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Windows 3.x / Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11 [ITALIAN] 3.11 for Workgroups
This is the Italian edition of Windows for Workgroups 3.11. The *.iso must be mounted (or extracted); then just run "setup.exe". DOS is required to install Windows. Enjoy!
Windows 3.x / Microsoft
Microsoft Windows Winpad SDK Beta 1.0.3203
The first alpha release of Winpad which is not released, was replaced by Windows CE (Windows Embedded Compact).
Windows 3.x / Microsoft
MS-DOS 6.22 Windows 3.1 Windows 3.1 CD
A cd versions of MS-DOS 6.22, Windows 3.1 and 3.11.usable in eg vmware.
Windows 3.x / S3
Oasis Drivers for S3 videocards ?.?
Video Drivers For s3 videocards, only for windows 3.1
Windows 3.x / Packard Bell
Packard Bell Navigator 1.1
A 'VERY friendly' graphical front-end/user interface that supplants the shell of Windows 3.1. Works best in 640x480 or 800x600 display. It's the precursor of Microsoft Bob, although the latter influenced the former greatly, especially the Win 9x versions of PB Navigator.
Packard Bell Navigator 3.5
This is Packard Bell Navigator 3.5. This archive does not contain a setup program. See the readme on how to configure the system to operate.
Packard Bell Navigator 3.9
Packard Bell Navigator is a "BOB" like environment for Windows 3.1 that presents the content of your computer as a series of household rooms and objects. This archive contains the full, original, CD-ROM ISO of PB Navigator 3.9.
Pubtech File Organizer 3.10
The PubTech File Organizer is an alternate desktop shell for Windows 3.0 that attempts to mimic the Macintosh Finder.
Windows 3.x / Microsoft
WFWDOSDSK3FRE6.22 Win3.11 + Dos 6.22
Micosoft Windows for Worksgroup complete with Dos 6.22 From microsoft
Windows 3.x / Microsoft
WFWFILUP Update for Windows 3.11 3.11
Microsoft Knowledge Base Article: Q85557 - File Manager Shows Garbled Date for Year 2000 or Later. Fixes wrong dates displaying in file manager when files are created later than 31/12/99. Instructions: Unpack the file, and replace from DOS.
Windows 3.x / Microsoft
This let U run 100% programs for windows 3.1 and some porgrams for win9x. Comes with freecell.
Windows 3.0
Seven disk set of floppies for Windows 3.0 installation in 720KB IMA format. Requires MS-DOS 6.22. *DO NOT* set the display driver to VGA in installation - screen will go black after "win" typed and OS will not load. Select "QuadVGA, ATI VIP VGA" or similar instead.
Windows 3.0
Dutch version of Microsoft Windows 3.0. IMG-images made with WinImage, from the seven original 720 kB floppies
Windows 3.00a
Esta es la versión 3.0a (notese la "A") Esta versión tiene varias mejoras/correcciones: * Puede manipular más de un segmento de RAM simultáneamente (64KB) * Es más estable. Tiene correcciones para prevenir UAEs (Unrecoverable Application Errors) asociados al uso de redes, impresión y poca memoria.
Windows 3.1
Microsoft Windows 3.1 on one ISO and six IMG files. The ISO is unofficial but contains all the files from the prior six IMGs; it's been tested to work.
Windows 3.1
Microsoft Windows 3.1 português Brazil com disco de instalação em uma única pasta e que dispensa o uso de disquete.
Windows 3.1
Olivetti / MS Windows 3.1 italian version
Windows 3.x / IBM/Microsoft
Windows 3.11
This is an IBM-branded OEM release of Windows 3.11 (not Workgroups) which includes a seventh 3.5" disk containing additional printer drivers.
Windows 3.x / Microsoft
Windows (Norwegian,Czech,Greek,Hungairan,Hebrew,Danish,Finnish,P 3.1
8 Non-English versions of MS Windows 3.1 Norwegian Czech Greek Hungarian Hebrew Danish Finnish Polish
Windows 3.0 3.0
Microsoft Windows 3.0 German Version, 7 Disk Images.
Windows 3.x / Microsoft Corporation
Windows 3.0 - ISV preview, debug 1.14 3.0 - 1.14
This is the 'debug' version of an early build of Windows 3.0. It looks and runs just like Windows 2.1, except it is running in protected mode. Requires a 386 processor, and at least 20 file handles. Runs best in PCem
Windows 3.x / Microsoft
Windows 3.0 a Spanish - Disks and images 3.0 a
Windows 3.0 a Spanish - Disks and images (ready to be made into install floppies)
Windows 3.x / Microsoft
Windows 3.0 EGA test drive 3.0
The Windows 3.0 Test Drive is a demo floppy set that was included for free with issues of PC World. It consists of a stripped down minimal install Windows 3.0 install and a PC World interactive sideshow. There was a separate version for EGA and VGA as well as 1.2mb and 1.44mb disk. This is the EGA-only version. The Setup program gets confused if you try to install it on a machine with VGA. To install on a machine or emulator with VGA, edit the [display] section of the SETUP.INF and add the line: "vga = 1:ega.drv, "EGA", "133,96,72", , 1:egalogo.lgo, , , , 1:egalogo.rle" The included Windows files are crippled to prevent running normal Windows 3.0 software. It is possible to run other Windows 3.0 applications by inserting the string "DEMOAPP" in to an EXE's application description header.
Windows 3.x / Microsoft
Windows 3.0 With Pen Extensions 1.0 3.0 and 1.0
This is the Windows folder taken from my Dauphin DTR-1. This is Windows 3.0 with Pen Computing extensions 1.0. These are not the installer or setup files for Windows, this is just a copy of the Windows directory from a working DTR-1, with all the drivers required for the Dauphin already installed. These files are not intended for general Windows 3.x users, or those looking for a fresh Win 3.x installation, but for those who own a Dauphin DTR-1 and are missing Windows files for that system.
Windows 3.x / Microsoft
Windows 3.01 [Korean] (Samsung OEM) 3.01
Contains 10 floppy disks in 3.5, 1.44MB format. In korean language.
Windows 3.x / Microsoft
Windows 3.0r Windows 3.0 3.0
Windows 3.0 en castellano. Los discos de instalaci?n est?n montados en archivos IMA con WinImage. Ideal para Virtual PC.
Windows 3.x / Microsoft
Windows 3.1 3.1
Windows 3.1 without serial number. Years ago, all files were copied from my original floppies and then merged into one directory, allowing installation to be performed without using the original floppy disks. All files have their original 03/10/1992 1:10AM timestamps. Guaranteed to be the original files and virus / malware free and to have the correct checksums. In the past I have used this single directory install method to set up Windows 3.1 on a new hard drive by running the Windows 3.1 setup with these files from a directory on another attached hard drive. Thus I know that this upload and installation method works. The uploaded zip will unzip to a directory called W31.ALL. By "ALL," I mean that the contents of multiple floppy install disks have been combined into one directory. I vaguely recall that you have to first format a hard drive and install DOS before installing Windows 3.1. Or maybe not. I can't remember. And of course you must have your own serial number in order to install Windows 3.1 since I never include serial numbers in my uploads.