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Windows 9x/ME / Broderbund/The Learning Company(TLC)
3D Home Architect Deluxe 4.0
Broderbund 3D Home Architect Deluxe 4.0 Broderbund/The Learning Company (TLC) Licensed by ART Inc. (Chief Architect) to TLC. It also created the 3D Home Architect brand from version 1.0 through 4.0. In 1993, the company licensed a simplified version of the software to Broderbund for sale in the retail / DIY market. The company ended its relationship with Broderbund in 2002 following the release of 3D Home Architect 4.0 Designed for Windows 95/98/NT.
Windows 9x/ME / Autodesk
Autocad 2000 2000 (R15)
AutoCAD Autodesk ended support for AutoCAD 2000 in January of 2004 Setup is running on: Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 95, Windows 98, but the (eventually made) portable version is running on the newest Windows versions too. Requirements: Pentium III or later or compatible 64 MB RAM 300 MB free disk space 1024 x 768 VGA with true color Mouse, trackball, or compatible pointing device
Windows 9x/ME / Anders Isaksson
BlockCAD 2.1
BlockCAD is a freeware program for building virtual models with Lego-like bricks. You can save your models, or save pictures of them (.bmp, .jpg), even reuse a complete model as a part in another model. Everything can be controlled with the mouse, but it's also possible to use the keyboard for most of the commands, making 'routine building' more effective, and there is a minimum of text involved, to make it easier for kids, BlockCAD is not a full CAD program, the pieces can only be placed 'studs up', and rotated in steps of 90 degrees. It is impossible to draw pieces that are partly inside other parts, which excludes almost all of the Lego Technic line, but there's still a lot of fun to be had with it.
Windows 9x/ME / Patrick Chevalley
Cartes du Ciel / Skycharts 2.76c
Windows installer for basic v. 2.76 (cdcbase276.exe) from 2004 and upgrade to v.2.76c. Included Hipparcos star catalog (cdchip.exe) and planets high precision positions until 2100 (cdcseries.exe). (Languages: FR. & ENG.)
Windows 9x/ME / Altium Ltd.
Circuit Maker 2000 SP1 2000 SP1
CircuitMaker is an easy-to-use schematic design and simulation tool. This product was discontinued in 2000 after being bought out by Altium, and is not related to the current software of a similar name. P.S.: Works on Windows 9x and NT 4.0 and up Works on Windows 10 2004 too, crashes when you try to open it, fix is to close and open again.
Windows 9x/ME / Corel Corporation
Corel Photo House 1.1 1.1
Corel Photo House 1.1 is part of Corel WordPerfect Suite 8. You can personalize the install and choose from itens below= Corel WordPerfect 8 Corel Quattro Pro 8 Corel Presentations 8 Envoy 7 Viewer Corel Photo House 1.1 Bitstream Font Navigator 2.0 Corel WordPerfect SGML TrueType Fonts Reference Center 8 Desktop Application Director 8 (DAD) During install, any Serial will be accepted. Tested under Win 95 and it's working fully. Enjoy.
Windows 9x/ME / Corel Corporation
Corel Print House Magic, ed Oem 437 3.0
corel print house 3 (spanish), corel Photo house 2 (spanish) y corel family & friends 1.1, use este serial:PH4X0-5325W108LX, las 3 utilidades estan en un directorio copiados del cd, son 3 archivos comprimidos con winrar: 2 de 100mb y 1 de 95mb
Windows 9x/ME / Corel Corporation
CorelDRAW Essentials (PT-BR) 9
Suíte gráfica que contém os seguintes programas: CorelDRAW 9 (desenho vetorial e diagramação de anúncios, jornais e revistas), Photo-Paint 9 (edição de imagens) e Capture (captura de telas). OBS.: Durante a instalação, pede-se um número serial, que pode ser encontrado no arquivo Serial.txt.
Windows 9x/ME / Corel Corporation
CorelDRAW! 6
7z-compressed ISOs of the CorelDRAW! 6 Italian CD-ROMs. The software resides in the first CD-ROM, the second CD-ROM contains only cliparts and tutorials. The second CD-ROM doesn't seem to have any Italian localization, confirmed also by the second CD-ROM label that ends with "US", instead of the "IT" present on the first CD-ROM.
Windows 9x/ME / nVidia
Dagoth Moor Zoological Gardens Tech Demo 1
Dagoth Moor Zoological Gardens is a demonstration program for the nVidia 256 video card. In this program you explore a virtual world that is rich in graphics detail.
Windows 9x/ME / DAMN
DAMN Release Signature Verifier 1.0.0
Probably useless to you (unless you're collecting cracks, keygens, that stuff). Hard to find after the website went down.
Windows 9x/ME / Borland
Delphi 2 2.0
Delphi Client/Server Suite 2.0 Delphi 2.0 has been tested under Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51 and pre-release versions of Windows NT 4.0. Personally tested up to windows 10
Windows 9x/ME / Borland International, Inc.
Delphi 3
Delphi 3, released in 1997, added new VCL components encapsulating the 4.71 version of Windows Common Controls (such as Rebar and Toolbar), TDataset architecture separated from BDE, DLL debugging, the code insight technology, component packages, component templates, DecisionCube and TeeChart components for statistical graphing, WebBroker, ActiveForms, MIDAS three tier architecture, component packages and integration with COM through interfaces.