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System / Linksys
Linksys LNE100TX(v5) Fast Ethernet Adapter Drivers 5.12
Linksys LNE100TX(v5) Fast Ethernet Adapter Drivers for DOS/Novell/WFWG3.11/9x/NT/2000/XP
Games / Ransom Publishing
Little Monsters: TV Trevor in the Galactic Kid 1.0
Educational computer game for Windows 95. CD-ROM Format in an ISO disc image created using ImgBurn and packaged as a ZIP file on Windows 10.
Games / Broderbund Software
Logical Journey of the Zoombinis Deluxe CD-ROM 1.0
An .ISO of the original CD-ROM, this version works on Mac (OS 9 and earlier), Windows 95/98, and Windows 3.1. An educational logic puzzle game, you must get the entire population of Zoombini Isle across the continent to Zoombiniville, solving puzzles along the way with ever-increasing difficulty. This is the first title in the Zoombini series. For more info:
Utility / Logitech
Logitech Mouseware 4.10
Logitech Mouseware 4.10 Source: Logitech FirstMouse+ Mouseware Version 4.10.000 Year: 1998 Platform: DOS, Win3.1, Win95, Win98, NT3.51 & NT4.0 Interface: Serial, PS2, Bus Card AppleSeed 2024
Other / G DATA
Logox 1.0
G Data Logox, Speech synthesis German Version / Deutsche Version Produktbeschreibung SV: 486er, Win95, 4 MB RAM, CD-ROM-LW, 7 MB HD Deutsche Sprache - klar, angenehm und verständlich. Das Logox-Sprachausgabesystem für Windows setzt einen präzisen Standard für die Rechner von heute. Logox ist keine synthetische Spracherzeugung - es bildet Worte und Satzmelodien nach völlig neuen Erkenntnissen. Durch die patentierte Mikrosegmentsynthese lassen sich immer die dahinter verborgenen menschlichen Stimmen erkennen. Liest beliebige Texte in deutscher Sprache vor. Realisation von verständlicher Aussprache und Information.
Other / SouthPeak Interactive
Looney Tunes Daily Desktop 1.0
Computer Desktop Novelty Software for Windows 95. CD-ROM Format in an ISO disc image created using ImgBurn and packaged as a ZIP file on Windows 10.
Games / i dont know
Lost VIkings2 2.0
Where are you from? where do you want to go? Three star...back to your heart...Maybe forever not mind.来自中国的备份.
System / Lotus Software
LOTUS DOMINO 4.52 32bit 4.52
Lotus Notes Release 4.5.2 continues to surpass its competitors by providing users with a network client that integrates tightly with desktop productivity applications, extends the functionality of popular web browsers, and provides a new model for navigation of mail, Web pages, applications and personal calendars - all within one consistent user experience. Release 4.5.2 preludes 4.6's addresses of five key areas: integration with desktop productiviy tools, including Lotus SmartSuite and Microsoft Office; Microsoft Internet Explorer integration; a new task-oriented navigation scheme that vastly accelerates user productivity.
Office / IBM
Lotus Notes 6.1 6.1
IBM Lotus Organizer 6.1 is the latest version of the world's leading personal information manager
Office / Lotus Development Corporation
Lotus SmartSuite (PT-BR) 97
Pacote Office composto pelos seguintes programas: WordPro (editor de textos), 1-2-3 (planilha de cálculo), Approach (banco de dados), Freelance (apresentações multimídia), Organizer (agenda eletrônica) e ScreenCam (grava a atividade do computador).
Office / IBM
Lotus SmartSuite 96 4.0
SmartSuite is an office suite from Lotus Software. The company made versions of its office suite for IBM OS/2 and Microsoft Windows.
Office / Lotus
Lotus SmartSuite Millenium Edition 9.5
Approach (v.9); 1-2-3 (v.9); Organizer (v.4.1); Word Pro (v.9); Freelance (v.9); ScreenCam (Win95/WinNT); SmartCenter (v.9); FastSite (v.2.0)
Games / Infogrames
Lucky Luke
Based on the famous comics series about good cowboy Lucky Luke. In the game you as Lucky Luke have to arrest four Dalton brothers – Averell, William, Jack, and Joe. On your mission you will progress from level to level shooting bad cowboys, jail-breakers, and bad Indians with your revolver; collecting bullets, dynamites, sheriff stars, and other useful items; running, jumping, ducking, and climbing. The locations vary from Forts, Towns, and Jails to Mines, Train, and Saloon with Ghosts. On every level you have to complete different submissions to progress – either to free a Bank Director, or to collect Three Nuggets for Miner to obtain a Nitroglycerine, or to build a Totem for Apaches, etc. At the end of some levels you confront the big boss, it is often the one of Daltons.+++For Win9.x but Works with DOSBOX too+++
Other / ClySmic Software
Lunabar 1.10
"Places an icon in Windows 95's taskbar displaying the current moon phase and age. Click to open a full lunar almanack displaying phase; rising, southing, and setting times, the constellation & signe of the moon, and more." (Shareware)
Lunabar 5.20
Beautiful program. Moonlore, poems, astronomical and astrological info (Moon, Sun, Cycles and Eras, the Seasons, etc.)
Multimedia / Leonardo Haddad Loureiro
LView Pro 1.D
LView Pro is an image file editor for Microsoft Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51 or newer and Windows 3.1* with Win32s 1.30 or newer. It loads/saves image files in: JPEG JFIF, GIF 87a/89a, TIFF, Truevision Targa, Windows and OS/2 BMP, ZSoft's PCX, and PBMPLUS' PBM, PGM and PPM formats.
System / Media4 Productions
MacDrive 95 1.3.1
MacDrive 95 is a system driver for Windows 95 that seamlessly reads and writes 1.44mb formatted Macintosh floppy disks. Note: this only works on 1.44mb disks, not 400K/800K disks.
Multimedia / Adobe
Macromedia Director 4 Installer 13 Disks 4
Macromedia Director 4 it has been used to mockup Graphical user interfaces and create prototypes of applications, as well as create self-running Kiosks on CDs and DVDs. It has also been used to author interactive games with rich graphics and embedded QuickTime movies.
Multimedia / Macromedia
Macromedia Fireworks 3.0 Spanish 3.0
This is the spanish version of Macromedia Fireworks 3.0 for Windows
Multimedia / Macromedia
Macromedia Flash 4 (Pre-Activated) 4.0
Popular tool for creating web animations and other forms of multimedia. Program is already activated after installation, so no key is ever required.
Multimedia / Macromedia
Macromedia Flash 5.0 Beta 5.0
Beta version of Flash 5, very hard to find. Pre-cracked to circumvent serial and expiry date checks.
Multimedia / Macromedia
Macromedia xRes 3.0 3.0
Macromedia xRes is a raster image editor that works with selections, layers, channels and paths. Includes some filters to transform images. It can open and edit PSD Photoshop 3 files too, including layers structure and blend modes. Also, includes a special collection of brushes, gradients and textures to paint.
Games / Small Rockets
MAD: Global Thermonuclear Warfare Full 1.0
DirectX 7 based 3D video game designed for Windows 95/98. Full version. Strategically defeat the computer (or another web player) with an arsenal of nuclear missiles and satellite stations. Mutually Assured Destruction is inevitable with the Dooms Day Device, but can you acquire it?
Games / Microprose
Magic: The Gathering 1.25
Magic: The Gathering é um jogo de PC publicado pela MicroProse em abril de 1997 com base no jogo de cartas colecionáveis Magic: The Gathering. É frequentemente chamado de Shandalar devido o plano de Shandalar, onde o jogo se realiza. O jogador deve percorrer a terra e lutar contra inimigos aleatórios para ganhar cartas, e derrotar cinco feiticeiros que representam as cinco cores.
Multimedia / Magix Corporation
Magix Music Studio v2000 v2000
For those people who have been unsuccessfully looking for Magix Music Studio v2000 (Windows 95/98) to access old *.SNG files created with the program. (Instructions in accompanying text file)
Other / Waterloo
Maple 4.4
Solves equations and other math things. Can calulate Pi to billions of decimal places.
Games / Harbor Town Games
Master Flash Grade 5 1.0
Educational computer game for Windows 95. CD-ROM Format in an ISO disc image created using ImgBurn and packaged as a ZIP file on Windows 10.
Games / Compedia
Math Attack 2002
Educational computer game for Windows 95. CD-ROM Format in an ISO disc image created using ImgBurn and packaged as a ZIP file on Windows 10.
Office / MathSoft
MATHCAD 4.0 4.0
MATHCAD 4.0 Math calculation and verification for Engineering. Graphic User Interface for Windows. MathSoft (pre-PTC version), by Mark Rasdow Zip file contains 3 disks (3.5" x 1.44)
Other / MathSoftSoft
MathCad 6 Plus 6.0 Plus
I've been using it since 1995. I got the Mathcad 7 and 8 upgrades and hated them. So, I've been using 6.0+ ever since. Mathcad 6.0+ ran fine on Win 95, Win NT, Win 98, Win 2000, and Win XP. Win 2000 and XP were a little trickier to install. I just took a good install from a Win 95 machine, copied the whole WINMCAD directory and transferred it to the 2000 or XP machine. Then I tweaked the Windows file associations manually. Don't istall it in a "LongName" directory, "Program Files", instead e.g. "C:\Bin\WINMCAD"! After installing, replace the MCAD.EXE with the cracked one. You may copy manually (and register with regsvr32) the VBRUN300.DLL into your WMCAD or system directory.
Other / MathSoft
MathCad Professional 7
WYSIWYG Computer Algebra System primarily used for technical computations. Check INFO.txt for serial