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Office / Microsoft
Microsoft Word for DOS 3.1
Microsoft Word 3.1 for DOS. This archive contains four 720k disk images.
Microsoft Word for DOS 4
Word processor for DOS
Office / Microsoft
Microsoft Word for Macintosh 1.00
This is the first version of Microsoft Word for the Apple Macintosh computer. Unlike the DOS version, it used Apple's GUI and displayed documents on the screen similar to how they would appear on a printer.
Microsoft Word for Macintosh 3.00
Version 3.0 for Macintosh adds a built in spell checker, outliner, style sheets, page preview, hyphenation, and sorting. It was considered the most advanced word processor on the Macintosh at the time. The initial release had some bugs that were addressed in the 3.01 and 3.02 updates. There was no Microsoft Word 2.x for Macintosh, the version was skipped to synchronize with the DOS version. Not copy protected. Requires Mac 512k or higher. Comes on two 800k disks. Was also available on 400k disks.
Microsoft Word for Macintosh 3.01
This is a minor update to Microsoft Word 3.00 for Macintosh.
Microsoft Works 2.0
Microsoft Works 2.0. 4x 1.2mb / 5.25" Floppyimages Deutsche Version
Microsoft Works 3.0
Integrated office suite. (archive with 5 .img files)
Office / Microsoft
Microsoft Works 2.0 2.0
Microsoft Works 2.0 for DOS. Be warned: this is a Russian version.
Microsoft Works 2.00 (de) 2.0
Disketten Namen: WORKS_200D Disk1 : Programm und Zubehör-Diskette Disk2 : Einrichtungs und Konvertierungs-Diskette Disk3 : Ducker-Diskette Disk4 : Rechtschreibung und Hilfsprogramm-Diskette Disk5 : Thesaurus-Diskette Disk6 : Lernprogramm-Diskette (Teil 1+2) Disk7 : Lernprogramm-Diskette (Teil 3+4)
Office / Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Works 3.0 3.0
Microsoft Works 3.0 for MS-DOS, Spanish. Contains 6 .ima files (3,5" 720K) containing all the installation disks
Office / Microsoft
Microsoft Works 3.0 (Standard) 3.0
Microsoft Works fot DOS. Readed from an old floppy 720K. Works ok on an IBM convertible
Office / Microsoft
Microsoft Works for DOS 1.05
Microsoft Works is an all-in-one word processor, spreadsheet, and database. To install, write the images to floppy disks, or mount the files folder as drive A: and run setup. This archive contains 8 360k disk images.
Microsoft Works for DOS 2.0
Microsoft Works 2.0 (DOS) - Inclui processador de texto, planilha de cálculos, banco de dados e programa de comunicação. Microsoft Works 2.0 for DOS - Including text processor, spreadsheet, database and comm program.
Office / Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Works for DOS 3.0 FR Version 3.0
Version "réseau" : 3 répertoires pour environ 8 Mo Pour l'installation : cd works.300 cd install init ... Attention dans le répertoire de init.exe, le programme image.exe a fait planter ma VM !
Other / "Gary Cooper"
MicroSoft's Undocumented Features 1.6
Some "undocumented features" kind of manual (for DOS 3.3, DOS 5.0 & DOS 6.0). Nice reading :)
Office / KHK
Software für die Organisation von Mietkostenabrechnungen. (c) 1990 von KHK Software AG (heute Sage Group Plc.)
Other / Papp László
Mikrobi Homelab 4 / Brailab 4 Home Computer Emulator 3.0
This program emulates two Hungarian mid 80s home computers: Homelab 4 and its talking variant, Brailab 4. This package is not only for Hungarians, but for all retrocomputing and emulation fans. Detailed English and Hungarian docs are included, which give a lot of info about these once popular micros. More than 150 original Homelab programs are also included for running and studying. The software is for DOS and works with Dosbox and other PC emulators, see the docs for further details on running it. Ez a program ?leth?en emul?lja a Magyarorsz?gon a nyolcvanas ?vekben n?pszer? Homelab 4 ?s Brailab 4 mikrosz?m?t?g?peket, amik a Luk?cs fiv?rek ?s a KFKI kutat?csoportj?nak keze munk?j?t d?cs?rik. A csomagban r?szletes le?r?s van, amib?l t?bbet is megtudhatunk e remek g?pekr?l. M?g jobban ?t?lhetj?k ezt a korszakot, ha lefuttatunk n?h?nyat az emul?torban a mell?kelt t?bb, mint 150 program k?z?l. Az emul?tor DOS alatt fut, de kit?n?en m?k?dik Dosbox alatt, illetve m?s m?dokon is fel?leszthetj?k, err?l a dokument?ci? r?szletesen ?r.
Games / Human Edge Software
Mind Prober 1984
Mind Prober is a novelty/entertainment program where one takes an "assessment", answering a number of simple questions, and then the program produces a lengthy report allegedly producing some insight in to a persons personality. Just think, these days your "smart" phone collects a trillion times more information about you, and somehow you are OK with that. Important: This disk image contains copy protection. You must write this to a real floppy disk or use an emulator that supports IMD files, such as PCE. Archive includes one 320k 5.25" floppy disk image in ImageDisk format.
Games / Infocom
Mines of Titan
Mines of Titan is a role-playing adventure, set in the year 2261 on the largest moon of the gas giant Saturn, at the edge of frontier space. You are charismatic 22-year-old astronaut Tom Jetland, who has crashed on Titan with no way to leave. You must search for, recruit, create and control a party of characters ready for exploration and combat. Success depends upon competence in battle, exploration and tracking down the clues to solve the mysteries of Titan. For only by uncovering a vast conspiracy and learning the fate of the disappeared Proscenium Colony will you be able to raise enough credits to pay for safe passage off Titan.
Games / Infocom
Mini Zork I: The Great Underground Empire 1
A demo version of Zork 1, covermounted on the UK's ZZAP!64 magazine.
OS / Peephole
Mini-Windows 3.1
PeepHole F16 (94k) PeepHole FAT 16 Beta 1.00 Install Files - MSDOS v6.22 or lower PeepHole F32 (88k)PeepHole FAT 32 Beta 1.00 Install Files - W9x MSDOS v7.x or higher
OS / China DOS Union
Mini-Windows 3.11
UNOFFICIAL release, i.e., non-Microsoft. From "China DOS Union". Mini-Windows for Workgroups 3.11 Boot Disk (.img file)
Office / El-Cat Inc.
Another Polish word processor (in light version of SŁOWO2), "Słowo" means "Word" in Polish.
OS / Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Minix 2.0.4
Minix 2.0.4 for DOS 8086 realmode. MINIX is a Unix-like computer operating system based on a microkernel architecture created by Andrew S. Tanenbaum for educational purposes; MINIX also inspired the creation of the Linux kernel.
OS / Andrew S. Tanenbaum
Minix for 286 2.0.4
Minix 2.0.4 for 286 (with 2M+ memory, 1.44M floppy drive or two 720K floppy drives). MINIX is a Unix-like computer operating system based on a microkernel architecture created by Andrew S. Tanenbaum for educational purposes; MINIX also inspired the creation of the Linux kernel.