The_Sky 3.00

Category: Other
Year: 1987
Description:"Graphics Astronomy Program", from the company later renamed "Software Bisque". This is a old version, very limited compared with later editions of this title. After install, one must use ENTER (local circumstancies configuration), SPACEBAR to plot the sky, "A" - arrow (cursor/pointer, no mouse support), "I" -Info on object under pointer, "C" - constellations lines, etc. Just a curiosity to my fellow stargazers/amateur astronomers.
Manufacturer: Computer Assist
Localization: EN

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#16786The_Sky3.zip122.3 KB0x2D1BEB9F

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On Thursday December 8, 2016 RuiNereus said:

Amazing milestone from Computer Assist/ Software Bisque.
Some help...
F1 - Help screen
EXIT to DOS: F2, then ESC key
Arrow Keys to move sky (UP key turns observer to zenith)
A - small ARROW POINTER (use SPACEBAR to refine movement)
I - Info on pointed object
W - Info on pointer position
C - Constellations on/off
S - Stars on/off
R - Recalculate on/off
CTR+G: Grid on/off
F1 - Help screen
F2 - Status menu (time, defaults, EXIT TO DOS with ESC key.)
F3 - Planet data
F4 - Solar System view
F5 - VISIBLE PLANETS above horizon
F6 - List visible MESSIER objects
F7 - List visible STARS (PgDown to scroll)
F8 - List visible non-Stars objects
F9 - TIME SKIP start/stop