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Utility / Cheyenne
ArcSolo for DOS 2.20c
Cheyenne ArcSolo for DOS Tape Backup Software for DOS/Win3x Version 2.20c english, 1995. Original Install Disk as ZIP.
Games / Micro F/X Software
Arctic Adventure should run on all computers with CGA or better graphics, and about 350K of free memory. You may need to unload some TSR programs if you are low on memory.
Games / Apogee Software
Arctic Adventure vol 1-4 vol 1-4
Nice platform game from Apogee. The sequel to Pharaoh's Tomb. All 4 volumes included.
System / ARF Inc.
ARF Antivirus Utilities 2.4
ARF Anti-Virus is somewhat unique among anti-virus products. This is a virus *PREVENTION AND RECOVERY* system, not just another virus "detector."
Other / J Scott Hedspeth
ARIEL - High Frequency Wire Antenna Design 3.00
ARIEL v3.00 * HF Wire Antenna Design * Provides design parameters for various HF (1 to 30 MHz) wire antennas. Now in color. All SF/SSN, LCF, T-line, sunrise sunset functions have been removed from v3.00. Still FreeWare by WB4YZA
System / Arity
Arity Prolog Compiler 6.0.39
The Arity Prolog Compiler is an implementation of the Prolog language. It competed against Borland Turbo Prolog.
Utility / Robert K Jung. All rights reserved.
ARJ ARJ version 2.50
RJ v2.50 - Official release of the file archiver ARJ, which has more features than any other archiver. This release contains the ability to archive up to 32,000 files at one time, response file support, enhanced SFX modules, a multi-volume SFX module, a search and extract feature, an archive naming option based upon date or time, and more. For MS-DOS 2.11 and above.
ARJ archiver 2.60
Compressor / decompressor
Games / Taito Corporation
Arkanoid II - Revenge of DOH
Another great conversion, note: Kryoflux dump from original disk and PSI image for PCE/IBM
Games / Three-sixty Pacific Inc
Armor Alley
The objective is to assist deployed units, with the player's helicopter, in their efforts to destroy an opposing base at the opposite end of the play area. The enemy possesses the same arsenal as the player, so tactics and convoy composition are vital. Only the van, which contains electronic warfare equipment, can achieve victory by coming into contact with the enemy base. Its armor is quite weak, so these units must be protected at all times.
Games / Psygnosis
Armour-Geddon is a 3D computer game developed and published in 1991 by Psygnosis for the Amiga, DOS and Atari ST platforms. The setting for the game is post-nuclear holocaust Earth, where privileged group of humans have made it through the war in purpose-built shelters while rest of the humankind suffered. People outside, disapproving how they have been treated, have secrectly constructed a laser cannon to even the score. The player takes the side of the Sheltered ones trying to prevent the outsiders from shooting the cannon. This is possible only by collecting all five pieces of an ancient neutron bomb and dropping it on the hostile beam cannon. In addition to this, the player must defend the base from enemy attacks and gain time by destroying generators powering the beam weapon. There is a strategic view where player can allocate scientists to develop more effective weapons and engineers to manufacture them. In the 3D vehicle simulation, the player pilots up to six different vehicles in the battlefield including heavy and light tanks, hovercraft, helicopters, fighters and bombers.
Arrowsoft Assembler 2.00c
Old assembler for Intel 8086, 80186 and 80286 CPU's.
Multimedia / Playback utility program
Artform 3D 1
Artform 3D is a sofware tool which may be used to create 3D animation. The user freindly environment contains a complete set of utilities for producing high quality presentations. Artform 3D is suitable for advertising, education or any number of other applications.
Games / Infocom
Arthur: The Quest for Excalibur
King Uther is dead, the country in chaos. With Saxons at the border, England stands on the precipice of war. Clamoring for a king, the people embrace a usurper, who steals Excalibur, and with it the throne. You are Arthur, the rightful heir. Young and inexperienced, with only Merlin as your guide, you must prove yourself worthy to rule and regain your throne.
System / Artisoft Inc.
Artisoft Ethernet Adapter Drivers 2/15/92
Driver disk included with Artisoft AE-1/T, AE-2 And AE-3 Ethernet Adapters.
Office / CCP Development
Artline 2.00
Artline is vector and shape based drawing and illustration program that includes a GEM/4 runtime.
Multimedia / Sunset
ARTool 1.3
With ARTOOL you can create sophisticated graphic displays that you can use in your own applications. ARTOOL skips the tedious "edit, compile, and run" phase of writing most graphics applications, by allowing you to directly manipulate the graphics on the screen until it looks perfect. Then ARTOOL can produce 'C' code that you can embed directly into your own Borland code for the fastest graphics ever. Documentation and Help-File included
Office / Trius Inc.
As Easy As 4.00Q
AsEasyAs is a powerful and large spreadsheet of 1024 rows x 256 columns. Create GRAPHS on screen or a printer, manipulate DATABASES, PRINT formatted reports, execute programmable MACROS or calculate sophisticated models with a generous selection of Finance, Statistic, Logic and Science functions. Version 4.00 of AS-EASY-AS supports the development and use of Add-In programs. This is the german version.
As Easy As Version 5C
Spreadsheet program.
Office / Trius, Inc.
As-Easy-As 3.01
o 2048 rows by 256 Columns- Uses Sparse Memory Matrix for efficient storage. o POPUP or PANEL menus - You decide which is best for you! o Powerful Graphics- Can create BAR, STACKED BAR,LINE, XY ,PIE, HILO SEMI-LOG and LOG-LOG graphs on your Epson compatible printer , All without every leaving the spreadsheet! o Intelligent Recalculation - Its blazing speed derives from the fact that it only calculates those cells it needs to calculate. o Over 50 {MACRO} programming commands.... o Over 43 @FUNCTIONS for Math, Statistics and Finance.... o 3D-SIMULATION, You can reallocate spreadsheet memory upto 100 planes. o NO INSTALLATION, On almost every IBM PC compatible it will run immediately with out time wasting hardware installation. ( Runs on CGA,MONO,MGA,EGA,AT&T .... video/graphics cards. ) o HELP screens , built right into the program , over 50 pages... o BUILT IN UTILITIES, text FIND/REPLACE, MACRO recording, AUDITING GOALSEEKING and more..... (Other spreadsheets sell these features as expensive ADD-INS) o Highly LOTUS/123 compatible (1-2-3 trademark of LOTUS Development Corp). Shareware.
Office / Trius Inc.
As-Easy-As 5.7
AS-EASY-AS: The Extraordinary Spreadsheet! Latest version of the Shareware Industry Award Winner for "Best Application, 1992" Packed with dozens of new features! Linear Programming, Multivariate Regression; External user Functions; 3D Graphics... And Standard features like .WKS & WK1 file compatibility; Hundreds of Math, Financial, & Stat Functions, dBASE interface; Matrix operations; and more... Package includes a comprehensive manual and the free full licence provided by the Manufacturer.
Utility / MicroTalk
ASAP Screen Reader for DOS 2002-01-10
This powerful piece of software (one of the best in its category) enables a blind person to interact with a DOS PC and use most text-based apps efficiently by providing important information via a wide variety of supported speech synthesizers (internal cards, or external devices attached via COM or LPT ports). Those who still own a supported external synthesizer can still use this program in a WIN9x/ME "DOS box" or in an emulator which enables the emulated system to access physical ports (such as DOSBOX). All demo limitations have been lifted.
Office / Trius Inc.
AsEasyAs 2.05
AsEasyAs is a POWERFUL spreadsheet (1024 rows x 256 cols) with a large set of menu command features. Graphics and Reports can be produced directly from information you input. Help menus describing math functions, macros, and special features may be accessed by pressing F1 from within the spreadsheet.
AsEasyAs 3.0
AsEasyAs is a powerful and large spreadsheet of 1024 rows x 256 columns. Create GRAPHS on screen or a printer, manipulate DATABASES, PRINT formatted reports, execute programmable MACROS or calculate sophisticated models with a generous selection of Finance, Statistic, Logic and Science functions.
Office / Titus
AsEasyAs 4.00R
AsEasyAs is a powerful and large spreadsheet of 1024 rows x 256 columns. Create GRAPHS on screen or a printer, manipulate DATABASES, PRINT formatted reports, execute programmable MACROS or calculate sophisticated models with a generous selection of Finance, Statistic, Logic and Science functions. Version 4.00 of AS-EASY-AS supports the development and use of Add-In programs.