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Office / MircoPro
Wordstar Express 1.00 1.00
WordStar Express. Del Amstrad 1512. En imágenes. 5 Discos.
Office / MicroPro International
Wordstar Professional 4 Italian 4
Italian version of WordStar Professional 4.0 Include Course: launching INSEGNA WORDSTAR on command prompt inside the wordstar directory. To launch Wordstar, simply digit WS. Have fun!
Office / MicroPro International Corporation
wordstar7.0 v7
Successfully installed on DOSBox-X running MS-DOS 6.22 under a Windows 10 system. Should probably also work on genuine vintage hardware natively running MS-DOS. Floppy *.img files along with serial number included in the downloadable *.zip file. Tried to manually copy all disk files to a single folder but the program wouldn't start. Had to install properly, changing the floppy images manually when prompted under DosBox-X (advanced users familiar with DosBox-X may be able to set up an automatic install without having to manually change floppy images.)
Office / WordStar International Incorporated
WordStat 6 Español (Installed) 6
Versión Instalada de WordStar 6 en Castellano, de la Edición Especial de Informática Fácil editado por Anaya Multimedia. Debe ser previamente instalado con FreeDOS 1.1 o MSDOS v5.0 y v6.22 en entornos de maquinas virtuales como VMWare o VirtualBOX --ENGLISH-- Installed version of WordStar 6 in Spanish with Special Edition Informatica Easy edited by Anaya Multimedia. Must be in FreeDOS 1.1 or MSDOS 5.0 to 6.22 installed with virtual machine environment such as VMWare or VirtualBOX (recomends VMWare 10 or newer and VirtualBOX 3.5 or newer)
Other / Egerter Software
WordUp Graphics Toolkit v4.5 4.5
This archive contains the final registered version of WGT 4.5 for Borland/Turbo C and the complete source code. This product is no longer for sale and this archive may be distributed freely. Please disregard any order forms and licenses contained within this archive. The GNU Library General Public License is the only license in affect now and it is contained in license.txt. This source code and product is no longer supported, however in case you need to contact the author (Chris Egerter) you can reach me at, or visit my website at
Other / Egerter Software
WordUp Graphics Toolkit v5.1 5.1
This archive contains the final registered version of WGT 5.1 for Watcom C and the complete source code. This product is no longer for sale and this archive may be distributed freely. Please disregard any order forms and licenses contained within this archive. The GNU Library General Public License is the only license in affect now and it is contained in license.txt. This source code and product is no longer supported, however in case you need to contact the author (Chris Egerter) you can reach me at, or visit my website at
Office / Bruce & James Program Publishers Inc
WordVision 1.03
WordVision was a word processor from 1983 for the IBM PC with some features unique for the time period, such as unerase, automatic document saving, and long descriptive filenames at a time when DOS did not contain that support.
Office / Microsoft
Works 1.05 para DOS 1.05
Disquetes de instalación (3,5" - 720KB) del Works 1.05 en español para DOS.
Office / Microsoft
Works 2.0 para DOS 2.0
Disquete (3,5" - 1.44MB) con Works 2.0 en español para DOS instalado, no son de instalación, si no, un disquete con el Works instalado en él y no tiene aprendizaje ni ayuda.
Office / Microsoft
Works 3.0 (completed file set) 3.0
Completed set of MS-Works for DOS 3.0 files, with Epson LQ-500 printer driver, ready for portable use e.g. from USB sticks
Works 3.0 (completed file set) 3.0
Microsoft Works 3.0 Italian version (5x1.44 disks full set)
Other / Robot Simulations Ltd.
Workspace 3.0 (Demonstration) 3.0
Versión demo en inglés de este práctico y muy didáctico software, que acompaña al libro "Robótica Práctica: Tecnología y Aplicaciones" del Ing. José María Angulo Usategui, publicado por la Editorial "Paraninfo" en su 4ta edición de 1996.
World Circuit 1.03
World Circuit (or Formula One Grand Prix) - racing simulator. The game is interesting by the advanced tuning features for the car.
Utility / Microprose
World Circuit 1.05
World Circuit (or Formula One Grand Prix) - racing simulator. The game is interesting by the advanced tuning features for the car.
Games / Team17e
Worms 1.0
Great game, first version. Move your units and shoot your weapons to the enemy. be careful with water.
Games / Team17
Worms 1
Team17 Software Limited gave birth to Worms (also known as Total Wormage) in 1995, with the help of Ocean Software Ltd. as publisher. Cool strategy game, the player evolve in a turn-based theme with a 3rd-person, side-scrolling perspective.
Games / Team17
Worms Plus 1.x (Plus)
Great game, Plus version. Personally the best version. Move your units and shoot your weapons to the enemy. Be careful with water.
Other / Jerry Jongerius
Writing Bug-Free C Code 1
This book describes an alternate class methodology that provides complete data hiding and fault-tolerant run-time type checking of objects in C programs. With it, you will produce code that contains fewer bugs.
Office / InfoService
Wszystko dla DOS 1.01 1.01
Polish set of office software, contains: TAG 3.12 (word processor), TIG 1.56 (database), CDN 2.00 (DTP), DOŚĆ 1.0 (Polish supplement for DOS 5/6)
OS / Wyse/Microsoft
Wyse MS-DOS 3.3
Wyse Enhanced MS-DOS 3.3 5.25" diskette image. This OEM versión of DOS supports partitions >32MB using logical sectoring (no FAT16B support) and will work just fine on any compatible. It does not use a special partiton id (unlike NEC MS-DOS 3.3) so Concurrent/Multiuser DOS and DR DOS can read the data without problems but you must be careful with stock PC/MS-DOS versions as those can corrupt the data on disk. It's "Enhanced" since there are several utilities not included in standard PC/MS-DOS (online help, defragmenter, limulator, cache, ...)
Games / Microprose
X-Com 2 Terror from the Deep
It is the sequel to UFO: Enemy Unknown (aka X-COM: UFO Defense) and the second game of the X-COM series. (Extract, type "crack" to accept any protection word and then "ufo" to play).
Games / MicroProse Ltd.
X-COM: Terror from the Deep N/A
1995 saw the release of X-COM: Terror from the Deep (also known as 幽浮2:深海出擊, X-COM 2, UFO 2, TFTD) on the DOS system. A strategy game, created by MicroProse Ltd. and distributed by MicroProse Software, Inc.. If you like sci-fi / futuristic, turn-based, download, install and enjoy X-COM: Terror from the Deep!
X-DOS 10
Compilation of huge lot of applications and MS-DOS 6.22 made by sv3ora (see ).