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Windows 3.x / Softkey International Inc.
The American Heritage Dictionary, Third Edition 3.6p
The American Heritage Dictionary, Third Edition, an English dictionary with thesaurus, WordHunter (search words in definitions) and anagrams. Runs on any Windows and Linux/Wine.
DOS / Ichiroh Sasaki
The Big Blue Skies Planetarium 1.2
Plot solar system objects and stars with precision. Zoom asterisms. Includes help info.
DOS / Wintertech
The Computer Guide to the Solar System 1.20
Astronomy - The Solar System. Nice educational program. Later versions labeled "Orbits", I believe
DOS / Jacob Palm
The Costa GUI 1.0.0
Costa is a program which runs on top of MS-DOS or compatible operating systems, and replaces the DOS-prompt with a clean, user-friendly interface - a so called GUI (Graphical User Interface). Costa comes with full mouse and keyboard support, and a bunch of useful accessories.
The Costa GUI 1.7.4
Costa is a program which runs on top of MS-DOS or compatible operating systems, and replaces the DOS-prompt with a clean, user-friendly interface - a so called GUI (Graphical User Interface). Costa comes with full mouse and keyboard support, and a bunch of useful accessories.
DOS / Jacob Palm
The Costa GUI1.7.5 1.7.5
Costa is a program which runs on top of MS-DOS or compatible operating systems, and replaces the DOS-prompt with a clean, user-friendly interface - a so called GUI (Graphical User Interface). Costa comes with full mouse and keyboard support, and a bunch of useful accessories.
DOS / Janus
The Electric Astrolabe
Amazing software, fully animated planetarium program in the form of a planispheric astrolabe.
DOS / Ken Boschert
The Electronic Zoo 3.0
An ancient catalog of sources related to animals, features many bbs addresses, mailservers, newsgroups, ftp, gopher and even some www sites. Added for the fun and archival purposes.
DOS / Penguin Software
The Graphics Magician
Graphics Magician was a graphics engine for the Apple II by Penguin Software. Created by Mark Pelczarski, it was one of the first graphical engines ever released. The program also had one of the first open contracts, costing nothing but requiring the user to put Mark's name in the credits.// This is the hard-to-find DOS release
DOS / John K Simmonds
The Navigator's Almanac 2.0
For the marine navigator. Very good daily almanac generation program.
TheSky 2.11
Astronomy software
Windows 3.x / Software Bisque, Inc
The_Sky 1.04 Level II
This an INCOMPLETE version of this truly amazing astronomy program, lacking some catalogue files. Although, it displays accurately sky view and solar system objects to chosen location and the menu "Tools" (with eclipse finder, jovian moons and moon phases). So, you have the essentials. Works in all 16 and 32 bits versions of Windows, AFAIK. Program must be stored in C:\Sky.
DOS / Computer Assist
The_Sky 3.00
"Graphics Astronomy Program", from the company later renamed "Software Bisque". This is a old version, very limited compared with later editions of this title. After install, one must use ENTER (local circumstancies configuration), SPACEBAR to plot the sky, "A" - arrow (cursor/pointer, no mouse support), "I" -Info on object under pointer, "C" - constellations lines, etc. Just a curiosity to my fellow stargazers/amateur astronomers.
Windows 3.x / Redline Software Design
Thuis in het Milieu 1.0
Thuis in het Milieu is een programma van Stichting Milieu Educatie die dit programma in samenwerking met het Comenius Project dit programma voor het onderwijs beschikbaar maakte. Uitgever: Malmberg, Den Bosch, 1990. ISBN: 90 208 7614 7
DOS / Symantec Corporation
Time Line 5.0
Project management software. The contains the four (4) original disks/zip files. TL5 is a comprehensive application but has a nice context sensitive help system to walk you through i.e., Gantt, PERT, CPM, WBS, etc. Have fun!
Tk Problem Solver for dos TK Solver Plus(R) 1.1
Solves very many complex equations at the same time. Algebra Calculus Trig Applied Mathematics
Token-Ring Network 16/4 Adapter Driver
Token-Ring Network 16/4 Adapter / A Driver Disquette.
DOS / Clarion
Topspeed BTree Toolkit v3.1 3.1
Part of the Topspeed family of compilers and tools for building DOS and Windows 3.x software. The BTree software provides code that allows you to write databases using Topspeed C, C++ and Modula 2. See also: Topspeed BTree Toolkit v3.1 Topspeed C++ v3.1 Topspeed DOS Extender v3.1 Topspeed Environment v3.1 Topspeed Modula 2 v3.1 Topspeed RogueWave Libraries v3.1 Topspeed Techkit v3.1
DOS / Clarion
Topspeed C++ v3.1 3.1
Part of the Topspeed family of compilers and tools for building DOS and Windows 3.x software. This package contains the C++ disks in 1.44mb floppy image format. See also: Topspeed BTree Toolkit v3.1 Topspeed C++ v3.1 Topspeed DOS Extender v3.1 Topspeed Environment v3.1 Topspeed Modula 2 v3.1 Topspeed RogueWave Libraries v3.1 Topspeed Techkit v3.1
DOS / Clarion
Topspeed DOS Extender v3.1 3.1
Part of the Topspeed family of compilers and tools for building DOS and Windows 3.x software. This package contains the DOS Extender disks in 1.44mb floppy image format. See also: Topspeed BTree Toolkit v3.1 Topspeed C++ v3.1 Topspeed DOS Extender v3.1 Topspeed Environment v3.1 Topspeed Modula 2 v3.1 Topspeed RogueWave Libraries v3.1 Topspeed Techkit v3.1
DOS / Clarion
Topspeed Environment v3.1 3.1
Part of the Topspeed family of compilers and tools for building DOS and Windows 3.x software. This package contains the Topspeed environment disks in 1.44mb floppy image format. This includes the text editor with integrations for compiling, making and running projects. See also: Topspeed BTree Toolkit v3.1 Topspeed C++ v3.1 Topspeed DOS Extender v3.1 Topspeed Environment v3.1 Topspeed Modula 2 v3.1 Topspeed RogueWave Libraries v3.1 Topspeed Techkit v3.1
DOS / Clarion
Topspeed Modula 2 v3.1 3.1
Part of the Topspeed family of compilers and tools for building DOS and Windows 3.x software. This package contains the Modula 2 compiler disks in 1.44mb floppy image format. See also: Topspeed BTree Toolkit v3.1 Topspeed C++ v3.1 Topspeed DOS Extender v3.1 Topspeed Environment v3.1 Topspeed Modula 2 v3.1 Topspeed RogueWave Libraries v3.1 Topspeed Techkit v3.1
DOS / Clarion
Topspeed RogueWave Libraries v3.1 3.1
Part of the Topspeed family of compilers and tools for building DOS and Windows 3.x software. This package contains the RogueWave iibraries disks in 1.44mb floppy image format. See also: Topspeed BTree Toolkit v3.1 Topspeed C++ v3.1 Topspeed DOS Extender v3.1 Topspeed Environment v3.1 Topspeed Modula 2 v3.1 Topspeed RogueWave Libraries v3.1 Topspeed Techkit v3.1
DOS / Clarion
Topspeed Techkit v3.1 3.1
Part of the Topspeed family of compilers and tools for building DOS and Windows 3.x software. This package contains the Techkit disks in 1.44mb floppy image format. See also: Topspeed BTree Toolkit v3.1 Topspeed C++ v3.1 Topspeed DOS Extender v3.1 Topspeed Environment v3.1 Topspeed Modula 2 v3.1 Topspeed RogueWave Libraries v3.1 Topspeed Techkit v3.1
DOS / TLS Software
Total Learning System - Personal Computer
"TLS is the most advanced user guide-on-a-disk to learn how to use a PC". This software is an interactive guide that teaches how to use an IBM PC and the DOS operating system. Spanish.
DOS / Newline software
Touch Typist 1983
This is a small typing training program that is specific to Zenith-Z100 computers. Important: This software is specifically designed for Zenith Z-100 Series computers (not to be confused with Z-100 PC Series) and will not run properly on IBM PCs, IBM PC clones, or IBM PC emulators. Important: This disk is formatted for DOS 1.x and will not open in tools like WinImage.
Windows 9x/ME / Dean Williams
Touring the Universe through Binoculars Star Atlas
Star atlas designed specifically for use with binoculars. Companion to the excellent "Touring the Universe through Binoculars" by Phil Harrington, John Wiley & Sons, 1st published in 1990.
Transputer C Tools D7314 D7314
C compiler targeting C004-compatible transputer hardware.
Windows 9x/ME / Freebyte!
TreePad Lite 2.9.5
TreePad Lite is a free and easy to use database program, a powerful information organizer, PIM and outline text editor. It is ideal for storing notes, emails, URLs. It features extended search, edit, export and import options. Supports non-western fonts through IME mode.