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Windows 9x/ME / Greatplanes
R/C Pilot Flight Simulator
allfiles are copied from the original CD-ROM // this game was sold with a 2-stick R/C controller for gameport ///req. DirectX 5.0 (incl.)
DOS / Eric Zijlstra
Rad van Fortuin 1.0
Rad van Fortuin, Nederlandse versie. Compleet en werkend onder MS-DOS. Ondersteuning van soundblaster voor geluidseffecten. Dit is de bekende versie uit 1994 zoals velen hem kennen met de bewegende Leontien die de bordjes omdraait. Gemaakt door: Eric Zijlstra, Arno Willemse (Surplus Software), Jeroen Koomen (Sonix) en Maarten Bakker.
DOS / AmiComp v.o.f
Rad van Fortuin 1.0
Dutch version of Wheel of fortune. Rad van Fortuin voor 2 t/m 6 personen
DOS / Interplay Entertainment Corp
Rags to Riches: The Financial Market Simulation
A fun but ultimately too dry stock market simulation that tries to make trading stocks more fun by adding neat options like the ability to call your Mom for more money (EG), luxury goods you can buy with your hard-earned cash, and "score" given based on your net worth, with all financial and personal assets combined. The result is an average game that's neither realistic nor fun to play, that will give you a few hours of entertainment before it becomes repetitive.
DOS / Artdink
Railroad Empire [A-Train 2]
"A-Train 2" made by Artdink. This was released as "Railroad Empire" in the west, (it's sequel "A-Train 3" was released worldwide as "A-Train" and is available on this site). Includes DOSBox 0.72 so will run under Windows XP. Security keyword list is in "keywords.doc" file inside folder "C".
DOS / Microprose
Railroad Tycoon Deluxe Locomotive Identifier v1 Deluxe
Use the enclosed PDF file with Railroad Tycoon Deluxe when asked to identify a particular class of locomotive. The Locomotive Identification is the "copy protection" used for the game which required you to have the user's manual on hand to play the game.
Windows 9x/ME / AliceSoft
Rance 1: Quest for Hikari 1.05
The first installment of the popular fantasy H RPG Rance series. Missing Japanese menu characters can be fixed by launching the game with the included locale emulator. Works perfectly on modern systems.
DOS / Wesson International
Rapcon 1.01
Good military air traffic controller simulation with digitized sound. Works without problem in Dosbox. Use F1 / Alt-F1 for help
Rapid Assault
System Requirements: DOS 6.0, 386/50 MHZ or 486/33 MHZ, 4 MB RAM, VGA Graphics, Sound Blaster or Compatible Sound Card, CD-ROM 2X Drive, Mouse, And Optional Joystick.
DOS / Apogee
Raptor Call of the Shadows
Raptor Call of the Shadows - a 1994 shoot 'n up DOS Game
Windows 3.x / Apogee Software
Raptor Call of the Shadows
Raptor: Call of the Shadows is a 2D vertical-scroller single player game for the x86 PC originally written for MS-DOS, by Cygnus Studios. It was published by Apogee Software on April 1, 1994.
DOS / Apogee
Raptor Call of the Shadows unknown
This is the FULL VERSION with all levels, not the DEMO. Installation instructions: 1. Create a new directory (example c:\raptor) 2. Copy the raptor.exe in this directory 3. Execute raptor.exe. The file is self-extracting
DOS / Apogee Software
raptor: Call of the Shadows 1.2 (Registered!)
This game is vertically-scrolling shoot 'em up. It includes 3.5" 1.44MB 3 disks and Installer files.
Windows 3.x / Sean O'Connor
Rats! 1
Rats! is a frantic game of rodent extermination in a race against time before the rats have a chance to mate and overrun the maze. To stop the vermin you use bombs, radioactive waste, gas, poison, plague rats, blocks and gender changing chemicals. Each weapon has its own characteristics so they need to be placed strategically or the rat population will keep increasing. And as the rat population increases your pulse rate will too!
Windows 9x/ME / Simon reinhardt
Rätsel-Generator 4.30.3
Rätselgenerator für Schwedenrätsel,Zahlenrätsel,Füllrätsel, Knobelgitter und Kreuzwortpuzzle. Scrabble-Hilfe zur Ermittlung möglicher Begriffe auf Basis vorgegebener Buchstaben.
Windows XP / RGM
Raycasting Game Maker 4.6.2.
Simple Raycasting Game engine that lets you create simple First Person Shooter games similar to Wolfenstein 3D
Windows XP / GTAmodding
re3VC 20/02/2021
The infamous Miami git repo. I was able to get this to build using Visual Studio 2019. Obviously you'll need your own Grand Theft Auto Vice City Cd/Data files.
DOS / Interplay
Realms Of The Haunting 1.0
The tale begins in deepest Cornwall, where the main character, Adam Randall, arrives for his father's funeral. His father's death, happening under the most suspicious circumstances, sparks a series of nightmarish visions, all revolving around a house that Adam has little recollection of. Haunted by these images, he eventually tracks down the house, discovering it to be the erstwhile home of a powerful French sorcerer whose experiments unleashed a hoard of demons. The evil controlling them has taken Adam's father --body and soul-- and is now residing in the building, waiting for future victims. Within this house is located the soulstone.
Windows 9x/ME / Rebel Soffware
Rebel Strip Poker with Crack 1.4
This download includes version 1.4 of rebel strip poker. It's for adults only and includes a crack that will remove access code proctection from the opponnents.
DOS / Dynamix, Inc.
Red Baron 1.0
You play as a Pilot in WWI, and play different missions. Keyboard and Mouse, and Joystick compatible.
Windows 9x/ME / Westwood Studios
redalert lite
Versions for MS-DOS and Windows95 are included. Here's what programs to run for both platforms: Game: RA.EXE, RA95.EXE Editor: EDDOS.EXE, EDWIN.EXE Setup Program: SETUP.EXE, RASETUP.EXE ----- If you want to play the Windows95 version, you must have DirectX3 installed. If you haven't done so yet, check out the new Twilight Essentials in \VARIOUS\TLESSENT on your Twilight CD (or just use the Various Manager!). DirectX3.rar included
Windows 9x/ME / Westwood Studios
Redalert2 Mappack 1.0
This is all 12 map packs for Red alert2 from Westwood studios in 1 file. Its in slovak launguage so just click Yes, then type the way to Your Red alert2 floder and click OK
DOS / Xatrix Entertainment
Redneck Rampage
This download includes CD images (MDF format) of the "Redneck Rampage/Redneck Rampage Rides Again Dual Jewel" pack compilation that was sitting around on one of my shelves collecting dust. Optional files for download include scans of the jewel case inserts & installation instructions, along with the "Cuss Pack" add-on for those who want to make the game's audio a LOT more colorful. The file sizes are little large due to the CDs having both audio and data tracks, but the hard disk install footprint is 138 MB for Redneck Rampage & 209 MB for the Rides Again sequel. Although a DOS game, this version of RR also claims to be Windows 95 compatible and I have tested these images on a Virtual Box Win98 SE installation. The Win98 virtual environment had a few issues getting the game to run, but it played fine when launched with the autorun executable on the CDs. If you're up for off-color, tasteless, redneck humor in the Duke Nukem 3D style of gameplay, this game is an absolute riot. You will need WinRAR to unpack the archives.
DOS / Auswärtiges Amt, GLAMUS Bonn
Reise durch Europa 5.5
A game about the European Union, Multiplayer, Multilanguage (every player may select his/her own language). Supports VGA/EGA/CGA/Hercules and PC speaker.
Windows 9x/ME / Europress Software
Rescue on Mars 1.1
Rescue on Mars is an action game pitting your spacecraft verses gravity. Keep your ship under control and you will succeed. Fly fast - die fast. Objective: Rescue all of the "Yellow Guys" from all of the "Blue Guys" before the mothership picks you up. Land your ship softly to pick up the Yellow Guys, and hover just above the ground to flame the Blue Guys.
Windows 9x/ME / 3DO Interactive
Return Fire
Return Fire is a PC port of the 3DO game of the same title. Defend your underground bunker and attack the enemy's bunker using tanks, mobile missile platforms and attack helicopters in this free-roaming top-down 3D shoot-em up! Alternatively, go against another player in a capture-the-flag match! WARNING: Requires 265-color video mode.
Windows 9x/ME / Microsoft
Return Of Arcade n/a
The first follow up to Microsoft Arcade was Microsoft Return of Arcade, released in 1995 and containing Galaxian, Pac-Man, Pole Position and Dig Dug. Contents are the original 3 floppy disks. Won't run in Windows 3.1 (even with WinG) as it was created to help the promotion of Windows 95 at that time. Installs fine though even on Windows XP.
DOS / Infocom
Return to Zork 1.0
This is the floppy diskette version of Return to Zork. Not as multimedia rich, compared to the CD-ROM version, but still impressive. Remember to not kill the bonding plant in the start of the game or you cannot win!
DOS / Infocom
Return to Zork CD v1.0 1.0
This is the CD version of Return to Zork. It has much better multimedia experience than the floppy-based version. Because the RTZ CD was mixed-mode, this is a BIN/CUE image, rather than an ISO. The image was tested in DOSBox 0.74, and works without issue. Detailed instructions on how to use it with DOSBox are included in the readme.txt. This archive also contains the patch to upgrade to v1.2. "Want some rye? 'Course ya do!"