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Office / otus Software.
Lotus 123 3
Lotus 1-2-3 is a spreadsheet program from Lotus Software. It was the first killer application of the IBM PC, was hugely popular in the 1980s, and significantly contributed to the success of IBM PC-compatibles.
Office / Lotus Software
lotus 123 2.2 2.2
Tried and tested on DosBox-X running under a Windows 10 Host system. Installed program, along with 3.5 floppy images and extracted files located in their individual folders are present in the downloadable *.zip file. Kindly read "Readme.txt" for instructions/information on problems you may encounter.
Office / Lotus Development Corporation
Lotus Freelance Graphics 4.0 for DOS
Lotus/IBM Freelance Graphics is a vector based presentation and graphing package developed for DOS, OS/2, and Windows. It was intended for use alongside Lotus 1-2-3. 4.0 appears to have been the last DOS version. Archive includes twenty three 5.25" 360k floppy disk images. 21 are Freelance disks, and two are a special bundled version of GrandView.
Office / Lotus Software
Lotus Freelance Plus 2.0
LOTUS FREELANCE PLUS is the graphics toolkit supplied at extra cost by the manufacturers of LOTUS 1-2-3. It provides for creating and editing charts (pie, bar, column, line) and text displays (sign, form) with a library of about 500 symbols. One may also create freeform drawings with a mouse (MICROSOFT, Mouse Systems) or graphics tablet (SUMMA-SKETCH, Kurta Series One).
Lotus Freelance Plus (SUPP UTIL DISK#2)- two disk images
Documentation supplement contains information about device drivers that are new in Freelance Plus.
Office / Lotus Software
Lotus HAL
A clever utility to enable the use of Lotus 123 using everyday language constructs. Named after Stanley Kubrick's famous computer from the film "2001 a space Odyssy"
Office / Lotus
LOTUS HAL 1-2-3 is a 123 companion product .That enhances the full range of 1-2-3 powerfull capabilities .business software database.
Office / Lotus
LOTUS Hood System .Open Systems. general ledger. 3.01
Lotus hood system on three disks .programs and sample data for ms-dos with business basic extended no exe or com files just files to load into lotus look to be accouinting software files.
DBMS / Lotus Development Corporation
Lotus Improv for the NeXT Computer 1.0
When the NeXT cube was promo'd there was talk of next gen object oriented software that was going to be delivered. And this is the #1 piece of software that was what NeXT hoped would be their killer app, Lotus Improv. Sadly for NeXT, it was not.
Office / Lotus Development Corp
Lotus Jazz 1.0
Lotus Jazz was a heavily marketed all-in-one integrated office suite that included a word processor, spreadsheet, graphing, database, and communications program. Jazz was targeted as a universal solution for all office workers. Although at release, the program was exclusively for the Apple Macintosh 512k. Despite the marketing effort, it flopped miserably.
Lotus Jazz 1.0a
This version contains an updated disk specifically for the Apple Macintosh Plus computer. The original 1.0 only supported the Macintosh 512k.
Utility / Lotus Development Corp
Lotus Magellan 1.0
Magellan was a desktop search tool and file viewer. It indexes all files on your hard drive and you can search for related information across file formats.
Lotus Magellan 1.0 Evaluation version
This is the free evaluation version of Magellan 1.0. Magellan was a desktop search tool and file viewer. It indexes all files on your hard drive and you can search for related information across file formats.
Office / Lotus
Lotus metro applications disc .I had great problems copying these files from the b: disc persistence finely paid off the metro file was in a separate directory on b: which I could not reproduce so these files as is from the b:disc
Utility / Lotus Development Corporation
Lotus Metro 1.00
Lotus Metro is a set of resident desktop management tools similar to Borland Sidekick or Popcorn desktop. Metro includes an appointment book, phone book, scheduler, calculator, clipboard, and a text editor. A user can call up these tools while almost any other DOS program is running. In addition to performing small tasks without exiting their primary program, Metro can copy information from or to the screen. It also include macro functionality for automating tasks comparable to Borland SuperKey. It was primarily targeted at existing users of Lotus 1-2-3 and Lotus Symphony. It was followed up by at least one update, Lotus Metro 1.1. Metro is not very intuitive. Here are a few hints to get started: - Activate the configuration menu: shift-alt-? - Press shift-alt and a letter to activate other accessories. - F10 brings up the accessory menu, which lets you quit. - Scroll lock allows you to move the window using the arrow keys. Important: It seems to be incompatible with DOS 5.0 or later. The keyboard stops accepting input. Use an earlier version of DOS.
Office / Lotus Development Corporation
Lotus Symphony 1.00
Symphony is a an integrated software program that combines five tools: spreadsheet - word processing, graphics, database management, and data communications - in one package. This archive contains six symphony 360k disk images plus one courseware disk image in raw, CopyIIPC+Snatchit, and Transcopy format. Important: These images contain copy protection. To write functional disks, you must use the CopyIIPC or Transcopy images. These two sets will also work unmodified in the PCE emulator. For your convenience, the unprotect has been included with the files in the Files folder. Run Runme.bat in the program folder. Note: To install to a hard drive, use the DOS copy command to copy all files from all disks to a folder on a hard drive. You may run symphony.exe from the hard drive, but the program disk (the protected key disk) must be in the floppy drive, unless you applied the unprotect.
Lotus Symphony 1.1
Lotus Symphony 1.1 German language edition. This version already has an unprotect applied.
Lotus Symphony 2.00
Lotus symphony 2.00 is an integrated office suite that features Word processing, Business graphics, Database management, and Communications. Archive contains nine 360k disks. Raw 360k disk format. There does not appear to be any copy protection, although unserialized disks may have protection. To install, copy all files from the disk to a folder. Then run Install.exe to configure your hardware. On standard hardware and emulators this program supports up to 640*350*16 EGA graphics.
Lotus 3 is a very good racing game. To refuel, pull over to the fueling area (usually after the checkpoints) and steer right while decelerating. Try it!
Office / PCSG, Inc./DacEasy, Inc.
Lucid-3D Version 2
Lucid 3D, created by PCSG, Inc. and sold by DacEasy, Inc., is a spreadsheet program for MS-DOS. The feature that sets it apart from others is that it is memory-resident, so you can bring it up on top of other DOS programs and exchange data with them. Unlike simple TSRs, however, Ludid 3D is a full featured spreadsheet. It features linking, macros, windowing, intelligent recalculation, background recalculation, and user-definable functions. This software is not copy protected. Includes one 360K 5.25" floppy disk image.
Games / A.T.A Sistemas
Lucifer 1.0
A program to fool your friends making them think a spirit in the computer is answering questions. Type ';' to start typing the answer and 'Enter' to continue typing the question.
Other / Mark Whiteman/Luigi Bianchi
Lunar/Solar Eclipse Predictor
"This program pre-dicts and retro-dicts lunar and solar eclipses with high accuracy and speed". Uses Ephemeris Time. Software by Mark Whiteman ("Astronomy", 1986); edited by Luigi Bianchi in 1989. Simple, accurate and efficient!
Games / Infocom
Lurking Horror
It's 8 p.m., and you've got just two things on your mind - the twenty-five page paper that's due in the morning, and how you're going to get to a computer terminal in the middle of the worst blizzard to hit G.U.E. Tech in over a hundred years. The strange rumours of a rash of recent student disappearances, while unset- tling, hardly merited your attention, or so you thought. But now you're trapped in a maze of buildings late at night, and events begin to take a macabre turn. Suddenly, you find yourself face to face with an ancient horror lurking just below the surface of a quiet little campus, and a life and death struggle with occultic forces beyond your deepest nightmares.
Multimedia / unknown
LyapTrue 2.10
• Program that draws the Lyapunov fractal in 32768/65536 and 16.7 mil colors • NEW read and write values from PAR files • supports resulotion from 320x200 up to 1280x1024 • PCX file saving and batch mode support • improvment of the batch mode, handle * and ? with PAR, LYP and PCX files • /VIDEO=XXX as commandline parameter • Easy to use menu system with mouse support * older versions included
Communication / Jason R. Alward
Lync 3.2 3.2
Have you ever wished you could find a communications program that wasn't a 150-300k program requiring a hard disk to run efficiently? One small enough to run in a DOS shell from a large application, without being totally stripped of essential features? Lync was written to fill this need. Occupying less than 55k of disk space and requiring less than 95k of free memory, Lync will operate on all but the most restricted of systems. And the menu driven interface means you don't have a long learning curve before you can use it. Read the list of features below and you'll see, all the essentials are there.
Utility / Fabrice BELLARD
LZEXE 0.90
LZEXE was the first wide known executable file compression for PCs under MSDOS. It allowed the MSDOS executables (.EXE or .COM files) to be compressed and then launched without having to decompress them explicitly.
LZEXE 0.91
LZEXE was the first wide known executable file compression for PCs under MSDOS. It allowed the MSDOS executables (.EXE or .COM files) to be compressed and then launched without having to decompress them explicitly.