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Che Guevara never used Windows.
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On Wednesday December 18, 2013 JustZisGuy said:
WordPerfect 3.0 commands Alt 1 = Cancel Alt 2 = Subscript Alt 3 = System and Printer Commands Alt 4 = Print Modes Alt 5 = Mode (or Block Append) Alt 6 = Define Macro Alt 7 = Retrieve Document Alt 8 = Save Document Alt 9 = Move Alt 0 = Block On/Off Alt + = Exit Alt F1 = Extended Features (case conversion; switch documents; prepare/protect Documents) Alt F2 = Search/Replace Alt F9 = Required Space Alt F10 = Footnote Ctrl F2 = Search Ctrl F9 = Conditional End of Page Ctrl F10 = Advance Text Up or Down Shift F1 = Rewrite Screen Shift F2 = Reveal Codes Shift F3 = Help Shift F4 = Left/Right Indent Shift F5 = Overstrike Shift F6 = Set Format (tabs, extended tabs, margins, spacing, hotzone) Shift F7 = Set Page Format (page numbering, center page, page length, top margins, headers/footers) Shift F8 = Set (alignment character, center, margin release, repetition counter n, widows/orphans, hyphenation) Shift F9 = Execute Merge Shift F10 = Merge Commands
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