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DOS / Broderbund
Bank Street Writer Plus 1.1
Bank Street Writer is an easy to use word processor intended for beginners and educational use. This version is for the IBM PC/PC XT/PC AT/PCjr running DOS.
DOS / Broderbund
Bank Street Writer Plus Plus
Bank Street Writer is an easy to use word processor intended for beginners and educational use. This version is for the IBM PC/PC XT/PC AT/PCjr running DOS. Bank Street Writer Plus is similar to Bank Street Writer III but published by Broderbund instead of Scholastic, Inc. and without other educational material.
DOS / Pixellite Group
Banner Mania!
Banner-Mania .plenty of ready made banners in this software .two added files in 1993 one a windows batch file .construct your own banner .use from a prompt with exe file or install bat .
BeOS / BeatWare
BeBasics 2.4
A productivity suite, that allows users to exchange document files with others on the Windows platform. Be Basics includes a frame-based word processor and spreadsheet.
BeOS / unknown
BeFinancial 1.7
A program that seems to be intended for financial management (money transfers?). I can not say more about this, for this is the way to show up in dimensions which are completely alien to me.
BeOS / Intuiware
BeSane Alpha
This is an alpha release, it misses a few drivers and it has been tested with a limited number of scanners.
Better Working Word Processor
Word processing software for IBM PC/XT compatibles.
DOS / CalcTech, Inc.
BizWiz Financial Calculator n.a.
BizWiz Financial Calculator From the Help File: BizWiz is fully compatible with the famous Hewlett-Packard HP-12C™ handheld calculator while incorporating a number of features not found in the HP-12C.
DOS / Not specified
Blocek 1.0.2b
Blocek - the world only DOS editor with unicode support! The czech, russian and english localization are available so far.
DOS / Sidekick
Borland 1.56A
Early version of the popular Borland Contact Manager. In original distribution executable. Delete .r00 extension.
DOS / Borland International, Inc.
Borland Quattro Pro 1.0
Tableur Quattro Pro compatible Lotus 123. Version de Mars 1990 pour DOS. D?compacter dans un r?pertoire temporaire et lancer l'installation (A l'origine 4 disquettes).
DOS / Borland International, Inc.
Borland Quattro Pro (Special Edition) 1991-09-20
Quattro Pro Special Edition is a scaled down version of Quattro Pro priced for the home market. It lacks the WYSIWYG of the full version. Although labeled "1.0", it is based off of Quattro Pro 3 or 4. Archive includes four 5.25" 360k floppy disk images.
DOS / Borland International, Inc.
Borland Quattro Pro 5 for Dos 5.0
May be the last version published for DOS. Has database, statistical, data analysis, and audit functions. Can do sensitivity analyses, regression, solve for, matrices, and optimization.
Windows 3.x / Borland
Borland Quattro Pro 6 EN v6.0
Installed and run successfully on a Windows 3.11 system running on DosBox-X under a Windows 10 host. Installation instructions found in "IMP- Instructions.pdf" & "IMP- Instructions.txt" found in the downloadable *.zip file.
Windows 3.x / Borland Software
Borland Quattro Pro For Windows 1.0 (German)
This is the German language version of the Quattro Pro for Windows 1.0 spreadsheet. This is missing a serial number, if anyone has the serial please post it below.
Borland Sprint v1.00
Instructions are found in "Borland" as "README_IMP.txt" which contains info/tips on how to install and use the program.
DOS / Borland
Borland Sprint v1.00 1.00
Sprint is a text-based word processor for MS-DOS, first published by Borland
DOS / Borland International, Inc.
Borland Sprint v1.01 1.01
Sprint is a text-based word processor for DOS that features a powerful scripting language, multiple user interfaces, exceptional speed, the ability to handle very large files, and powerful PostScript capabilities.
DOS / Breadbox
Breadbox Ensemble 4.1.2
Breadbox Ensemble was an office suite for DOS with a Windows 95-like user interface. It was based on GeoWorks and New Deal Office. This is the full version. Breadbox sold it for quite a while but is no longer in business.
DOS / Software Resource Group, Inc.
Brown Bag Word Processor 2.55
The Brown Bag Word Processor was an inexpensive word processor that offered features comparable to more expensive programs. It is essentially an OEM licensed version of Quicksoft's PC-Write with a different user interface. Formatting is done using "dot" commands and it includes a mail-merge module. Important: This software is copy protected. To create usable disks, you must use the Kryoflux, SCP, or Transcopy images. Protection method: Overlapping duplicate sectors on track 8 head 0. This disk was unused, and requires an "authorization code" to fully use the software. This was a form of product activation, and no codes are available.
DOS / SkiSoft, Inc / Ashton-Tate
Byline 1.0
Byline was an early desktop publishing program targeted squarely at DOS users. The box proudly proclaims: "Because Byline works the way you do, you don't waste time with a mouse or a new graphics environment." It does not support mice at all. It has a WYSIWYG preview, but the interface is not interactive.
Windows 3.x / Computer Associates
CA-Compete! 4.2 4.2
CA-Compete! is a multidimensional modeling and data viewing tool that looks and works much like a spreadsheet. A CA-Compete! model, however, can contain many more dimensions than are provided in the standard two- or three-dimensional spreadsheets, allowing you to capture and analyze the complexities and dynamics of real world business problems and situations. With a powerful set of tools, functions, and reporting capabilities, CA-Compete! can help you reduce the time required to create analyses while increasing their sophistication and value. One of the greatest attributes of CA-Compete! is its flexibility. A model can have as many as 12 dimensions of data where you define the number and type of relationships between each dimension. Dimensions can represent different elements of a business or categories of data. For example, you might want to track the financial performance of products over time for each of several regions — a four-dimensional analysis. You could expand the model to include other relevant dimensions of data, such as distribution channels, different scenarios, or competitors. ❤︎ INSTALLATION: Can be installed either by using the 2 floppy disk folders, or all the files can be copied into one folder and used without installation. ❤︎ MANUALS: Download includes PDF copies of the original user manuals.
Windows 3.x / Computer Associates International, Inc.
CA-Cricket Graph 1.3.1
Cricket Graph, from Cricket Software and later Computer Associates, was a best selling presentation graphics program, and a companion product to CA-Cricket Presents (formerly Xerox Presents). This program can create a variety of graphs, such as line, bar and pie charts. CA-Cricket Presents can then import the graphs in to presentations. This version is for Windows 3.0
DOS / Computer Associates International, Inc
CA-SuperCalc 5.1a
SuperCalc 5.1 is a spreadsheet for DOS that pioneered many advanced features. Eight 360k raw disk images are included. The installer checks for the disk labels, so you MUST install directly from the floppy images. Be sure to specify the appropriate installation type at the installer menu. A 5.1B update patch is included on the last disk.
OS/2 / Computer Associates
CA-SuperProject 3.0 for OS/2 and Windows
CA-SuperProject, 3.0 for OS/2 and Windows, dated November 1993 + updated install disk 1 from 1994. Includes instructions for patching the OS/2 version to run on large memory systems. *The other version of SuperProject 3.0 on this site contains only the Windows version and is dated November 1992*