of the Lotus Symphony companion book "Mastering Symphony Fourth Edition"
DOS / Cybex
MAT v3.0 3.0
Word Processor developed by CYBEX spol s.r.o 1993.
Windows 9x/ME / MathSoft
MATHCAD 4.0 4.0
MATHCAD 4.0 Math calculation and verification for Engineering. Graphic User Interface for Windows. MathSoft (pre-PTC version), by Mark Rasdow Zip file contains 3 disks (3.5" x 1.44)
Windows 3.x / Design Science, Inc
MathType 1.0
MathType is a tool for creating printable mathematical formulas. It includes a set of special fonts with mathematical symbols, and the application helps compose them. The results can then be copied in to word processors, or exported to graphics files. A subset of this application became Microsoft Office's Equation Editor. This is a Microsoft Windows 2 application, it is compatible with Windows 3.0. This archive includes two 5.25" 1.2mb floppy disk images.
MathType 1.1a
MathType is a tool for creating printable mathematical formulas. It includes a set of special fonts with mathematical symbols, and the application helps compose them. The results can then be copied in to word processors, or exported to graphics files. A subset of this application became Microsoft Office's Equation Editor. Version 1.1a is only for Windows 3.x. It fixes many issues and adds support for Adobe Type Manager. This archive includes one 5.25" 1.2mb floppy disk image. This is an upgrade disk, but it installs without any previous version.
DOS / Jerry Medlin
Medlin Accounting 4.0
Accounting system with separate programs for GL, AR, AP, Invoicing and Payroll.
DOS / Broaderbund
Memory Mate 3.04R
Popular in the past Personal Information Manager (PIM) / free form database
Windows 3.x / Micrografx
Micrografx Designer 1.1
A vector based drawing and design program that runs under Windows 2.x. A Windows 2.x runtime is included in the archive.
Micrografx Designer 3.01
Micrografx Designer, originally released as IN-A-VISON for Windows, is a vector based drawing and design program. This version is a Microsoft Windows 2.x program.