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System / The MicroWiz Systems
XTRA MEGA V Thai Driver 2.3.79
Thai Driver for DOS (VGA) Original version has a COPS COPYLOCK II protection. This is the patched version. Include Thai-English Word Processor (WordStar alike) and Lotus 1-2-3 v2.2 patched to support Thai language.
Utility / Executive Systems, Inc.
XTree 2.00 for Tallgrass Products
This is a special version of XTree designed specifically for use with Tallgrass tape drives. Using this version, you can directly copy selected files between your hard drive and tape drive. This version will not run without the Tallgrass hardware/software.
System / Executive Systems
xtree gold 2 2.00E
XTree was a file manager software originally designed for use under DOS. It was published by Executive Systems and first released on 1 April 1985, and became highly popular. The program used a character mode interface which had many elements typically associated with a graphical user interface.
Utility / Underwear Systems
Xtree Gold 3.11
XTree is a file manager program originally designed for use under DOS. It was published by Underwear Systems
Utility / Executive Systems
XTreeGold 2.51
XTree Company released XTreeGold v2.51, its award-winning hard disk file management software in 1991. Unzip into a new subdirectory and run XTG_CFG.EXE to configure your PC drive and subdirectory; then run XTGOLD.COM.
Utility / XTreeGold
XTreeGold 3.0 3.0
hank you for purchasing XTreeGold 3.0, the most powerful file and disk manager available!
XTreePro Gold 1.3
A once popular file manager for DOS based computers.
XTreePro Gold 1.4
Installed copy of Xtree Pro gold
Utility / Grammar Engine
xv6502 Debugger beta version 0.1
The microview debugger for 6502 processors used with the Grammar Engine PROMICE hardware.
Utility / XyQuest Inc.
XyWrite II Plus 1.10
XyWrite was a popular, fast, and flexible, word processor on early IBM PC and compatibles.
Utility / NSTL
I know almost nothing about this software. It's been laying in my disk bank for a while. The publisher is out of business and all I could find was a page on how to use it. Used to check if your machine is Y2K compliant.
Games / Stone & Associates
Young Math 2.2
This game was originally developed in 1985 by Elmer Larsen and published by Stone & Associates. The version here is 2.2 and it is dated 1990 (though I'm not sure what they added to the game, nor where I can find a copy of the original 1.0). Also for some reason the copyright goes to Nighthawk Computing, though I don't know why (unless Stone & Associates later became Nighthawk Computing, or else Elmer Larsen ended up starting his own software company). Well this game is simply an old DOS edutainment math game for very young kids (like 5 to 7 age range I'm guessing).
Games / MANTRA
Ys II Special
Licensed Ys II "remake", loosely based on the Ys II anime "Castle in the Heavens." Aside from the original Ys II songs, composed by Yuzo Koshiro - this game includes several exclusive tracks composed by SoundTEmP. Development of Ys II Special started in 1992, and the original plan was to include a full voice over, but due to lack of resources and storage - the idea was canned. I've been investigating this game and I have yet to find a release date. All I know was that it was released in 1994. If I do find out the release date, I will make sure I update this archive. This game was also included on the cd-rom for a Korean PC gaming magazine in 1999.
System / Zenith Data Systems
Z-200 Diagnostics 1986
These are a set of diagnostic programs for Heath/Zenith Z-200 computers. These are bootable disks with a "Limited MS-DOS Version 2.01"
Utility / Tim Middleton
Z-Crypt 0.31
Small, fast file encryption / decryption program, not recommended for high security uses. Can scramble the file name, overwrites the original file (beware!)
OS / joan riff
z80 and cp/m 2.2 emulator for ibm-ms-dos
z80 and cpm 2.2 emulator for ibm-ms-dos.important read first
Games / Lucasfilm Games LLC
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
Zak McKracken is a tabloid reporter (and not a very good one at that). Based upon a psychadelic dream, Zak one day realizes that something is wrong -- Space Aliens are dumbifying the general public through the telephone system. Zak must stop this, but he can't do it alone. After finding a magic crystal (or some sort of crystal), Zak manages to get the help of Anthropologist, Annie, and her friends, Melissa and Leslie. Between the four characters (all of which you control), you can destroy the dumbifying devices and save the earth. Not too bad for a tabloid reporter.
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
Vollversion in deutscher Sprache, getestet mit DOSBox v0.74
Games / Lucasfilm Games
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (Spanish) En Castellano
Aventura gráfica con el motor SCUMM. Un grupo de alienígenas, liderados por el Gran Rey, está planeando usar una extraña máquina para hacer que todos los seres humanos del planeta Tierra se vuelvan estúpidos. Para ello, manda a un par de infiltrados a las agencias telefónicas, donde conectan su máquina... por lo que todo aquél que use un teléfono, está a su merced.
Games / Compile
Zanac 1.0
Zanac from MSX ported to DOS. Just run the EXE on DOS or win9x. Not emulator.