Category: Games
Year: 1998
Description:LEGO Creator supplies you with an infinite amount of building blocks. You can build whatever you like in this sandbox game. Any non-standard blocks all have a city theme, so you are best off building streets, buildings, cars, etc. You can create and assign LEGO puppets to houses and you can crawl inside the skin of any puppet to inspect your newly build city through their eyes, or take a spin in your custom build race car. The game comes with a wide array of prefab buildings and vehicles. Whenever you've built something you do not like you can destroy it with special destructa-bricks.
Manufacturer: LEGO Media
Localization: EN
OS: Windows 9x/ME

Files to download

#24361LEGOCreatorDEMO.zip40.5 MB0xD4A67F2C

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