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System / Microsoft
Client Windows for Workgroups Updates 3.11b
Archive Contains the WFW 3.1 Client Updates ripped from Microsofts FTP Server. TCP32B.EXE WFWDLC.EXE WFWFILES.EXE WFWTCP.EXE and an updated VIP.386 with documentation and notes.
Utility / Computer Associates
clipper 5.3 v5.3
Successfully installed and run on a Windows 3.11 virtual system running on DosBox-X, under a Windows 10 Host system. Should probably also work on genuine vintage hardware running Windows 3.x natively. Installation present in the downloadable *.zip file. Simply run "install.exe" in the virtual/real Windows 3.x system. Also included in the *.zip file is a CD *.iso image in the "CD_ISO" folder, created from all files , if you want to mount/burn a CD version as required. Note: In Windows 3.x, once installed, the shortcut to launch the program is copied to the "Main" program group by default.
Other / Stichting Logogroep Nijmegen
Clowns 1.0
Clowns is een educatief programma voor het basisonderwijs als onderdeel van het Comenius Project. Clowns werd uitgegeven door Malmberg, Den Bosch, 1990.
Utility / Not specified
Visual Basic run time file needed to run the Poemism, Poetry generator, program available from VetusWare.
Utility / Micro Focus
A bunch of random Cobol Products disks by Micro Focus. I hope someone somewhere at some point might need one of these disks.
System / Colorado Memory Systems
Colorado Backup System Disks 1996
System disks for Colorado/HP tape drives. Disk 1: Colorado Backup for Windows 95 Version 1.60, and Colorado Backup for DOS Version 4.70 Disk 2: Colorado Backup for Windows 3.1 Version 2.90
Games / Western Publishing Company
Colors and Shapes with Hickory 1.0
Educational computer game for Windows 3.1/95/NT/98/ME/2000/XP. CD-ROM Format in an ISO disc image created using ImgBurn and packaged as a ZIP file on Windows 10.
Communication / Tradewind Software
COMit Lite (DOS, Windows versions) v1.99, v1.12a
Lite versions of COMit. Telephone modem program. If the gov. shuts the www down, you'll wish you had these.
Games / Sega
Comix Zone 1.0
Comix Zone for Windows. This is a Win32s + WinG compatible game. It should work on modern Windows systems, as it is 32bit compatible. This isn't a genesis emulation package, but rather a port of the genesis game to the PC.
System / Morrie Wilson
Command Post 5.2
Command Post, written by Morrie Wilson of Wilson WindowWare, is a shareware shell enhancement for Windows 2. It adds customizable menus and enhanced window functionality to the Windows 2 MS-DOS Executive.
Command Post 7w
Command Post 7w, written by Morrie Wilson of Wilson WindowWare, is a shareware shell replacement for Windows 3. It is similar to the Windows 2 MS-DOS Executive but includes customizable menus and enhanced window functionality. This version only runs on Windows 3.0 and later.
Other / Charles Petzold
Companion Diskette for 'Programming Windows' book
This diskette contains source code and executable (.EXE) files for all the
sample programs described in the third edition of 'Programming Windows' by
Charles Petzold (Microsoft Press, 1992).
Utility / Leithauser Research
Complete Program Deleter for Windows 2.2
Handy tool for removing software. Takes a snapshot before you install a program and after, and logs the changes made by the install. Later, you can use it to remove the software, even if the program didn't come with an uninstaller. Nagware after 30-day trial.
Other / Anthony P. Porter
Compose 1.4
Compose Enter characters into a document that do not appear on your keyboard, either through key combinations or through a button matrix. The button matrix part works without installation, and on XP.
System / Connectix
Connectix RAM Doubler for Windows 1.0
Connectix RAM Doubler for Windows 1.0 Connectix 800/950-5880, 415/571-5100 Street price: $60 RAM Doubler for Windows 1.0 shipped on April 24th 1995 at COMDEX, Atlanta. This Windows 3.x memory utility lets you multitask more applications with fewer crashes and less aggravation. It does this by expanding the Resource Heap, thus allowing more programs to run. AppleSeed sez: - Just install & use. - Includes 1.01 update. - Plenty of info included on how it works & how to use. - Copy of an original FAQ web page included. AppleSeed '96
Connectix RAM Doubler for Windows 1.0.1
Connectix RAM Doubler for Windows 1.0.1 June 21, 1995 Connectix 800/950-5880, 415/571-5100 Street price: $60 RAM Doubler for Windows 1.0 shipped on April 24th 1995 at COMDEX, Atlanta. This Windows 3.x memory utility lets you multitask more applications with fewer crashes and less aggravation. It does this by expanding the Resource Heap, thus allowing more programs to run. AppleSeed sez: - Just install & use. - Plenty of info included on how it works & how to use. - Copy of an original FAQ web page included. AppleSeed '96
Utility / Conner Peripherals, Inc.
Conner Backup Exec 1.0
WIN version of Tape Backup Software originally developed by Maynard Electronics. See (DOS ver 1.01 goes with WIN ver 1.0)
DBMS / Relate Technologies
Contact Pro
Contact-Pro is a relational database management system, tailored to the requirements of those people who track and manage a client base. Contact-Pro facilitates scheduling appointments, producing direct mailings, managing incoming and outgoing calls and faxes, direct marketing and TeleSales operations etc. and compiles a complete history of these transactions. The program uses the Clipper DBF and NTX file format.
Utility / DataViz, Inc
Conversion Plus 2.0
Conversions Plus The complete solution for PC to Mac file exchange. Read, translate and format Mac under Windows and Dos.
Office / Microsoft
Converter Word'97
Editor converter for MS Word 6.0 (see above) under Windows 3.1. Allows you to open, edit and save documents created in Word'97, Word'2000 and even Word'XP! Also works with Word'95 for Windows95. ___ Конвертор для редактора MS Word 6.0 (см. выше) под Windows 3.1. Позволяет открывать, редактировать и сохранять документы, созданные в Word'97, Word'2000 и даже Word'XP! Также работает с Word'95 для Windows95.
Multimedia / Corel Systems
Corel Draw 3.0
Corel Draw 3.0 stand alone application. This package in brazilian portuguese include only Corel Draw and Fonts.
Multimedia / Corel Corporation
Corel Draw 4.0
CD-Version von Corel DRAW! 4.0 für Win3.x - CD1: Programm - CD2: QuickTour, Medien und Beispiele - Seriennummer: CD4-132-469-819
Office / Corel
Corel Draw 4.0
Corel Draw in der Version 4.0 des beliebten Vektorgrafikprogramms - Serial CD4-114-654-454 oder CD4-114-647-459
Utility / Corel Corporation
Corel Draw 3.0 Retail 3.0b
Draw It! Chart It! Paint It! Show It! This is CorelDraw! 3. It a floppy disk file copy to 12 sub-folders, one for each floppy. It contains the fixed install disk for 32K colour systems. The disk labels are in a file called vol_labs.txt, and my may needed to re-create the floppy disks.
Office / Corel
Corel DRAW 4.0 4.0
Corel Draw 4.0 en español: Incluye Corel Draw, Photo-Paint, Chart, Trace, Move, Show y Mosaic.
Multimedia / Corel Corporation
Corel Flow 2.0
serial.txt inside Popular soft for drawing a diagram or chart. CorelFlow have more than 30 connector styles, library of arrow heads, more than 2000 symbols, 1000 clip-art images, 1000 photos. and 100 True-Type fonts. Extensive drag-and-drop options let you create symbols in CorelFlow or Corel-Draw and drop them into a symbol library. Also, OLE 2.0 let drag and drop images from other programs into a CorelFlow illustration or symbol library. When you want to do more serious drawing. CorelFlow is usually up to the task.
Office / Corel Corporation
Corel Perfect Office for Windows 3.0
Corel Perfect Office 3.0 for Windows 3.1/Windows 95 - Corel Corporation Mar 25, 1996 *** This package consists of core installation files from the original CD-ROM as distributed by "Scene warez release Group DoD", screen and/or product shots, and this information file. Unpack the archive including folder to the root of hard drive and install. A SERIAL/REGISTRATION CODE IS PROVIDED FOR THE APPLICATIONS IN THIS ARCHIVE. *** Corel Perfect Office SN: 755-1234567 *** Six Powerful Programs. One Powerfully Integrated Suite. Wordperfect 6.1, Quattro Pro 6.0, Presentations 3.0, InfoCentral 1.0a, Envoy, Groupwise. Within weeks of acquiring Wordperfect from Novell, Corel released this edition, with very minor changes to improve Windows 95 compatibility, and to place their own branding on the files - just enough to be able to claim Windows 95 compatibility for a 16bit office suite, and before losing any more market share. - AppleSeed 2017 -